Insurrection-Lite: The Supreme Court Downsizes the “Insurrection” to Largely Trespassing

Below is my column in the Hill on the Supreme Court decision on Friday in Fischer v. U.S. to reject hundreds of charges in January 6th cases for the obstruction of legal proceedings. For many cases, that will leave relatively minor offenses like trespass or unlawful entry. It is only the latest blow to efforts to portray the riot as a massive conspiracy to overthrow the government. While portrayed by pundits and press in strictly ideological terms, it actually produced an interesting line up with Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson voting with the majority and Justice Amy Coney Barrett voting in dissent.

Here is the column:

The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday in Fischer v. U.S. struck down one of the most common charges against January 6 defendants. “Obstruction of an official proceeding” had been used in hundreds of cases, and those convictions are now invalid.

But the biggest impact of the decision may occur elsewhere.

For years, calling January 6 an “insurrection” has been a litmus test for press, pundits and politicians. Members of Congress such as Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) claimed a conspiracy of “armed and organized insurrectionists.” The claim is legally absurd but politically advantageous.

It now seems like the insurrection increasingly looks more like a legal case of mass trespass and unlawful entry.

I have always believed that criminal charges were warranted for the riot of Jan. 6, 2021. But this week’s decision shows how the Justice Department has wrongly prosecuted hundreds of people for the obstruction crime. It was all part of what Justice Department official Michael Sherwin proudly declared in a television interview, that “our office wanted to ensure that there was shock and awe…it worked because we saw through media posts that people were afraid to come back to D.C. because they’re, like, ‘If we go there, we’re gonna get charged.’ …We wanted to take out those individuals that essentially were thumbing their noses at the public for what they did.”

The Fischer opinion will bring an end to a minority of cases that were based entirely on the charge under 1512(c)(2). The section had been enacted after the Enron scandal in 2001 with the collapse of an energy company accused of corporate fraud. It was designed to allow criminal charges for the destruction of evidence in the form of documents and records.

The Justice Department chose to interpret that provision to broadly include any obstruction of any legal proceeding, and then used it in hundreds of Jan. 6 cases. At least a quarter of the prosecutions included this charge. Most also included other charges, including trespass and unlawful entry. A small number involved serious offenses like violence against officers and an even smaller number involved charges for “seditious conspiracy.”

For most cases, the decision may require resentencing. Others with pending charges will go to trial without an obstruction claim.

One of those is former President Donald Trump. Special Counsel Jack Smith brought four charges in Washington, D.C.: obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the United States and conspiracy against rights. The Fischer ruling means that half of the indictment would be dropped. Smith could be compelled to seek a superseding indictment.

The loss of the obstruction counts seemed to rip the wings off the plane that Smith has been trying to get off the ground before November. It was the obstruction theory that held the indictment together — the notion that Trump was directing his followers to stop the certification from occurring by charging the Congress.

The court rejected this theory and noted that that the “novel interpretation would criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison.” Smith has been here before. He was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court in his conviction of Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell. Notably, as with today, the court found his theory to be dangerously “boundless.”

Smith has made a trial before the election his highest priority. Judge Tanya Chutkan has been all-in on that effort with Smith, including accepting his obstruction interpretation. She may allow Smith to go forward on the two remaining counts, but that may depend on what occurs next when the Supreme Court issues its ruling on presidential immunity, including a possible remand to the trial court for further proceedings that could extend beyond the election.

The obstruction charges helped complete the insurrection narrative for many in the press and politics. I have long disagreed with that claim. As shown by polls, most citizens view January 6 as a protest that became a riot, not as an attempt to overthrow the government.

I was contributing to the coverage on January 6. I did not agree with then-President Trump’s claims to challenge the certification, and I criticized his speech while he was still giving it. But that speech was entirely protected, in my view, under the First Amendment. Importantly, it included a call to his supporters to remain peaceful.

The insurrection myth was used previously in court as Democratic secretaries of state sought to bar Trump from ballots under a meritless constitutional claim that was rejected unanimously by the Supreme Court.

Now the remaining charges are largely for trespass and unlawful entry into the Capitol. Yet, the myth will continue as a mantra in the media that this was an attempt to overthrow the government.

