“The Laptop is Real”: Justice Department Denounces Claims of Russian Disinformation as a Biden “Conspiracy Theory”

“The defendant’s laptop is real.” With those words and pictures like this one of Biden using crack, the Justice Department introduced the Hunter Biden laptop as evidence in his upcoming trial over federal gun violations.  The federal prosecutors went on to denounce suggestions of Russian disinformation, long peddled by the Bidens, the media and former intelligence officials, as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory.”

The media eagerly spread the claim of Russian disinformation before the presidential election. Twitter and others suppressed the story. This was done through one of the most skillful disinformation campaigns in history.

It later came out that associates of the Biden campaign (including now Secretary of State Antony Blinken) pushed a long effort to get former intelligence officials to sign a letter making the claim, knowing that an ever-accommodating media would accept the claim without question or further inquiry.

At the time, some of us wrote that the laptop was “self-authenticating” since many of the emails were confirmed by third parties and other evidence. The Justice Department last week made the same claim of “self-authentication” as well as independent confirmation by federal investigators.

In the now-debunked letter of former intelligence officials just before the election, figures such as Leon Panetta, former CIA Director in the Obama Administration, claimed that the letter had all of the markings of a Russian disinformation effort by intelligence services. (Panetta continued to make the assertion late last year in pushing what the federal government is now calling a “conspiracy theory.”).

The Washington Post’s Phillip Bump and others also continued to push the conspiracy theory. Indeed, in 2021, when media organizations were finally admitting that the laptop was authentic, Bump was still declaring that it was a “conspiracy theory.” Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Bump continued to suggest that “the laptop was seeded by Russian intelligence.”

What is equally astonishing is that in 2023 the Post expressly stood by Bump’s reporting on the laptop and other debunked claims. Even after the government has declared this reporting as part of a “conspiracy theory,” the Post continues to support the reporting by Bump and others.

The laptop includes not just pictures of Hunter using drugs but brandishing a handgun. The court clearly agrees with the government on the authenticity of the laptop. It has ruled against the defense and will allow it to be introduced into evidence.

Despite the conclusions of American intelligence and others, the Biden team continued to push the disinformation. That led the Justice Department to tell the court that “The defendant’s theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence.”  It added that Hunter’s “laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt.”

The response from the media has been a collective shrug. Worse yet, many of these same political and media figures continue to support censorship and government regulations of “disinformation” while the government is now acknowledging that they carried off one of the most successful disinformation campaigns in history.

269 thoughts on ““The Laptop is Real”: Justice Department Denounces Claims of Russian Disinformation as a Biden “Conspiracy Theory””

  1. 34% of Biden voters (representing 28 million people) polled stated categorically that had the FBI not engaged in criminal conspiracy to suppress the Laptop then they would NOT have voted for Joetato.

    That is simply ONE of the KNOWN AND PROVEN election fraud felonies we know of. If half simply abstained and the other half voted for Trump, then that ONE felonious conspiracy would have resulted in an outcome of 52m Biden votes / 90 million Trump votes.

    That’s more testimony than for any other crime in history – and yet leftists claim “there is no evidence.”

    Leftist == Liar.

  2. Perhaps in four or maybe eight years from now all the suppressed information about the 2020 election will come under actual scrutiny and it will be substantiated that election fraud was the primary factor in the Biden win. Just like this revelation the damage has been done. The truth can provide no correction after the fact. It does establish beyond any doubt of the pervasive corruption at the highest levels of our government.

  3. Should we go dig up pics of when you got drunk in law school and your classmates shaved one of your eyebrows and painted your nails pink, Jon?

    That aside, your observation about misinformation around Hunter being one of the greatest campaigns of that sort in history is bogus…

    A greatly skilled misinformation campaign is what the oil lobby and tobacco companies did to cast doubt publicly while acknowledging reality –to a degree– behind closed doors is ninja level misinformation, Turls….

    What you’ve been involved with at fox re Hunter is just garden variety hack factor 10 swift boating.

    1. You remind me of the train wreck single parent crying that their beloved gang-banger son “dint do nuffin” after his sixth arrest for DV. Clown.

        1. That’s rich, you attack age, you attack Race, you attack intelligence and then you call THEM a racist. Do you not see you hypocrisy?

    2. Well, since the Swift Boat stories were factual, and told by people who were actually there, perhaps you are verifying the accuracy of the laptop, and validating the claim against Biden/media disinformation.
      Alvin Bragg should probably arrest Leon Panetta for felony election interference, dontcha think?

