Robert Hur Emerges as the Clear Winner in the Presidential Debate

The presidential debate last night was chilling to watch as President Joe Biden clearly struggled to retain his focus and, at points, seemed hopelessly confused. The winner was clear: Special Counsel Robert Hur. For months, Democrats in Congress and the media have attacked Hur for his report that the president came across as an “elderly man with a poor memory.” Hur concluded that prosecuting Biden would be difficult because a jury would view him as a sympathetic figure of a man with declining mental capabilities. That was evident last night and the question is whether a man who was too diminished to be a criminal defendant can still be a president for four more years.

Hur laid out evidence that President Biden had unlawfully retained and mishandled classified evidence for decades. However, he also concluded that “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” He found that “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him—by then a former president well into his eighties—of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

What has followed is the usual pile-on in the media with legal analysts, press, and pundits denouncing Hur for his findings.

Hur likely does not anticipate any apologies even as commentators on CNN and MSNBC admit that there are now unavoidable questions of Biden’s ability to be the nominee.

Democrats have repeatedly insisted that Hur did not find Biden diminished and that he actually was impressed by his memory and mental acuity. Hur contradicted that in his own testimony before Congress.

Indeed, the denial campaign took on a bizarre character, particularly when Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.) insisted that Hur “exonerated” Biden. Hur pushed back:“I need to go back and make sure that I take note of a word that you used, ‘exoneration.’ That is not a word that is used in my report and that is not a part of my task as a prosecutor.”

Jayapal shot back, “You exonerated him.”

Hur responded, “I did not exonerate him. That word does not appear in the report.”

The debate also further undermines the ridiculous effort of the Biden Administration to continue to withhold the audiotape of the Hur interview as privileged (despite saying that the transcript is not privileged).

The debate showed not only what Hur saw but why the Justice Department is making a clearly laughable privilege claim to delay any release of the audiotape until after the election.

467 thoughts on “Robert Hur Emerges as the Clear Winner in the Presidential Debate”

  1. Maybe Hur underestimated the jury pool. I for one think Biden is the resurrection of Vinnie “the Chin” Gigante, the mobster who walked around Manhattan’s Little Italy in his bathrobe and slippers in an attempt to beat RICO charges. Playing the “crazy card” is the first move. When I look at Joe and see right through him, I think he knows he’s a criminal and is playing the game. Maybe with some celebrity help, as he looks different every time he appears on-screen/in public. I would have no problem convicting him based on the evidence.

    1. Huh…this as opposed to Donny T – the convicted felon who is running to stay out of prison?….not sure that I agree!

  2. “…the question is whether a man who was too diminished to be a criminal defendant can still be a president for four more years.” MY question is 4 more days. This guy can’t find his a** with a flashlight and a bunch of amateur unelected retreads from previous administrations are getting him to sign anything put in front of him. What do you suppose they’re going to do next, now that they see their time to wreck the country is limited? Let illegals vote? More deficit borrowing to fund Ukraine? Let Iran make a nuke? Provoke a terrorist attack here so marital law can postpone the election? They have no limits on what they’ll do to stay in power…can’t win on their ideas and values. Buckle up America. The next 4 months are going to be worse than you ever imagined.

  3. Impeach Biden. Then impeach Harris for conspiracy against the US. She certainly covered up the conspiracy of Biden’s illness.

  4. Shame on Robert Hur for making the decision to not bring charges against Biden. It was not his place to make that decision.

    1. Probably should call Jill before congress as she is a co-conspirator to fraud and no way would she divulge the truth about Joe. Tucker says Joe was diagnosed in 2019 per Joe’s sister Jan. My question to her is, “Who is running the country without Joe?” Jail time for these peeps also.

    2. Maybe it was his decision? Discretion? But he stole the jury’s role for sure. Heck on Lehto’s Lww today – Steve relayed that man 2 years older than Biden apparently got charged with 8 charges for a low speed chase on his riding mower. He’s sympathetic – the “big guy” is not.