The disconnect is not simply with the cases. Biden continues to claim that “democracy is on the ballot,” and many have claimed that this will be our last election if Trump wins. This hyperbolic claim ignores the many safeguards in our constitutional system, the very safeguards that led to the certification of Biden’s victory in 2020.

The greatest problem is that Biden’s line about democracy is not resonating with the public, despite the virtual echo chamber in the media. According to a new poll of swing-state voters from the Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, over half of respondents view Biden as a threat to democracy and not its savior. Forty-four percent said that Trump would do a better job at protecting democracy compared to just 33 percent who believe Biden would be better for democracy.

Part of the problem is the array of court decisions finding that Biden has repeatedly violated the Constitution, including engaging in racial discrimination and attempting to rule by circumventing Congress.

Biden has also become the most anti-free speech president since John Adams, including the establishment of a massive censorship system described by one court as “Orwellian.” As I discuss in my new book, the Biden administration has brought together an unprecedented alliance of government, corporate and academic interests to target and silence those with opposing views.

These, combined with the weaponization of the legal system and his party’s efforts at ballot cleansing, hardly make Biden look like the defender of democracy to many citizens.

For those who have been found guilty under these unlawful charges, it is a bit late to convert the Justice Department’s “shock and awe” into a mere “aw shucks.” It can also seem just awful for many citizens who see the political rage of Jan. 6 replaced by a type of state rage. As a result, Fischer suggests for many that democracy may be on the ballot, but the threat is not exactly what the press and the pundits have suggested.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School and author of “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage.”

263 thoughts on “Insurrection-Lite: The Supreme Court Downsizes the “Insurrection” to Largely Trespassing”

  1. Barry Sotero committed cold-blooded first-degree murder at least twice killing Father and son both named Anwar al-alaki. Soon after then FBI Chief Mueller told told Barry that Barry could repeat that same murder on us soil if Barry wanted to. Surely it must have occurred to Joe bribeum to murder Trump with a drone on us soil just as Mueller recommended. After all according to Joe bribeum and the Dems Trump is a threat to the human race he is Hitler and he is a threat to American democracy. What more evidence would the Dems possibly need to send a drone to land on Trump’s head?

  2. I’ve had a problem with Eric Swallwell ever since it was ‘discovered’ that he was sleeping with the enemy—literally.
    His excuse/apology/defense ? He didn’t know —- the FBI cleared him of wrongdoing (that was convincing – he’s a Democrat) —

    Swallwell; Schiff; Dan Goldman; are among the Dems who belong on Trump’s revenge list —

    So when Swallwell yells loudly that his was an Insurrection by ‘armed’ individuals — he should be given no credibility —

  3. With regards to trespassing how well does that charge hold up if in many of the cases the Capitol Police can be seen on video directing people inside. So if you are invited in can you be charged with trespassing?

    1. Of course they charged them anyway as they were invited in and escorted around the maze of the capitol building which is byzantine and a puzzle without knowledge and mapping.
      It’s called entrapment, a setup, LIHOP or MIHOP, let it happen on purpose or make it happen on purpose, the latter obviously is what happened here, with video of the capiitol police yelling we got set up (left hanging without security assistance), undercover agents screaming to climb the wall and invade on their personal vidcams, the tear gas bombs blasted deep into the crowd causing a surge forward toward the capitol entrances to escape the burning gas, the refused national guard by pelosi and the libdem dc police chief xhe woman, the cops only asking people to leave the capitol after a few hours… when commanded to do so obviously, the “disrupted proceeedings” disrupted by mere chance and COWARDICE and unknown “security procedures” , the 40,000 hours of capitol video hidden from the public and from the courtrooms of those charged.
      Lying about 4 to 5 deaths of cops and or gov officials which did not happen.
      Ignoring the deaths of the public which did.
      Agents on video screaming we’re going into the capitol, into the capitol! not charged and not pursued, the fbi unwilling to deny their agents, hundreds of them, were under cover in the crowd, and inside the capitol dressed as maga and directing the entrants around the building (since it’s a maze).

      So just like the russia russia russia lies the neocon cold warriors used to overthrow the Trump presidency illegally and with foreign nations cooperation, this was another hit job on Trump and all his biggest supporters.