      1. Re: Your Swiftboating comments. The book attacking Kerry was based in part on interviews with veterans who served in or with Kerry’s division, and also on biographies of Kerry. Yet “several members of Kerry’s crew stated that O’Neill failed to interview them, Neither O’Neill nor Corsi had any firsthand knowledge of Kerry’s service. (O’Neill served on the Swift boats after Kerry left Vietnam and Corsi never served in Vietnam) According to the Swiftboat skipper who served with Kerry, the book was “wrong.” Also, Kerry’s fellow sailors released a point-by-point rebuttal of the claims and stated that “The book’s authors don’t give Kerry’s supporters the space or the credence that they warrant.” Some veterans interviewed for the book complained that their statements were edited to strip out material favorable to Kerry.

        Pretty sure you aren’t arguing Hunter’s case is like Kerry’s – if you are, that would be a bigger conspiracy than had been alleged!

    3. I agree with your take on the Tobacco companies dis/misinformation campaign but what the Left did with the Disinformation campaign of Hunters Laptop that went all the way to the top is in no way a minor problem. 50 Intelligence Officials confirming and denying is CRIMINAL when they very well knew it was REAL !

  4. Just a typo note:
    Fifth paragraph, “claimed that the letter had all of the markings of a Russian disinformation effort…”
    Should read “laptop” for “letter,” yes?

    1. Barnstormer,
      It looks that way. It’s a pretty poorly written paragraph … confusing!! Even clicking on the link “debunked letter” isn’t much help. But, I think you’re right.

      “In the now-debunked letter of former intelligence officials just before the election, figures such as Leon Panetta, former CIA Director in the Obama Administration, claimed that the letter had all of the markings of a Russian disinformation effort by intelligence services. (Panetta continued to make the assertion late last year in pushing what the federal government is now calling a “conspiracy theory.”).”

  5. Jonathan: Continuing my last comment, DJT and his advisors have a plan to avoid criminal accountability in a second term. This scenario assumes the SC does not grant DJT immunity from criminal prosecution. After inauguration DJT could simply have his new AG stop the Mar-a-Lago and J. 6 cases. That’s the simply part. More complicated are the STATE prosecutions. DJT can’t intervene in those cases nor can he pardon himself for STATE crimes. If convicted in the Manhattan trial now about to go to the jury, DJT is probably looking at some prison time. Then we have Arizona and three other states that have indicted the fake electors and some of DJT close advisors. What to do about those cases? DJT has a plan.

    DJT is privately backing legislation in the House to limit a president’s exposure to STATE criminal charges. Last year MAGA Rep. Russell Fry introduced the “No More Prosecutions Act” (HR 2553). It would remove all state criminal cases to federal court. Given that DOJ policy forbids the prosecution of a sitting president the legislation would effectively freeze pending state criminal (or civil) pending cases should DJT win a second term. Speaker Mike Johnson is a co-sponsor of HR 2553. If DJT’s supporters regain control of both the House and Senate in November passage of that legislation is pretty much assured–and DJT would be inoculated from criminal prosecution during a second term.

    Boris Epshteyn, DJT’s “Rasputin” close legal advisor, has a personal interest in HR2553. He is a named criminal defendant in the AZ case because he is accused of playing an active role in trying to overturn the 2020 election results through the fake elector scheme. No doubt Epshteyn encouraged DJT to back HR2553.

    There are a lot of moving parts in this scenario. It assumes SCOTUS will not grant DJT absolute presidential immunity and if he loses the election all bets are off. Both the federal and state prosecutions will continue unabated. This is why DJT desperately needs both the presidency and both houses of Congress. Without that he knows he will still face criminal legal jeopardy.

    1. Well, that was a long winded pile of manure. It’s clear that some of the states attorneys have worked with the white house to keep President Trump off the campaign trail, now that that is backfiring, let’s see how desperate they get, this should be funny.

  6. We had to endure YEARS of democrats’ lies to get to this point. Keep that in mind whenever you hear a democrat open his/her mouth.

    1. They are finally admitting it to use leverage as a tool to make Biden be replaced as the democrat nominee
      Democrats only throw democrats under the bus as a last resort to further their Marxist Communist agenda

  7. It was of course obvious from the beginning the laptop likely was authentic. This means one of two things: 1) The intelligence formers who organized and signed the letter were too naïve to accurately assess the situation; or 2) they knowingly traded on the reputation of apolitical intelligence agencies to push a politically motivated hoax. Either way, they proved they had no business being intelligence officers. Watching supposed professionals like Sipher and Morrell try to weasel out by saying, “Oh, we didn’t say it WAS Russian disinformation, we just said it had the hallmarks of disinformation” is just pitiful.

