Cannon Fodder: The Media Piles on Federal Judge After Lionizing Manhattan Judge

Below is my column in the New York Post on the vicious attacks being directed at Judge Aileen Cannon as she addresses pre-trial motions in the Florida prosecution of former president Donald Trump. The sheer hypocrisy in the media is overwhelming after denouncing any criticism of Judge Juan Merchan in the Manhattan prosecution. For Cannon, it is nothing short of a press pile-on.

Here is the column:

The politicians, the press, and pundits are in a feeding frenzy around Judge Aileen Cannon, the federal judge presiding in the Florida case against former President Donald Trump. There is a torrent of hit pieces and petty attacks on virtually every media platform.

What is impressive is the complete lack of self-awareness over the hypocrisy of these attacks. Just a few weeks ago, the New York Times and other media outlets went into vapors when anyone uttered criticism of Manhattan Justice Juan Merchan in another Trump case.

In 2020, Judge Cannon was confirmed in a bipartisan vote, with the support of liberals such as Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Cal.).

Now she is being denounced as a “partisan, petty prima donna, “wacko, crazy, loony, nutty, ridiculous, and outlandish,” and a “right-wing hack.” From the descriptions in the Washington Post, New York Times and virtually every mainstream media outlet, you would think that Cannon was a freak in the courtroom, raving uncontrollably at any passerby.

These critics often stress that she is an appointee of Trump, even though many Trump appointees have ruled against the former president on 2020 election issues. And these same figures denounced Trump for attacking the perceived political bias of Democratic nominees in some of his cases.

Cannon was randomly selected, as opposed to Merchan, who was hand-picked to try Trump even though he is a political donor to President Joe Biden and has a daughter who is a major Democratic operative.

Yet these same figures denounced those who questioned Merchan’s refusal to step aside or criticized his rulings against Trump throughout the trial.

In reality, the “loose Cannon” spin is utterly disconnected with her actual rulings.

She has ruled for and against both parties on major issues. That includes the rejection of major motions filed by the Trump team and most recently challenged Trump counsel on their claims that the Special Counsel is part of “a shadow government.”

Notably, when Cannon recently rejected the main motion for dismissal by the Trump team, the Washington Post buried that fact in an article titled “Judge Cannon Strikes Paragraph in Trump Classified Document Indictment.” The suggestion was that the striking of a single paragraph was more newsworthy than insisting that Trump go to trial on these counts. (Also buried in the article is a recognition that the removal of this one paragraph “does not have a substantive effect on the case.”)

Most recently, the left expressed nothing short of horror that Judge Cannon allowed the Trump team to argue a point of constitutional law in a hearing.

Scholars and former prosecutors (including former attorneys general) have argued that the appointment of special counsels like Smith are unconstitutional.

This is a novel and intriguing constitutional objection that is based on the text of the Constitution, which requires that high-ranking executive officers like U.S. Attorneys be appointed under statute or nominated by the president (and confirmed by the Senate).

Yet after the expiration of the Independent Counsel Act in Jun 1999, the Justice Department asserts the right to take any private citizen like Smith and effectively give him greater authority than a U.S. Attorney.

This glaring inconsistency has led to a number of challenges. Thus far, they have been unsuccessful, but none have gone to the Supreme Court. Cannon wanted to hear oral arguments before ruling on the question.

That decision has sent the politicians and reporters into another frenzy of faux outrage and indignation.

MSNBC legal analyst and NYU law professor Melissa Murray went on with host Chris Hayes to tell Judge Cannon to “stay in her lane” and mock her consideration of constitutional claim:

“Girl, stay in your lane. Stay. In. Your. Lane. So, yes, not only has the issue of whether the special counsel comports with the structures of constitutional law, that’s been settled. That’s been addressed in multiple courts. Settled. We don’t have to rehash that … If this were an actual issue it would ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court, not by a district court judge in Fort Pierce, Florida.”

It is a baffling lecture. Cannon is precisely in her lane in hearing a claim without controlling authority. The fact is that the Supreme Court has not ruled on the issue and many lawyers have objected to the summary treatment given the claim by other courts. The point of creating a record is to allow a full review that could well end up at the Supreme Court.