      If you still can’t see it, don’t know it, or think this government isn’t corrupt to the core, take another jab, it’s number 10 booster last time I checked. It’s safe and effective, I AM THE SCIENCE, mr anthony fauci, afterall, would NEVER LIE to the public…

    1. The scumbag pig committed cold-blooded first-degree murder. He needs to be charged convicted and given a death sentence the sooner the better

  4. No rational person would consider a protest on election interference and fraud that devolved into a riot to be an actual attempt to overthrow the entire US government. You can’t fight the marines with blue face paint.

    Anyone who attempted to shove their way onto the Senate floor should of course be properly charged, but most of the videos of that day show smiling people walking around, taking selfies.

    The disparity in treatment under the law between Democrats and Republicans is staggering. Democrats rioted, looted, committed arson, burned a police precinct to the ground, and seized entire city blocks under CHAZ. Many weren’t charged at all, and of those who were, many were diverted to restorative justice. Compare with the weaponization of government against anyone who was at the Capitol on January 6, even if all they did was take a selfie.

    Democrats have abused their authority to try to prevent Trump from being elected, try to get him out of office, and get his supporters. Putin would be proud.

    1. The irony is even greater. Because Democrats and Leftists have been, for years, trying to interrupt various Government proceedings such as Kavanugh, the Federal Court House in Oregon, Trump’s inauguration in 2017. Yet Sarbanes-Oxley was never used by them to punish their fellow travellers.

      1. Without a double standard, Democrats would have no standards at all.

        Trump would have been removed via the 25th Amendment long before ever reaching the confused, shuffling stage of Joe Biden, who has to be led by the hand by his wife.

        Trump would have been impeached if there was the equivalent of Hunter’s laptop that implicated him while he was president.

        Democrats have looted, rioted, committed arson, burned a police precinct to the ground, lobbed homemade bombs at federal buildings, threatened to burn entire cities down if juries didn’t go their way, seized entire city blocks in autonomous zones to rule as CHAZ, interrupted federal proceedings, occupied the state capital in Madison, WI, wore Handmaid costumes in capital buildings, and glued their hands to pavement. We are to believe they’re doing their civic duty. Republicans engaged in ONE riot, in which a group broke away from a peaceful Trump rally, to go to the Capitol and protest election interference and fraud. Some were let in my Capitol police. Most milled around peacefully and took selfies. A small group broke off from them, and tried to force their way onto the Senate floor. One unarmed rioter was shot while she attempted to force her way through a broken pane of glass in the door. Everyone who entered the Capitol, even if they remained peaceful, was arrested, and many were put in solitary confinement. We are told this one riot was supposed to overthrow the entire US government. Even people who attended the peaceful Trump rally, who never broke off or set foot in the Capitol on Jan 6 have had their lives ruined.

        We’re all expected to just go along with this double standard. It would be laughable if Democrat activists didn’t have control of all government 3 letter agencies, and hold so much control in the criminal justice system.

    2. Karen S: Putin would be proud that the LIES are working–that there are so many people like you out there who believe lies and who would support a lying, convicted felon, adjudicated fraudster, adjudicated sexual assaulter, and someone who started an insurrection and tried to prevent the election winner from takng office. On top of all that, he was the worst occupier of the White House in recent history, and got into office, despite losing the poular vote, by plotting with Russian hackers. He made a mess of the US economy, of our public health, and left a mess for Joe Biden to clean up. According to nobel laureate winning economists, our economy would go to hell under a second Trump term. From CNN: “Five Enduring Lies About the Capitol Insurrection:

      “The Capitol insurrection was based on a lie about the 2020 election. And for a whole year now, the insurrection itself has been lied about.

      Donald Trump supporters’ violent attack on the Capitol has been the subject of a dishonesty campaign that began amid the fog of January 6 and escalated even as the facts became clearer. Trump, some right-wing media figures and some Republican members of Congress have mounted a sustained effort to rewrite the history of that deadly day.

      They have falsely claimed all of the rioters were unarmed. They have falsely claimed the people at the Capitol merely held a “protest” against an election they falsely claimed was fraudulent. They have falsely claimed the rioters were welcomed into the Capitol by police officers.

      They have falsely claimed the riot was orchestrated by left-wing groups or the FBI. And they have falsely claimed nonviolent rioters are being jailed as “political prisoners.””