  5. Biden has been a grifting crook his entire political tenure as a Senator. Ask Jill’s first husband what a-swell kindly gentleman he is. Ask the poor truck driver’s family that his wife pulled out in front of what a stand up guy he is. He’s a corrupt criminal.

  6. The trainwreck of Joey Pinocchio briben bitler Magoo of the dark malarkey klan we saw the other day at the Debate is the rancid Joe we all know , and have known. Effectively its a total crash & burn with the DNC swamp apparatchiks trying to nail out the titanic we all know would sink. The grandiose lies , pathetic messaging , divisive admin against citizens and common sense , let alone culture have brought him to his destruction. His willing media sycophants can not even bail fast enough to save this sinking ship of fraud. America is so so worse off after four years of this puppet admin, run in the shadows by nefarious unelected apparatchiks willing to compromise America and sell out its citizens to the globalists .

    1. Where to they get to right to replace Joe with someone else ? Joe’s got the 1st vote locked up, states have laws that prevent them from changing the person who’s running. If there’s no consequence for the cabal that created this mess, it will happen again. Democrats think that they can will-nilly do whatever they want, laws, rules, etc be damned.

      1. They can replace him, or they never would have let this debate go forward. This was not a mistake. As for states having laws, have you noticed any Dems restrained by immigration laws or the Constitution? Me neither.

  7. “Hur laid out evidence that President Biden had unlawfully retained and mishandled classified evidence for decades.” This is almost beyond belief. Hur shows Biden should be prosecuted because he had no right to have classified documents in his home, as a senator and VP. Trump did, yet he WAS prosecuted by the far left DOJ. But Biden gets a pass, because Hur sees he is an old demented geezer who a jury wouldn’t convict – but ITS OK FOR HIM TO BE PRESIDENT!!? Biden, like the Clintons and so many other leftists, always seem to weasel off the hook for their crimes. Trump would be prosecuted if he jaywalked across a street in NYC.

    1. Shame on Robert Hur for making the decision to not prosecute Joe Biden. It was not his place to make that decision.

    2. Comey did the same thing with Hillary Clinton on travel gate and then again with her server and destroying blackberries.

  8. To again thank ‘Waters’ for the list of 36 Biden statements which were partial or total non-sense.

  9. “Biden had a cold.”

    One of my grad professors was an alcoholic, who came to a seminar drunk. The administration pulled him out of class and announced: “Professor X has the flu.”

    Grad students called it what it was: The Jack Daniels flu.

    Biden had: A dementia cold.

  10. The answer for the democrats dillema is simple.

    Starting tomorrow morning, Joes staff should just start telling him that this WAS his second term.

                1. It was so bad

                  67% thought Trump won

                  33% thought they were watching the pilot for Dead Apprentice

                    1. It was so bad

                      That even kamala harris is worried that kamala harris might be president

      1. Greg Gutfeld is that you? This comment and all the following replies appear to be lifted directly from Gutfeld’s Friday monologue.

  11. Jonathan:

    I know you’ve been waiting to hear all about my day today. Here is what i did.

    I slept until noon. I spent the rest of my day in my pajamas.

    When I finally crawled out of bed, i had my indentured servants (one white one black) make me a nice bowl of Quaker Oats (they remind me of Rachel Levine).

    I then called my sister, and cried for an hour.

    About 2:00, i went online and looked for a house in Canada.

    I then called my sister back and cried for about an hour.

    Then i went back to bed. My ambien just wore off so i thought i would check in since i know you’ve missed my Melania updates.

    Gonna call my sister and then back to bed.

  12. Gigi

    If Biden had a cold, why was he in a crowded waffle house after the debate, without a mask?

  13. Alvin Bragg, Michael Colangelo, Merrick Garland et al. must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for partial, political, and malicious prosecution under color of law, corruption, and conspiracy.

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