Who isn’t staying in their lane? Cannon’s colleagues.

The New York Times recently reported that two judges attempted to get Cannon to hand off the case when it was randomly assigned to her. So the suggestion is that two of her colleagues breached any sense of collegiality and confidentiality to contribute to a hit piece on Cannon.

It is worth noting that there was no reason for Cannon to decline the selection, particularly not due to her appointment by Trump. A variety of Trump appointees have ruled against Trump on matters without a hint of objection from the left.

While it is true that Cannon was just put on the bench a couple years ago, that did not seem to bother these same pundits in the Georgia case. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee was put on the bench only shortly before being assigned the Georgia case against Trump and associates.

Cannon is a true American success story and, if she were only to rule in favor of the left, she would certainly be the subject of glowing stories of how she went from being born in Cali, Colombia to joining the federal bench. Her mother escaped Cuba after the revolution and she grew up with a deep-seated faith in the rule of law. She graduated from Duke University and, after a stint as a journalist, graduated from Michigan Law School magna cum laude.

Yet there will be no “American dream” stories for Cannon like the ones that ran for Sonia Sotomayor after her nomination.

Cannon is a Republican and has the temerity to follow a conservative jurisprudence. For the media, that makes her unworthy (much like the lack of coverage on Justice Clarence Thomas’ incredible life story).

There is little chance that the scorched Earth campaign against Cannon will work. When your family escapes Communist Cuba and then the drug-ravaged city of Cali, partisan media hit pieces are hardly intimidating.

That may be frustrating for many in the media, but she is fulfilling the purpose of Article III of the Framers. She will rule and she will not yield.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University School of Law. He is the author of “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage” (Simon and Schuster, 2024).


329 thoughts on “Cannon Fodder: The Media Piles on Federal Judge After Lionizing Manhattan Judge”

  1. Darren,
    I got an idea while watering the livestock; How about an API, plug in for JetPack that puts a check box at the top of the comments section that would allow the user to filter out all “Anonymous” comments? Totally optional. They could still post comments. Just us normal people would not have to see and scroll through all of them.
    I will look around and see if I can find one. I would write it myself, but I am not a coder.

    1. What exactly is Darren doing, or, rather, not doing de facto?

      The Turley Blog may most certainly rigorously impose its Civility Rule.

      Private Property: Res Ipsa Locquitur

  2. See below as turdrunner, aka Peter Shill, tries again to make his steaming turd of a post the first thing someone sees when they come here. Not ever going to happen.

    Turdrunner is an prepubescent 28 year old, typing from his mothers basement as he awaits her return from her glory hole gig at the local pool hall.

    His favorite pastime is getting skull fvcked by mega maga cock like Floyd, James and Estovir.

  3. Tuesday Update:

    Cannon Skeptical Of Trump Argument

    Judge Aileen Cannon appeared highly skeptical on Tuesday of Donald Trump’s bid to throw out evidence seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate.

    Trump’s lawyers argued at a court hearing that the 2022 search warrant in the classified documents investigation was overly broad and violated Trump’s rights. They said FBI agents took medical records and improperly entered the bedroom of his son Barron and the quarters of his wife, Melania.

    Cannon indicated that she was unpersuaded by the defense’s arguments, saying that the main issue at hand was whether the warrant had been “particular enough.”

    “I think it is,” she said.

    Her skepticism toward Trump’s defense arguments was unusual for the judge, a Trump appointee who has issued many favorable rulings toward Trump and has often clashed with special counsel Jack Smith’s team — including just a day earlier, when she scolded one of Smith’s prosecutors for using an indecorous tone.

    Today Cannon disappointed Trump’s defense team which garnered generally positive coverage in mainstream media. But whether or not Trumpers will be happy with this development is a matter of question.

      1. Cannon’s very first ruling was in favor of Trump when his lawyers asked for the appointment of a special master. The conservative 11th Circuit Court overturned her decision. She has postponed the trial indefinitely which Trump’s lawyers asked to have the trial start after the 2026 midterm elections.