      The insurrectionists came to Washington because the LOSER of the 2020 election LIED about nonexistent fraud–going on “Stop the Steal” tours to rile up fans. There wasn’t any evidence of fraud then, and there still isn’t, 4 years later, after over 60 lawsuits, dozens of investigations, audits and recounts. He STILL lies about it. You are incorrect about “most’ of the videos that day consisting of “smiling” selfies. Those present in the Capitol building BROKE IN after battering police officers. In those RARE instances when police didn’t try to stop some of them, it was because they were outnumbered and were trying to de-escalate further violence. And, you’d really have to be naive or simply dumb to believe it wasn’t a planned insurrection: 1. “stop the steal” tours; 2. Trump telling fans to come to Washington, saying “it will be wild”; 3. Steve Bannon telling the faithful to “strap in”; 4. telling Proud Boys to “stand by”; 5. planning meetings at the Willard Hotel; 6. reconnaissance missions to plot how to divert Capitol Police away from the most-vulnerable entry points; 7. cache of weapons in Virginia hotel room across the Potomac. 8, Fake electors in swing states who signed false certificates that Trump had won the popular vote in their state WHEN HE DIDN”T.

      WHY did these people need to ENTER the Capitol in the first place? WHY did they plot on how to cross police lines–they could carry their Nazi flags and “Camp Auschwicx” t-shirts and Trump flags and do their protesting outside. “Any rational person” would know that the reason for entering the Capitol was to stop Biden’s victory from being certified–after Trump couldn’t bully Pence into refusing the votes–something he had no power to do. AND, it went on for over 3 hours, while Trump basked in the glory of the power he had over vulnerable people like you while his staff and family members begged him to call it off. It only stopped when it became clear that the plot failed–Pence refused to leave the Capitol grounds and members of Congress had been gotten to safety.

      Trump is unique–uniquely incompetent, uniquely narcissistic, uniquely able to lie, lie, lie without compunction, uniquely unsuccessful in business–6 bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, lies to borrow more money and on better terms that he qualifes for by misrepresenting facts on financial statements and loan applications, uniquely brags about an ability grab women by their genitals, pays off a porn actresss and nude model with whom he had dalliances, falsifies business records to cover up the payoffs, and is on his 3d unsuccessful marriage. According to you and your MAGA media sources, he should just get away with the crimes he was indicted for, because bringing him to justice would be “lawfare” concocted by a “weaponized” justice system? You are so gullible.

      1. Gigi – even the politicized CIVIL jury explicitly did not find Trump guilty of rape.

        Why did they enter the Capitol on Jan 6? To protest the election interference in 2020, and urge the Senate to extend the deadline to certify the election, in order to further investigate this interference.

        Why did Al Gore successfully seek to extend the deadline to certify election results past November 14th? Because he believed he actually won the election. He lost the election at the first count, lost the statewide recount triggered by the slim margin, and he lost the third hand recount that was the result of his lawsuit against the FL Secretary of State. In that lawsuit, he successfully got the deadline extended, and the results weren’t certified until November 26, in which he lost for the third time. He then sued again, and demanded a fourth count in which there would be a hand count of ballots in which no selection for president was recorded at all, and only in counties that held a Democrat majority. That fourth recount, after the election results were already certified, and so clearly intended to only find ballots for Democrats, was shot down by SCOTUS.

        Al Gore absolutely tried his hardest to overturn the election results of 2000. Was he trying to overthrow the country?

        1. Any degree of penetration is rape under state law. The jury decided that he didn’t get his penis into her-just fingers—but it’s still rape. Didn’t Hannity explain this? This was adjudicated. The jury didn’t believe him.

          The mob invaded the Capitol because they believed the Big Lie and they were trying to stop Biden’s victory. They were not motivated by seeking a “delay “. The Constitution is clear— there aren’t any exceptions for the purpose of trying to buy time because a loser can’t accept the fact that he lost. The only election interference was done by Trump when he tried to get Secretaries of State to falsify vote counts and fake electors to falsify official records.

          Al Gore never got even ONE recount. Republicans got the recount stopped because they knew he won. Gore never went around the country stirring up people to attack Congress. Just another example of your nonsensical comparisons. And the violence to which you refer happened when George Floyd was murdered— not instigated by an election loser.

          And did you see Joe Biden’s comment on the outrageous SCOTUS ruling? Of course not—Fox didn’t cover it, but he was articulate and well spoken.

