Post Poll: More Citizens Trust Trump Over Biden to Protect Democracy

The debate last night was chilling for many citizens as President Joe Biden clearly struggled to stay focused and responsive. It appeared to put on display what Special Counsel Robert Hur saw in his interview before concluding that Biden’s loss of mental capacity would make a prosecution difficult. What may be equally troubling for Democrats and the media is a poll that came out just before the debate that shows more swing-state voters see former President Donald Trump rather than President Joe Biden as protecting democracy.

According to a new poll from the Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, if “democracy is on the ballot,” the majority of the public believes that threat comes from elsewhere, including possibly Biden himself.

Over half of the respondents told the Washington Post that threats to democracy are extremely important to their vote for president. However, 44% said they think Trump would do a better job at handling those threats. Only 33% of respondents said they believe Biden would be better for democracy.

Many citizens are alarmed by prosecutions like the one in Manhattan where the legal system seems to have been weaponized against political opponents.

The poll not only shows the diminishing faith in the President but also in the press. The media has been unrelenting in pushing the narrative that this election is a choice between democracy and tyranny. The public is clearly tuning out the media message. This is only the latest example of that widening gap. Indeed, the whole “Let’s Go Brandon” chant is as much a criticism of the media as it is President Biden.

I have previously written that democracy is not on the ballot but free speech is. The Biden Administration has chilling analogies to the Adams Administration in the weaponization of the legal system and the crackdown on free speech. What should most concern Biden is the possibility of another aspect of history repeating itself: a defeat like the one in 1800.

As I discuss in my new book, The Indispensable Right, President John Adams, used the Alien and Sedition Acts to arrest his political opponents – including journalists, members of Congress and others. Many of those prosecuted by the Adams administration were Jeffersonians. In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson ran on the issue and defeated Adams.

The anti-free speech movement has flourished largely in the echo chambers of academia and the media. It is time for the public to render its judgment. Free speech is again on the ballot. It is time for the public to decide.

179 thoughts on “Post Poll: More Citizens Trust Trump Over Biden to Protect Democracy”

  1. PD-5 programme from natural herbs centre has done wonders for me. I even learned a few simple exercises I do daily to keep my back from hurting. It didn’t take very long before I started to get relief.

  2. I disagree that free speech is on the ballot- 2 court cases just ruled this term that the govt can squash it. The Facebook cases. What should be on the ballot is govt immunity – bc as long as they are immune they can trample so called free speech. Oh wait Barratt said they can anyway- who elected her on a ballot?

  3. Sir, I believe if you check you might find we are a Constitutional Republic and not nor have ever been a democracy.
    Respectfully Submitted

    1. You are right on! How can these dumba———svote when they don’t even know what kind of gov’t we have

    2. But are we a constitutional republic? I live in a police jurisdiction (pj) and have no representation at city council or vote for mayor – yet their ordinances allegedly apply. .. and they stick their goons on us. As to state I may have one legislator and one state senator – i can vote for – yet the 60 some others voted to take away from our county the right to vote for superintendent. And the school board picked our districts board member. I don’t feel like I live in a “represented republic” at all. And I’m mad at myself all the years with the military – believing I did. Yeah we are not a democracy – yet we ain’t a represented republic either.

      1. A democracy has a majority and minorities. You’re part of a minority from what you’ve said and feel like a loser. The republic means it’s a representative democracy. Reps represent the majority when meeting in congress etc. In such cases freedom means small government making only decisions ideally for all people and the remainder is left to State’s and individuals. The government is too large with too many laws.

        It’s really mathematics. When there are 2 parties it’s heads or tails.