        1. They wanted a special master because they were well aware of what Jack Smith and the FBLie were mishandling and fabricating evidence. Just like when Trump insisted Obama had bugged his campaign headquarters.

    1. Cannon continues to mostly follow the law and mostly is overly favorable to Smith, and those of you on the left think that she is somehow Biased for Trump.

      In this instance Cannon is correct – the SEARCH violated the Warrant. The Warrant itself was not overly broad.

      There are other issues with the Warrant, but the scope of the Warrant is NOT overly broad.

      Cannon should exclude anything found outside the scope of the warrant – which is nothing.
      She should sanction the FBI/DOJ for exceeding the scope of the warrant. Though as a practical matter judges have little ability to do so.
      This is a problem which results in law enforcement constantly exceeding the scope of a warrant.

      I would note that Trump’s lawyers are going to make a large number of motions.
      Cannon is going to hold hearings on most.
      And she will ultimately dissmiss most of them – in part or in whole.

      In proceeding that way she is building a record for appellate courts and ultimately the Supreme court to rule on.

      That is how Due process works.
      I think the odds of Cannon throwing SC Smith out are very slim. That does not mean the argument does not have merit,
      in FACT Trump should ultimately prevail. But it is unusual for a Trial court judge to side against the government on a constitutional issue that
      prior courts have ruled in favor of the govenrment, but that supreme court precedent runs against the government

      We have a supreme court to make those tough decisions. Cannons job is to get everything on the record.

      I would note this is NOT how Judge EnMoron proceded or how Judge Merchan did.
      Failure to provide even the basics of due process is one of many reasons those cases will be overturned.

    2. Nothing says “I’m a full auto belt fed Regressive Progressive Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Idiot better than “I quote/parrot Politico saying:…”

    3. Today Cannon disappointed Trump’s defense team which garnered generally positive coverage in mainstream media. But whether or not Trumpers will be happy with this development is a matter of question.

      Magnificent! Politico! What a magnificent display of original thought by these cowardly Anonymous Bribery Biden Bolshevik Birthing Persons!

      Yes… Politico – who assured these fans of Bribery Biden, The Pedo In Chief, that the laptop belonging to The Family Cashier Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid was just “Russian election disinformation”.

      And so they crave their daily dose of Politico like The Family Cashier craves his nose candy.

  4. Turley, you’ve got a first-class blog with a 3rd-world shithole of a comments section. UP YOUR GAME!!!!!

    1. Actually Trump’s lawyers have filed many motions at the beginning and she still hasn’t had hearings on many of them and others she still hasn’t issued rulings when many have been done from the bench. Her failure to keep the case moving forward is why Judge Cannon had to indefinitely postpone the trial date.

  5. Morell and Polymeropoulos drafted the Hunter Biden statement with the explicit goal of
    assisting then-candidate Biden in his race to become president. As Morell testified to the
    Committees: “There were two intents. One intent was to share our concern with the American
    people that the Russians were playing on this issue; and two, it was to help Vice President
    Biden.”72 Moreover, Morell and Polymeropoulos informed prospective signatories of the intent
    of the statement prior to its publication, writing that the statement was meant to insulate Vice
    President Biden from serious electoral vulnerabilities created by his family’s influence peddling
    activities. Given the fact that some of the signatories were on active contract with the CIA—an
    organization that is explicitly prohibited from operating domestically73—their effort to score
    political points for then Vice President Biden undermined the integrity of the Agency.


    CNN has refuted the claim that they gave the Biden team the questions in advance of the debate.

    Jake Tapper responded, saying the allegation was ridiculous. “They gave the questions to us”, he said.

    1. Most of the country knows this will be a 3:1 debate.

      Many republicans criticized Trump for not making more demands and just accepting whatever Biden proposed.

      But I think Trump is correct.

      Contra those on the left and many conservatives – even the hopped up Biden of the SOTU is unlikely to be able to handle this.

      The SOTU was one long angry rant. People with cognitive impairment can usually do anger reasonably well – so long as they are not challenged.

      Further I disagree with those that claim expectations of Biden are low and that he wins if he manages to fog glass.

      Expectations are NOT that low. Biden and Trump WILL be compared to each other.