              1. Believe all women, right? Biden has been credibly accused of digital rape by one of his former staffers. This is a FACT.

  5. For any libtard who claims that J6 was a planned insurrection:

    How was it put down?

    1. Hear ya – if it was planned – they’d of heard about it- and j6 committe would be otw about intell failures and how to more power to investigate Americans. Maybe it wasn’t planned and they know that – hence heretofore no one has been charged under the inserection statute? On an aside I do take a bit of issue with the scouts using this case to reign in the blank check of an ‘obstruction charge.” – bc it’s a favorite for tptb to invoke. Our town used “obsruction” against a contractor without a license. While not being listeicensed had its own penalty – they were like – you made our job harder to find you – so x obstructed. And they boot strap their own policy to get greater coverage. It’s our pd’s policy to respond to every call – noble enough so they respond to neighbor girls pool party bc a Karen next door calls the < 9pm. So bunch cops at neighbors – I call the admin line ….what's with all the cops? They eventually come arrest me per my warrant "we had better things to do" ? Really like answer Karen's call and come harass a bunch of high schoolers having eoy pool party? Ok.

      1. Echo chamber . Obstruction is for low hanging fruit. The very fact they don’t have a law (most often the perp has the constitutional right too boot hence any law would be unconstitutional on its face – dah) let’s them mold into a catch all using “obstruction” – while they know full well the low hanging fruit can’t afford a trip to scouts. Not even for as applied. And they know low hanging fruit can’t sue them for abuses because they have immunity – bc the dog hasn’t chased its non existent tail to find existing a case on point. All makes a mockery of our bill of rights and constitution – as obstruction is a blank check tptb few can afford to challenge. And that fact remains even after this SCOTUS decision. The playing field will remain the same for the rest of us peons. And academia et al will keep pretending something changed. It didn’t for the 99.99 percent of Americans. Notably absent from the decision was expost facto and the rule of lienty- instead it was a construction exercise like those cannons are paramount. And I guess they are disposition- but the Joe six pack presumed to “know” the law is not well schooled or equipped with the cannons of statutory construction. Which begs had the scouts found “otherwise” meant broadly whatever there was then no problemo? After all it couldn’t be vague…I just think scotus threw under the bus – void for vaguesness- ex post facto and the rule of lienity …. on the mantle of statutory construction. And it’s going to take decades more to flesh that out. If ever – say otherwise ain’t so Joey may get us nuked before then.

        1. Worse – Joe six pack is presumed to know the law – yet most opinions and dispositions of cases on the blank check “obstruction” cases are not published! And if your state is like mine – no jury even hears them. So there isn’t even the American people grape vine! Just saying.

          1. Ironically we hear Monday the scope of presidential immunity. Meanwhile 20-25 percent of working Americans are govt employees with immunity! And we the people don’t get to directly hire nor fire them. Whilst we do get to vote in/out presidents at least from time to time. Every 4 years as we are the ultimate BOSS. So if the scouts say our pick isn’t immune – while insisting everyone our picks hire are – ain’t gunna sitwell. That is if opm and their deep state they hire is immune- but the guy we the people hire is not? Mondays case is not about immunity – its about if the scouts respects the integrity of our elections and then the judgement of our collective citizenry to vote our best pick. It will be too much cognitive dissonance if scouts say – yeah we created govt immunity – but it doesn’t apply to the top guy you all picked….it only applies to the executive – judiciary – and legislative- to all govt except you the peoples pick for president. Sorry. Nor can they implant notions of frolic or respondent superior. Ad the president who is the executive – accounts only to the people – via elections or once removed via impeachment. He can’t be left to account to the league of prosecutirs lurking throughout the USA- without rendering us as we the people not the BOSS.

            1. Mondays case is not about presidential immunity – its about our right to elect our leader. …and the scope of power we allow him. And it’s not the hypothetical about seal team 6 used to kill a political opponent. One we have impeachment for that first via us the BOSS. But two seal team six died already. In Afghanistan- albeit no one was fired for it – and no next of kin have a case ….. bc the actors negligence is immune. Was it negligence ? Let me rephrase the actors are simply immune and it probably wasn’t negligence.