    1. Yes, especially as Trump was impeached on the basis of Russian collusion and of which they well knew was not.

    2. As I remember, that is essentially all the letter said, that there was the “hallmarks”. That is when I knew that these “Intelligence” people were political and conniving. As they presented NO facts or evidence to make the letter believable. It took a compliant to push the lie.

      1. Being old now and watching DC for decades it easy to spot political statements by the weasel words they use. Hallmark, evidence of, sources say, etc.

        1. Taking years to finally come clean on what was obviously true & known by the “hallmarkers” to be true affords the ol’ soft landing liars require to continue lying.

      2. By saying the laptop had all the “hallmarks” of Russian disinformation, they intentionally leave open a door to later claim they were being truthful. They didn’t say it WAS Russian disinformation! They said it had “all the hallmarks” of Russian disinformation. It’s called paltering

        1. “paltering”

          Perfect description.

          And here’s the ideal punishment:

          “[I]f you palter or double in your answers , I will have thee hung alive in an iron chain . . .” (Walter Scott)

    3. Betting that many, to most, of the signees had for months possessed thumb drive copies of the laptop by the time of “…all the EARMARKS (attempt to cover their known lie) of Russian pissinformation…” hit the propaganda circuit.

    4. Yep, the weasel-words “has the hallmarks of” was their *tell* that they were making a political disinformation play. Duplicity, it’s what they do. And not for good reasons. :-/

      1. So true. I don’t remember any of the 50 coming out to point out that they only said “hallmarks” when he said that it was Russian disinformation.

    5. Our Legacy Media–American Pravda–was cued up well in advance to translate the 51 corrupt spooks into “The Laptop is Russian Disinformation.” Indeed, the agencies, NGOs, and Pravdia started “pre-bunking” Hunter’s laptop at the Aspen Summit long before the shoe even dropped.

  8. If tRUMP wasn’t such an ego driven, stupid, narcissistic and bloated prick, he would just demand to see his WRITTEN guarantee of actually getting a fair trial! What can anybody say to that? Do we really have to go through a biased and bogus “trial” if we don’t want to? EVERY “trial” is either one of two things, a pure gamble with an unknowable outcome, or it is a scam that is being run on us! Which one do you prefer?
    Go to the CourtVictimdotcom website, and read my paper there about the UNIVERSAL Get Out Of Jail For Free Card, and then share it with the world! There should be several other papers of mine hosted there as well.

    1. The circumstances does make one wonder. However, if Trump capitalises on seemingly blatantly obvious inequities and using lawyers that are ineffective with their defence skills, it helps to perpetuate his cause.What he does with his tactical actions if he wins is what should matter in the end. Achieving world peace, eliminating ISIS(mostly), minimising border violations and tariffs on China returned to farmers were a whole lot better than what’s happening now. He did all that under constant impeachment activity against him.

    2. From where does one get a “WRITTEN guarantee of actually getting a fair trial,” who issues it, and what does it say?

    3. Hey now… Sure, tRUMP may be an ego-driven, narcissistic and bloated prick, but at least he is not a SELL-OUT to any corrupt kick-back country willing to “buy the Briben brand.”

  9. Every one of the people who signed that document should be brought up on charges, tried, and given maximum penalties for interfering with a presidential election that led to the unmitigated disaster we’re experiencing right now. Criminals!

    1. Election “interference” isn’t a crime, per se. Except when demoncrats are attacking Trump or any other Republican.

      1. No, an oxymoron would be like Jumbo Shrimp, so I think you would have to say Panetta is a stupid intellectual serving as a dumbass intelligence officer for it to be an oxymoronic statement.

  10. I love how everyone, but Dennis has common sense. Dennis don’t be swayed the msm. Look around. Start with Professor Turley’s site right here. God Bless you Mr Turley! You are a lighthouse of Truth &:one of America’s smartest legal minds. Dennis you won’t get any garbage here. The above article is proof of how America was lied to! We all were told this hundreds of times. They lied to America! They do that in China & Russia!

  11. The hunter Biden laptop is an IQ test – if you ever believed it was not real – your IQ is below 85.

    AS Turley and many many others noted – it is Self Authenticating.

    Just ONE of the means that it authenticates itself is that the iphone backup information on the laptop was later used to connect to Hunter’s Apple iCloud account and download VM’s.

    The iphone backup included several encrypted digital ID’s which is not absolutely perfect will not connect
    These can not be “hacked” by the russians in less than several decades, and not without leaving lots of evidence.