      Once upon a time Biden could have handled 90 minutes of debate and questioning.
      Not now.

      Conversely Trump has vast current experience speaking extemporaneously for hours as well as feilding hardball questions.

      There are many ways for Biden to fail. Even the appearance that this is 3:1 will hurt Biden and help Trump.

    2. BREAKING NEWS: CNN still stands behind their magnificent Pulitizer Prize winning journalists who assured Americans that the “Russia Dossier” was actually verified American intelligence agency evidence and (of course) that the Hunter Biden laptop was actually just “Russian election disinformation”.

      And Jake Tapper who ran with those lines, says it’s all true!

  7. If there was ever a Secretary of State who did not belong in the position for OBVIOUS reasons, it is this c*cksucker, amateur, corrupt, lying sack of sh*t who orchestrated Biden’s 51 Spies Who Lied Letter: Antony Blinken winken and nod. What a total embarrassment, and dangerous LOSER. Get him the F out of that position for which he is NOT qualified. Hey Blinken, US CITIZENS are getting killed because of you, Sullivan, Austin, and Biden’s TOTAL INCOMPETENCE and IDIOCY. You lightweights are amateurish, dangerous Pieces of Sh*t. GTH ALL of you.

    1. Well… I wouldn’t put it quite that way, but yes Blinken has the overflow of blood on Bribery Biden’s hands on his.

      And then there’s Jake Sullivan, NSA advisor who previously assured us the Soviet Democrats’ “Russia Dossier” was real and verified.

  8. Let me save the stupid little kunt the trouble.

    Lauren Boebert wins her House primary “handily”

    Bwahahahaha oooh i’ soooo funnyy ohhh hohhhh

  9. Well, this may be as close as we get to Gigi admitting she lied, but like an unrepentant sinner, she proceeded to lie some more.

    You can’t make this shit up!

    I admit that I didn’t recall that post from August of last year,

    Despite the fact that I brought it up NUMEROUS times since then, and asked you to answer for it. But you were too busy screeching your next lie. You’ve screeched out a few more in this post. In fact, your inflation lie was posted on the Lefty Turd Farm for weeks. I guess I need to bring that back, just for you. You’ve told so many lies here, it’s not surprising that you can’t keep up, big mouth.

    but according to Wikileaks, the US inflation rate in 2021–2022 did get as high as 8%

    Do you get a lot of your false info from Wikileaks? LMAO WTF is that? Julian would be proud of you. This is your problem. NUMEROUS times I have provided you the link to the goddam OFFICIAL US inflation rate page. You refuse to use it. I guess so you can have an excuse for your LIES. SOURCES MATTER, big mouth.

    the US inflation rate in 2021–2022 did get as high as 8%

    Yea, so fvcking what? It reached it’s peak in JUNE 2022, at 9.1%, big mouth. That’s a far cry from “when Trump left office.” You have also said repeatedly since August that it’s “consistently coming down”. Another LIE. It has been between 3.0 and 4.1 since last June. You get that? IT’S NOT COMING DOWN. It was 3.0 Last June and 3.3 last month.

    one major reason was supply chain disruptions, due, according to experts, to Trump’s stupid tariffs, which he wants to expand upon if he somehow gets back into office.

    Anyone who says supply chain disruptions were caused by tariffs is a moron, and so is anyone who believes that. You’re a low IQ bottom feeder. Please don’t pretend to understand the impact of tariffs on all things economic, even with someone trying to explain it to you.

    Why did Biden keep the tariff’s, almost entirely, big mouth, if they were so bad? In fact
    President Biden is directing his Trade Representative to increase tariffs under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 on $18 billion of imports from China to protect American workers and businesses.. Did you sleep thru that? Wait, where is that spike in inflation from that??? Is it now “Biden’s stupid tariff’s”? This is why you can’t be taken seriously.

    The inflation was caused by printing $6T. You’ve been told this NUMEROUS times, big mouth. Do you ever wonder WHY I keep catching you in these LIES that you peddle? When you pump that much money into an economy, what DO YOU expect to happen? Nothing??? Economists predicted that before it ever happened.

    His mishandling of COVID yielded the statistic that the US had 20% of COVID deaths but only 4% of the world’s population.