              1. And then we have the problem with concessions – both of facts and of law. Which renders article in many cases actually advisory. The un spoken in the opinion which was a concession. Like barretts free speech opinion – it proceeded in March to presume “blocking” of speech was unconstitutional – great if so – if mere blocking of speech is unconstitutional – then punishing people for speech is likewise. If it’s unconstitutional to block – before you ever heard it – then it’s definitely unconstitutional to criminalize what was heard. Unless they be fighting words or false advertising. Un protected speech. But Barratt diverts us to another 50 to 100 years of fleshing it out in court. So much for judicial economy so much for the first amendment.indeed the mere blocking of someone- even the obnoxious- is the very life line that keeps th out of jail – for speaking their mind – which is often criminalized under other novel statutes the people didn’t learn in civics class. Yet the scouts “advise” by leap frogging fundamental questions that have been conceded. It’s like some guilty pleasure by a conspirator proves a conspiracy – whilst the conspirator just wants his own neck. It’s like res adjudicate on steroids- bc Cohen plead guilty – it’s all true – even tho he had hundreds of other reason – deal be one of it- to just plead. His pleading does not make facts let alone truth. No more than Barry saying we haven’t found evidence – whilst not even investigating for evidence. It all lacks integrity in the first instance. But we are where we are – those of us who spot and demand integrity vs those who claim they are honest by splitting integrity from reality. Americans got a grip. And see it what it’s for. And it ain’t for them. This coming revolution will flow naturally – because Americans know it when they be ‘too muched” – monday is a new day. Our creator has made all us in his image. Sp say at first to forgive – for they know what not they do. Then decide who is your warlord. Bc war is inevitable. If they shot on us and say our guy us is not immune while their 25% of the labor force by virtue of govt job? It’s d day. ‐..

    2. It died of its own accord after members of Congress were evacuated safely and Pence wouldn’t budge form Capitol grounds, so Trump called them off.

    3. It died when members of Congress got away to safety, Pence refused to leave the Capitol grounds and Trump, after over 3 hours, called them off.

  6. When Democrats tell us that they will do anything to keep Trump out of office, we’d best believe them.

  7. Every comment logged in as anonymous is the same troll, Peter Hill. You can tell because they all have the same handle.

    Prove me wrong

    1. You can’t be logged in as anonymous. Anonymous means that you’re not logged in. As am I and I am not Peter Hill.

      Other than that, great theory.

  8. What an interesting poem!

    Hughes Mearns

    Yesterday, upon the stair,
    I met a man who wasn’t there
    He wasn’t there again today
    I wish, I wish he’d go away…

    When I came home last night at three
    The man was waiting there for me
    But when I looked around the hall
    I couldn’t see him there at all!

    Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
    Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door… (slam!)

    Last night I saw upon the stair
    A little man who wasn’t there
    He wasn’t there again today
    Oh, how I wish he’d go away…

    There is also a song, and it was covered by Glenn Miller, too!

  9. No amount of lying by DNC leadership and their acolytes, teleprompters, marketing messaging nor armies of trolls can undo the damage.

    The Dems are joyless, controlling authoritarians. In the minds of Biden’s Handlers, Joseph Biden is merely an unclean virgin to be sacrificed by the Irreligious Left. The Aztecs had nothing on them.

    Biden Tries to Quell Donor Panic at New York Fundraisers

    “Some large-dollar supporters doubt the president can win the election if he stays on the ticket”

    Some donors who attended events doubted that Biden, 81, could win the election if he stayed on the ticket. One donor who went to a weekend event wanted to tell the president in person that he should step aside and lamented not having the opportunity to do so. The donor described the gathering as a “joyless” event that only fueled more concerns about the president.

    Some donors described one of the events as overly controlled, with Biden reading from a teleprompter and providing little one-on-one time for meaningful exchanges with the donors who propel the campaign.

    1. Estovir, the joylessness, the lack of energy, the absence of enthusiasm. It all smacks of an upcoming loss. It is abundantly clear at this point which side has the momentum, the excitement, the vision, the unity … and that is none other than the GOP and Donald J. Trump. I don���t say I can tell the future, because it is still possible that Biden will stay in and win. I’m just saying it feels like a mirror image of 1992, 1996, and 2008, when the roles were reversed.