    But there are many other ways to authenticate the information on the laptop.
    The NYPOST did that before publishing the story.

    The Russian Disinformation claim was a HOAX, intended to decieve morons.

    1. Yes, The Russian Disinformation claim was a HOAX, intended to deceive *just enough* morons.
      Or, at minimum, lend plausibility to the 80-something million votes for Basement (covid-cower) Biden.
      I do wonder if so many morons will cheat for him in 2024. Or will they be cheating for some other “not Trump” selection?

  12. While Democrats in positions of authority abuse their positions to interfere with the 2024 presidential election, they tell us that Trump was delusional to believe there was election interference in 2020.

    A Democrat NY AG brought charges that Trump falsified business records in order to commit a second felony crime, which has still not been named. The NDA was billed as legal fees, and there was no option in the accounting software to title it anything else. Violations of election law are handled by the federal government, yet NY brought these charges. Not only were the business records correctly billed as legal fees, but the statue for falsifying business records ran out already. The state of NY apparently rested its case that Trump falsified business records in order to commit a second crime, which they never did disclose. Trump is at risk of being sentenced to 134 years in prison for a crime the state never disclosed. The Democrat judge allowed totally irrelevant, salacious testimony from a porn star, in which she spun an ever changing tale of a one night stand with Trump, which has evolved significantly in the retelling over the years. The same judge disallowed a defense witness who would have explained election law, and instead allowed disgraced, multiple time perjurer Michal Cohen to instead instruct the jury on the law. NYC is a Democrat supermajority. There is a significant likelihood that the facts of the case won’t matter to a jury with the opportunity to get Trump.

    When interviewed on the street, people in NYC will eagerly say that Trump should pay for his crimes, but when asked what those crimes are, they don’t know. There is just this amorphous feeling that Trump is a criminal, due to the never ending barrage of false accusations.

    The lawfare against Trump has interfered with his presidential campaign, kept him off the campaign trial for the most part, in order to help a Democrat president in sharp cognitive decline. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has escaped criminal consequences for stealing classified information for decades, sharing it with his ghost writer, giving it to Chinese-funded Penn-Biden Center, as well as revealing it to his drug addict son, and for the corruption outlined in the Hunter laptop.

    Donald Trump might be sentenced to prison for an NDA with a porn star, for an alleged encounter in 2006, as well as for declassifying documents and going through the legal system to dispute what the NA were entitled to, while Joe Biden has escaped charges. Hur described him as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory, like he just took home those documents for decades accidentally, and was just confused about getting kickbacks from his family’s selling access to his political favors.

    Democrats aren’t bothering to hide their interference in Donald Trump’s campaign, yet they call anyone who is concerned over election interference as “election deniers” or “insurrectionists.”

  13. He should absolutely go to jail if he is found guilty by the jury. And his dad should NOT pardon him.

    No one should have any immunity from the law, and no one should be above the law, regardless or wealth, connections or position. If the jury finds you guilty, you should do your time.

    1. It’s not about Hunter it’s about the Biden family selling access to our country and influencing our policy based on payments to the Biden family through Hunter to Joe and his brother. Ukraine Burisma, China, Russia – all Biden clients. All a mess right now. Thanks to Joe and Hunter.

      1. Spot on highlyeducatedsuburbanwoman. The gun charge = SQURRLE! (Nothing but a red herring.)
        The MASSIVE grifting operation is what they intend to avoid by tying up Hunter with a Fed gun charge (that the big guy can pardon.)
        Also pay no attention to the psychopaths pulling the strings of dementia Joe and pushing the lawfare against Trump.

    2. If he is found guilty ?
      There should be no if. this is a slam dunk.
      Regardless, he will be pardoned. Get over it.

      You would pardon your own children too.

      There will be no pardon until 2025, because doing so would end Joe’s election.
      But Hunter will appeal a conviction and remain out of jail until Joe loses.

    3. plugs WILL pardon him, and msm will have nothing bad to say about it. They will say, “it’s a father’s love for his addicted son.”

  14. How it all began:

    A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump:
    Has the bureau investigated this material?

    – David Corn, MSNBC analyst

    How it is going today with David Corn:

    Here Come the Russians, Again
    The director of national intelligence recently warned that Russia remains “the most active foreign threat to our elections.”


    If anybody thought the DNC/MSM was thinking of backing off destroying our nation, I’ve got a guayaba to sell you that was grown in Virginia

    NB: guayaba is a Caribbean fruit aka guava that grows only in the Caribbean and South Florida. Democrats are pendejos

    1. It’s interesting, isn’t it? Those Russians are so crafty, so skilled at posting on the internet that our crackerjack counterintelligence agents are flummoxed, again and again.