    Oh his mishandling “yielded a statistic” did it? Thanks for proving my assessment of you as a low IQ bottom feeder. I laughed out loud at an article I read trying to “calculate the Covid deaths due to Trump’s casual mask use”. Funny, I never see a story about how many deaths Fauci caused when the pandemic was RAGING and he said “there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” Then later when he said this: “From a broad public-health standpoint, at the population level, masks work at the margins — maybe 10 percent”.

    3 of the 4 largest peaks in Covid daily deaths were under JOE BIDEN. Do I blame him. NO. Because I can think for myself and understand EVERYTHING that went in to that. Do I blame Trump for the 1/3 of the deaths that happened on his watch? LMAO, I’ll leave that to the low IQ bottom feeders like you.

    US had 20% of COVID deaths

    See THAT. You just can’t stop lying. The US has just over 17.4% of Covid deaths. Not counting that fact that many countries STOPPED reporting, so the number is likely much less. Why would you lie about that?? The medical journals say that makes you pathological.

    Tom, Waters, or whatever name you’re using now, how many hours did you spend trying to discredit me?

    It’s pretty obvious that I use the name Waters, isn’t it? What’s it to you, Natasha? Why did you lie about your occupation? You’re no attorney and we all know it. Even your cubicle mate, Svelaz-George said so. It took me about 3 hours, if that matters. It’s called research. Try it before you open that fat mouth again. I had a fun walk down memory lane with all the times I gutted you and Dennis. Go check it out. It’s juvenile fun!!

    Maybe I wouldn’t have bothered if you hadn’t goaded me on 3 separate occasions. Would you like me to post those as well? You’re the juvenile here, with all your screeching and lying about even stupid inconsequential shit.

    Why do you employ the same ad hominem attack tactics instead of providing substantive responses to what I post?

    Look back above this line. See all that??? Now look below. See all that?? That’s what it takes to respond to your keyboard diarrhea of lies with a substantive response. And you do it for that very reason. You puke up all that bile and sit back and admire it, knowing no one will waste their time rebutting all of your NONSENSE. And that was one of your shorter tirades.

    So lets look at when I did give a substantive response, and corrected you on the 12th Amendment. For 2 weeks, all you would say is that you were repeating what Turley said. Which was a lie! It was either or lie, or again, your are just a low IQ bottom feeder. It was plain to EVERYONE but you, the “experienced attorney”, what Turley said the “problem” was. The “problem” was losing the Florida electors, not that both the Pres and VP couldn’t be from the same state. I referred you to the TEXT a half dozen times. Did you correct your NONSENSE? No, you just ran off to your next lie, as you always do.

    I generally cite whatever sources I obtain information from

    Vox is not a source. The Guardian is not a source. Media-ite for christ’s sake, is NOT a source. I got the information on Texas electricity production from the Texas Department of Public Utilities. You got it from Rachel Maddow. Rachel Maddow is NOT a source. Your shit eating response was “neither you nor I have personal knowledge”. Fvck off with that NONSENSE. You look like an IDIOT. I got the information on the DC National Guard on their website. You got it from The Atlantic. I got the 12th Amendment meaning by reading, oh shit, the 12th amendment. I don’t know where the fvck you got yours. I got the inflation stats by going to the US Bureau. You got it from Wiki-whatever-the-fvck. You look like an IDIOT

    I generally cite whatever sources I obtain information from

    The really galling part about that ridiculous statement is the way you come in here and accuse people of being “brainwashed by alt-right media”, and then blame your ignorant statements on your shit “sources”. So what say you NEVER impugn “Trumpers alt right media” again?

    My “attacks” on you are not ad hom. They come with all the substantiation in the world.
    YOU’RE the one who leads with ad hom like “Karen S, you should stop letting your weak mind be brainwashed by Fox news.” Kunt. See that? I substantiated it, and then I labeled you appropriately.

    So yea, I treat you like an 8th grader, because that’s what you appear to be. You don’t like my profanity? I’m going to assume that your gender is just as fake as everything else about you, and say that if you were standing in front of me, screeching at me and calling me a liar when I told you that you said inflation was 8%, or questioning my service to my country, insinuating that I am stealing valor, you’d be missing some teeth from that fat mouth. I’m not a violent person, but shutting you up would just be too much fun.