        1. LMAO The very idea these insane psychotics who think their very existence is on the line and that Trump is the new Hitler awaiting to ascend to his tyranny throne forever and bring back the hanging rope and jim crow and the KKK, not to mention the 3 letter agencies and demoncrat gov employee powers and MSM arent’t going to pull every cheat known to humanity widely and with fervor and absolute cover up is literally bonkers. The courts are utterly cowardly and feel they cannot speak since the al gore crucible cooked their goose with the public lies told about them afterwards. I watched Scalia himself in public claim they won’t disqualify Barry Hussein Seotoro because he wasn’t natural born, because THEY ARE AVOIDING THE ISSUE.

          Hammer and Scorecard will be employed, and the next republican will be treated the same way, just as they have done as long as you can remember in your lifetime, only now they have removed the gloves entirely and tell any lie whatsoever right out in the open.

          Stop trying to fool yourself. If you haven’t got off your duff and EMPLOYED in person physical attendance and activism TO TRY TO CATCH IT IN YOUR AREA, well, it will take a lot of coping when they steal it again, and that is definitely going to happen.

          I have seen the overwhelming evidence from 2020 myself. I have seen the mathematical proofs, and it isn’t even close, with the official numbers used county by county, charted by exacting percentages, which are by no means EVER natural.
          They have moved on from the boomer brainless what’s a computer how does math work stupidity. There are so many crimes nowadays and the justice system is so slow and pathetic it behooves the entire structure to blow off most of everything, since politics has invaded every crevice of modern life, you have endless thousands who help the cheats and support every lie every moment of their lives.

          “gee,,…. i hope da demmies dont cheatsie…!!!”

  10. Wanna bet this story is more accurate than anything the fake propaganda news puts out?

    “The Senior Sk . . .k laid down these conditions for Rutabaga to drop out: a $2 billion presidential library, a $100m book deal, and legal immunity.

    Wait, why would Rutabaga need legal immunity? I thought President Trump was the “criminal”?

    1. “The Tough Negotiator: Jill Biden Digs in Her Heels. As President Joe Biden’s tenure faces increasing scrutiny and challenges, the spotlight has turned towards his wife, Jill Biden, who has emerged as a formidable force in the political arena. Far from the traditional role of a First Lady, Jill is demonstrating a tenacity and strategic acumen that could redefine the political landscape.

      Reports from insiders indicate that Jill Biden has laid out a series of non-negotiable demands that must be met before she will consider allowing her husband to step aside. These demands, which have taken the political world by storm, include a staggering $2 billion fund for the construction of a presidential library, immunity from prosecution for the Biden family, and a guaranteed $100 million book deal.”

      [The Biden’s are self-serving criminal SCUM]

        1. Exactly. They need it because they are CRIMINALS. It’s the family business.
          They are disgusting human beings. Joe Biden is total SCUM. So is his wife.
          We as a country cannot let them get away with their lies, their treason, treachery and crimes.

          1. The day we see Merrick Garland and Lisa Monaco cuffed, shackled in leg irons, with belly chains, and then frog marched into prison for a long, long time will be a good start to restoring Law & Order in this country. Then get to Weissmann, Norm Eisen, Colangelo, Comey, ET AL. GET THEM ALL BEHIND BARS.

            Start with them. Then keep going….
            We’re gonna need a bigger PRISON for all these criminals.

  11. OT:

    Dr Vinay Prasad on point as usual

    Some doctors & professors claim Biden’s debate performance was due to stuttering or cold medication

    A med student would fail for diagnosing an 81 year old man who loses his train of thought with a stutter.

    Obviously, these comments are so delusional that they represent wishful thinking driven partisan bias. Had Trump exhibited anything remotely similar to Mr. Biden, the same commenters would be writing op-eds about the wonders of donanemab, or phoning in levodopa to Walgreens. They would be calling for him to undergo cognitive testing, drop out, and more.

    When Trump had COVID, some doctors claimed we should use the 25th amendment to remove him. Trump famously debated while having COVID19 (with the severity of illness seen in 2020— not the cold like virus we have now in 2024), yet that performance was nothing like this weeks.

    These are the same people (e.g. ex-Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam MD) who argue performing a late term abortion is just dandy but insult you if you mention the aforementioned. They lie with bravado and intent to intimidate.

