Turley Interviewed by Bret Baier on the Release of The Indispensable Right

Last night, I had the pleasure of doing the first television interview on Special Report with Bret Baier on the release of my new book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage.

I have been truly delighted with the many kind notes and reviews of the book.  It made the top “Movers and Shakers” in books on Amazon on its first day out.

Given the recent books calling for the curtailment of free speech or the outright rewriting of the First Amendment, it is bucking the trend in academia. I am happy to see people interested in exploring the history and meaning of free speech from a natural right or autonomous perspective.

The interview is available here and here.

Here is also the audiotape excerpt released by Simon & Schuster yesterday:



20 thoughts on “Turley Interviewed by Bret Baier on the Release of The Indispensable Right”

  1. One would think the readers of Turley’s essays would be people of a thoughtful nature. I am surprised to find the popular media’s shaping and manipulation of the public to anger and hate show up on this page via the comments. Where are the thoughtful statements and decent manners of people who might read such a site? On the other hand as the title of Turley’s book indicates we are in the age of rage.

  2. It’s well known that right-wing groups bulk buy pallets of the book and then tell everybody how well the book is selling. They did it all the time for Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck. Serious law professionals know by now Turley has become a hack for Trump and FOX.

      1. What is it with the Trump cult, ya can’t get anything right. TDS is what Trump supporters have just for believing in him. Because you really have to be delusional to trust a known proven documented liar. And a convicted felon.

        1. Fishstick, you truly have to be stupid to believe anything your DNC betters tell you.

    1. You’re an idiot. Turley is one of the brightest mind on law in the country. He is fair and balanced.

  3. My book arrived in the mail today! Only thing I’d like to add thus far is your John Hancock.

  4. I was delighted to receive my copy of The Indespensible Right last night. I did see the interview by Bret Bair who is one of the more straightforward news anchors today.

  5. Well, there are two people who are gaining (if nothing else) ego exposure from the existence of free speech right here, and using it to denigrate others who in my estimation are just trying to make information available to us all. I, for one, will keep reading.

  6. Turley, your courageous objectivity is refreshing and so important.

    Baier, on the other hand, is a tool of whoever pays him- better known as a soft spoken whore.

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