    1. “but according to Wikileaks, the US inflation rate in 2021–2022 did get as high as 8%”
      2021-2022 was the BIDEN administration.

      1. the US inflation rate in 2021–2022 did get as high as 8%

        Yea, so fvcking what? It reached it’s peak in JUNE 2022, at 9.1%, big mouth. That’s a far cry from “when Trump left office.”

        You’re another one who should read more and type less, John Say.

  10. I laugh – bc Texas posted a cannon flag few months ago…. secret message? Ntl I ordered a hard copy of your book – loving it . Ordered it from. A small rural book shop – she still made money in a largely red state save for the twin cities. Guess. Where? Loving the book and trusting your expertise. I know you can’t footnote everything – but if using “pillory” so often at least post us a graphic depiction. I’m a failure of public education – and assume from what you did describe by page 54 – pillorry is more than having ears chopped off?

  11. BREAKING: Speaker Johnson tells Hannity that the House is working on an amicus brief in Steve Bannon’s appellate case:

    “The January 6th Committee was wrongfully constituted, we think their work was tainted, we think that they may have very well covered up evidence and maybe even more nefarious activities. We have been investigating the committee itself. We disagree with how Speaker Pelosi put all that together. We think it violated House rules, and so we’ll be expressing that to the court, and I think it will help Steve Bannon in his appeal.”


    Ya think? It’s about time!
    And….No, Speaker, they DID coverup exculpatory evidence…OBVIOUSLY!
    The entire world knows it, why don’t YOU?
    Pelosi’s Sham Committee intentionally destroyed evidence that did not support Pelosi’s fake narrative!

    Everyone needs to know the names of these CRIMINALS:
    Pelosi for Prison!
    Liz Cheney for Prison!
    Bennie Thompson for Prison!
    Zoe Lofgren for Prison!
    ADAM SCHIFF for Prison! (Cali if you vote this criminal to a Senate seat you are too STUPID to vote ever again!)
    Adam Kinzinger the insufferable lying crybaby for Prison!

    And if we cannot send them all to prison, then we must BANKRUPT THEM ALL with LAWSUITS!
    MAKE THEM SUFFER the consequences of their criminality!
    Justice will be served!
    Justice for the J6’ers!

    1. I think it’s enough she told her aide that she failed and is responsible -so be responsible – not let another man go to jail for “her responsibility’ .
      Worse the law wasn’t and still isn’t clear so the rule of lienity applies here. At a minimum bannan should get thae same “immunity” the other govt gets – bc no clear case on point before. Simple. Case for Robert’s without even resort to executive privileges- the fact is Bannon was the presidents right hand man – paid or volunteer – ought to enjoy the same immunities – especially with a not solid law and the speaker herself saying it was her responsibility. Maybe I leap frog their logic – but if Jan 6th hadn’t happened – and she said she failed that day …why would you put another man in jail for it? And even if they knew Bannon thoughts and speech – he never intended the outcome really….where as others like fast and furious holder and clapper specifically appointed by congress- dod intend to defy congress subs but nothing happened to them – unwittingly . Yet now the tie goes to govt – damn right johnson needs to get the brief to Robert’s- asap

      1. We can’t allow this to Bannon when we got holder lynch clapper et al walking free. It can’t be punted as a political issue either – when the ilk uses they gunna cut your “benifits” – to defeat lawbreakers – no the system apparently is you can defy congress until you can’t- but everyone from
        Lance Armstrong does. Save for Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon. The world is watching – our political prisoners – and laughing inherent at our beacon on the hill- as we go bannana! Yet only chief Justice Robert’s- can save us – all hail the chief – to replant reason here – if a mere municipal cop has “immunity” surely advisors to the president do.

    2. @EmeraldRobinson

      “Infowars is being shut down.

      Bannon is headed for jail.

      Trump is headed for jail.

      Navarro is in jail right now.

      It’s time to consider the possibility that you’re in the middle of the communist takeover of America.”

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