    1. Estovir..!

      Several times this week we saw clear evidence that you and your puppets are products of a troll farm. ‘

      You’, as Estovir, Floyd and Waters went ballistic too many times. Those 28 different handles Wednesday evening, the Book of Revelations and that ancient Welsh poem, plus Waters meltdown last night when grilled by David Benson.

      All these incidents are evidence that professionals of some kind are holding these threads hostage. And ‘you’, Estovir, were the first of countless bots.

      So where do you go from here? Now that all the readers know? Can you carry on with the charade like everything is normal?

      You will if someone’s paying you. The question is ‘who’?

      1. Peter Peter Pecker Eater

        Every day you expose yourself as an idiot who doesnt even believe her own horse shit.

        If every commenter here is one person a) how is it that you know that Benson isnt Floyd? You have
        Claimed that Waters disgusting comments about the Catholic Church are some sort of head fake by Estovir.

        Also, your boy Benson was handed his ass on a factual matter and decided to pitch a tantrum. What else was there to it in your reality?

        Like KJP you feel the need to characterize it for Estovir and Gigi, as if they dont have the capacity to read it for themselves.

        So here we have another example, You are filling in Estovir on the debate he had with someone else. So clearly you dont think waters (earlier you said wells, because you’re a spastic idiot) is Estovir.

        Is it your life’s goal to present yourself as the biggest idiot to ever post here? If so, you are succeeding.

        Oh, and sorry that all those posts drove your steaming turd down the page, but now that i know it bothers you so, there will be more to come.

        1. Floyd, I mean ‘Estovir’– You follow this post by changing colors and attacking me. Which proves you ‘are’ a professional troll.

          1. You are attacking me and responding therefore you are a troll.

            An amateur troll, to be sure. But a professional idiot.

      2. “Now that all the readers know? “

        Again, Peter shows his low IQ.

        Who are “all the readers”. You’ve listed every commenter as a puppet.

        Who does that leave? You and Gigi?

        No one else reads these threads. Dennis posts, but doesnt read. Same for sammy, wally, fish wings, etc.

        So that leaves you and Gigi. Clearly benson thinks waters is real. He spent 4 hours trying to find a fake name. Clearly he doesnt think waters is floyd.

        But wait, Gigi responds to people all the time, screeching at the top of her lungs. Doesnt sound like someone who thinks shes talking to puppets. Unless she is as deluded as you. Because we have see than you are perfectly willing to talk to puppets.

        So that leaves you.

        How does it feel to be the biggest idiot on a blog filled with idiots?

        1. Estovir, I mean Floyd. Stop calling me Peter Hill. You are violating Turleys civility policy.

          And stop making fun of my mother. When she gets home from her glory hole gig at the pool hall, she will have something to say to you. Her name is Gigi,

          And stop flirting with Elvis Bug Your mega maga cock is mine, and he’d do well to remember it.

          Tell Waters that I want to feel him inside my little shit tube as well, after that cornholing he put on Benson last night. I am so jealous.

  12. Another items in Prof Turley’s list of anti-democratic actions that the Biden administration has taken is the refusal to have the Senate ratify the Paris climate agreement. (Joe is only following in the footsteps of Obama.) If, as Joe Biden likes to repeat, climate change is an existential crisis then he should go to Congress to explain himself and submit the Paris climate agreement to the Senate for ratification. A major international commitment by the US should be ratified by the representatives of the people. However, Biden knows that he cannot convince the majority of the American public and he knows that the Senate would not ratify the Paris Climate agreement. This then becomes a terrible precedent as well as an international agreement that has shallow if any US commitment.

    1. See below as Dennis the cock sucking liar finally comes out of hiding to claim he is out enjoying the sunshine. We all know of course that this is the first time he has been out of bed in 3 days as he mourns the loss of joe biden.

      Leering at young women is what this creepy old piece of shit wishes he was doing.

      Sitting on a park bench
      Eying little girls with bad intent
      Snots running down his nose
      Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes, hey, Aqualung

      Drying in the cold sun
      Watching as the frilly panties run, hey, Aqualung
      Feeling like a dead duck
      Spitting out pieces of his broken luck, oh, Aqualung

    2. If climate change is an existential threat a question then arises for Biden supporters. How do you justify the US causing probably a thousand trillion tons of bombs to be exploded in Ukraine over the past two and a half years?

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