Poll: Only 28 Percent of the Public Has “High Confidence” in Higher Education

A new poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago (commissioned by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) shows that only 28% of Americans have a lot of trust in higher education. Academia has continued to alienate much of the country as an orthodox echo chamber. As with media outlets, the result has been falling interest and trust in these institutions.The poll asked “How much confidence, if any, do you have in U.S. colleges and universities?”

Only 28% said they had a “great deal of confidence in colleges and universities.” Not surprisingly, given the ideological balance at most schools, the highest levels of trust came from Democrats and liberals. However, even this group only showed a 40% high confidence rate. Among Republicans, it drops to 12% and among independents it drops to 28%.

For most businesses, such negative reactions would be viewed as catastrophic. For academia, it will not matter a whit.

It is still personally beneficial for professors and administrators to push ideological agendas and maintain the lack of intellectual diversity on campuses. These professors are not challenged in their writings or their statements. They dominate publications, awards, and associations. In the meantime, these schools still receive sufficient support from alumni and, in the case of public universities, public funding.

This could not come at a worse time as many decide that college is simply not worth the money. At the same time, falling birthrates are impacting dropping applications. Others have little interest in going to institutions where they must hide their political viewpoints or values.

We have seen the same phenomenon in the media where media outlets are collapsing in viewership or readership but reporters are resisting every effort to return to a more neutral and objective basis for coverage. Recently, the Washington Post’s new publisher and CEO William Lewis dropped a truth bomb on his writers by telling them “Let’s not sugarcoat it…We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff. Right. I can’t sugarcoat it anymore.”

The response from the media has been a campaign against Lewis and another editor tasked with saving the newspaper from itself. The New York Times, National Public Radio, and other outlets have piled on Lewis with a series of attack pieces. This is being actively and openly supported by reporters at the Post and could well work in pressuring owner Jeff Bezos. The result will be to stay the course of plunging trust and readership at a paper that is hemorrhaging money and readers.

We need great universities and great newspapers as a nation. We need Princeton and the Post. That is why this trend is so alarming. These are hardened silos that seem impenetrable to efforts to restore trust in their product.

272 thoughts on “Poll: Only 28 Percent of the Public Has “High Confidence” in Higher Education”

  1. There is no such thing as “higher education” in America for the most part. Nearly all of the things Americans used to call “college” and “universities” no longer exist. They have all been replaced by Leftist Indoctrination Entities, aka LIEs, using the acronym.

    As such, LIEs, as Marxist political institutions that not only don’t educate but actively work to prevent “students” from thinking, must no longer receive any government funding, just as the American Nazi Party, the American Communist Party, and the Democrat and Republican Parties can’t (lawfully) receive goverenment funding. Additionally, the tax-exempt status of LIEs must also be revoked.

    But even this is insufficient. The U.S. Government can no longer permit foreign nations, like Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, etc. to fund the LIEs so that the LIEs can aid and abet the destruction of America from within. That problem can be corrected by instituting a 100% tax on all funds, gifts, property, etc. given by corrupt foreign nations to funds the LIEs.

    1. You did not reference the most important vehicle of Communism and cultural Marxism, e.g., the jew.

  2. Never discussed is the root of the “student debt crisis”. People can’t make enough money to pay the debt. The colleges continue to generate legions of marginally employable for ever-scarcer jobs. Meanwhile the education system fails to produce the tech knowledge the corporates demand, thus the incessant demand for B-1 visa imports. While the construction sites are loaded with immigrant labor because our own system failed to produce adequate skill sets for those jobs either! It’s like self-sabotage, guaranteed to degrade the social system while dividing the electorate. Who would like that? PS-one of Zuckerberg’s B-1s from China jumped out the window and suicided, apparently over work stress and fears of being returned to China. Didn’t see that on the “news” hmm?

    1. sites TheCollegeFix and CampusReform document this daily. TheFire.org does some work but seems to be weakening lately, looks like straining to go “mainstream”. Of course this gets them edited off the “news”. Mr. Lukianoff from TheFire has been afforded a few C-Span appearances the others never allowed on TV. Did you all see the Jews attacked at UC Berkeley where they used to have the “Free Speech Movement”? Feb 27 of this year. Kristallnacht goes mainstream 21st Century!

  3. As to anyone who likes JD Vance for VP, watch him next time he appears on TV interview.
    Is he wearing eye liner?
    Does he have permanent eyeliner tatooed on his eyes?
    What’s with his eyes?
    I don’t like the look of his eyes. They look like he’s wearing makeup.
    A telltale sign: the Eyes.
    HARD NO on Vance for VP running mate.
    Or…should say EASY NO to Vance….
    Keep him in Senate.

    Choose BURGUM.

    1. There is a reason your called Anonymous, what a stupid thing to say! Congressmen and others on tv and in public often use make up for the cameras…get a life. JDVance is a very smart Senator who supports good, conservative policies!! It is all about the policies!

  4. Professor Turley Writes:

    “At the same time, falling birthrates are impacting dropping applications”.

    Falling birth rates? Wow, we need to crack down on immigration! Because.. Because.. Because Donald Trump says so.

    1. Tell that to the 13 year old girl or the mother of 5.

      Illegal entry is not immigration.

      Gaslight much??

      Take that 3rd grade nonsense back to your bubble, spastic idiot non savant.

    2. We have 40 years of democrats passing but refusing to enforce immigration laws.

      I am in favor of increased immigration . But whether the issue is immigration of anything else – we START by enforcing existing law, and if we do not like that law – we change is.

    3. The tax base can no longer afford to reproduce itself. This is national suicide. This was programmed, look up “The Population Bomb” that was the “boomers” “Global Warming/Climate Change”. Nixon and Kissinger made panicky speeches about it. The White Majority had to be defeated because they are the only pesky nationalists who think they have “rights”. The others are run by a plantation full of race nationalist organizations, all howling about racism and incessantly demanding racially-allocated benefits. New ones all the time, look up AAPI-Force for instance. They demand instant voter registration for anybody who gets government benefits.

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