      2. Jaelyn.Unfortunately you are fight in some cases espeacially in blue states where the ruleing elite seem to have the power.But thats because in these local school board or county elections have such a low voter turn out. All elections are important and in order for this constitutional republic to work properly you have to be involved! To many people have died to give us this sacred right to vote and in order to defeat these Cretains you have be engaged so yes we are a Republic and it works when people like you stay engagef

  4. I trust Biden to destroy our Constitutional Republic and nothing more, except perhaps start WWIII.

  5. peace, prosperity, original Constitution = ¿

    war, poverty, [dc,inc] = ¿

    The choice is crystal clear
    unless you are sheep

  6. The thing does speak for itself–and it’s painfully, grotesquely obvious that Biden is not running this country. He is a husk of a man, a shadow of his former self. Not that his former self was strong, or patriotic or virile. He was a feckless, limaceous, liberal toady, sucking off the taxpayers, gaslighting and grifting his way through the decades. He was installed as President not to work for the people, but to be a figurehead muppet, doing the New Liberal World Order’s bidding. Meanwhile, our Republic is crashing, burning and sinking. The middle class is being crushed between the millstones of taxation and inflation and the replacement citizens are pouring over the border. Done and done.

  7. We should start this discussion with the undeniable truth that all politicians are a threat to our democracy as their priorities are party first and country second.

    1. Every city, county, state and federal gov’t entity is corrupt along with MOST of the upper crust bureaucrats….

  8. You interject the word democracy into comments about our Republic as if you were suffering from Tourette syndrome. Your dreams of democracy are not dreams, but nightmares. Democracy is the rule by elites, elected by the people who wish to be ruled.

  9. Our nation is being invaded by millions of people and Biden has the power to stop it today and he won’t do it. They aren’t coming for free speech they are coming for government hand outs. The greatest threats to Democracy are the illegal invaders and election fraud.

    1. But, doesn’t Joe know what’s best for us? By the way, he has the power to stop it because he STARTED it. Brandon doesn’t give a rats patootie about “the country”. He is and always was a sociopathic grifter. Come on man.

  10. All this blather about ‘democracy’. That’s the (attempted) plan of the marxists: keep repeating that word over and over, so the gullible and ignorant believe it. The deep state’s hope is to actually have majority rule, which is what an actual ‘democracy’ is, with the sheeple voting for one or two or three “candidates”, chosen by the deep state. (Oh, wait…that rather sounds familiar…)
    That’s why they’re trying so hard to dismantle the electoral college.
    However, doesn’t work that way in a constitutional Republic, as America was founded.

  11. They have imported more than the margin of victory with the millions of “newcomers”. Now on government benefits, they are receiving voter registration materials and their only responsibility is to “opt out” of registration voluntarily. Nothing in the procedure will stop their registration and voting. They are being warned of the loss of benefits if Trump wins. The Democrat-controlled states will all miraculously produce Biden landslides. The only line of defense is local DAs who are all bought and paid for by Soros at this point: LA, NY, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Philadelphia, most of the other cities critical to swinging the margin of victory to the Democrats. The media in tow.

    1. President Trump offered having National Guard troops brought in but Piglosi rejected the offer. This FACT is well documented but it has heavily suppressed by the LSM.

    2. Every thing the left has accusedPresident DonaldJTrump of doing.Jo-Joand his family of crooks has already done!The wrong man is being persecuted The real perp is Joe Biden.The real crook and I might add Traitor to his country

    1. The glaring fact is that Pelosi got Chief Sund to resign the day after Jan. 6 and promptly promoted Ms. Yogananda to Chief. The ProPublica article about J6 make it clear that Yogananda ran away and hid and went radio silent until all the trouble was over. She lasted as Chief until they built the Ring of Steel perimeter and then left personnel outside the ring until Officer Evans was smashed up against it and killed by a follower of Louis Farrakhan. Then she retired. She was then hired to be Chief of the UC Berkeley police department; her latest act involved seeing to it that no arrests were made after the Feb 27 mob attack vs. Jewish students at Cal whose speaker event was shut down as the police had to rescue the Jewish students. Conspiracy or not, the personnel and management decisions involved are characteristic of the unbelievably incompetent and corrupt behavior that one finds under Democrat one-party rule.

      1. Each MONDAY until election: wear RED, wave the flag, blow your horn. Strength in numbers !!!

    2. Every thing the left has accusedDonaldTrump of doing jo-Jo and his family of crooks has already done The wrong man in under indictment the real crook or traitor is Joe Biden!

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