  15. Jonathan: We now have a pretty good idea what a second DJT second term will look. He already has said he wants to be “dictator for only one day”. By all indications he really wants to be dictator in perpetuity.

    For starters DJT says he will pardon many of the J6 insurrectionists and go after his perceived “enemies”. But that’s just part of his diabolical plan. On Monday DJT re-posted a dark and foreboding video with hypothetical headlines about a second term–with text that calls for a “unified Reich”–all with clearly antisemitic overtones. DJT took down the video the next day. Probably because his campaign consultants told him the video would send shudders throughout the Jewish community. Why would DJT repost such a video with allusions to Nazi Germany? That’s because DJT likes dictators. He has already claimed immigrants are “vermin” and they are “poisoning the blood” of white Anglo-Saxon Americans–all terms taken from Hitler’s playbook.

    And DJT has another plan to hold onto power. It’s his plan to avoid any legal accountability in a second term. I’ll cover that in my next comment.

    1. Who mandated the covid vaccine?

      Who is purging the military of conservatives?

      Who is illegally and unconstitutionally buying votes by forgiving student loans?

      Who is telling the United States Supreme Court: “You won’t stop me.”?

      Who is using lawfare to go after and jail his political opponent?

      Whose Department of Justice is maliciously prosecuting and imprisoning Trump supporters, Trump advisors, Trump attorneys?

      Whose family has taken upwards of $30 Million in bribe money from the Communist Party of China?

      Try to keep up, Dennis.
      America is now Biden’s Banana Republic.
      The entire world knows Biden is a malicious, lawless, corrupt, compromised, demented, tyrant.

        1. Hey, remember when Comey got pardoning power for Hilda.. and then went on to spy on Trump’s campaign?

          Yeah… Briben gets a lot of help. Others have the same tyrannical goals, so they actually like to help the demented old grifter.

    2. Other parts of his diabolical plan is to establish control over inflation, to enforce immigration per the laws of the land, to require students to pay back their loans rather than pretending that the executive branch has the constitutional power of the purse, to stop the draining of American petroleum and gasoline reserves, to have a coherent energy policy and not claim an existential crisis (i.e. climate) spending trillions driving up inflation without ever once justifying this to the American people, to appoint judges to the federal bench that actually know the law. And those tweets – we might actually have a President that communicates after a fashion so we can understand what his thinking is as opposed to one that reads instructions on the teleprompter.

      Yes one shutters at the mere thought! The world as we know it will end!

    3. Of course we already know what Donald Trump’s second term would look like, because we have his first presidency to go on. No new wars, geopolitical peace. The US was energy independent.

      Under Joe Biden, gas, groceries, utilities, inflation, and the cost of all goods and services shot up, so buying groceries is unaffordable. He abandoned Americans in Afghanistan (where the US was routed), Haiti, and Israel. Hamas murdered, tortured, and gang raped as many Jews as they could find. Joe Biden has actively interfered with Israel rescuing the remaining hostages, of which at least 4 are Americans, in Hamas’ last stronghold of Rafah. Joe Biden is insisting that the terrorist, gang raping, murdering Hamas be left in power in Gaza. Biden blew a third of a trillion dollars to build a pier to supply Palestinians who support genocide of Jews with supplies, yet predicatably, Hamas has seized all of the aid. We basically wasted a shocking amount of money just to supply Hamas with material support in its genocidal terrorist crusade against the Jews. American Jews are unsafe on college campuses across America, as a modern Nazi movement swept the Left in its quest to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews from “the river to the sea.” Anti-cop, and pro criminal policies decimated neighborhoods. There hasn’t been a single global policy that Joe Biden has gotten right. Russia invaded Ukraine. China is conducting military drills in preparation for invading and conquering Taiwan.

      These are verifiable facts. This frantic insistence by Democrats that Donald Trump is a threat after what we have all suffered and witnessed under Joe Biden is the true threat to the American people, because the newest voters might actually believe it.

      I WISH we were back in the time of prosperity when Trump was president, especially when buying groceries or pumping gas. He was right that Covid was a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and that China covered it up. He was right that China had been researching biological warfare, and that the country was our adversary.

      1. Some idiot here was ranting that Trump was purpotedly heckled at the Libertarian party convention.
        While his reception was mixed – there were boos and cheers.

        The BIG libertarian attack on Trump is over his handling of Covid – the lockdowns, and similar nonsense.

        So libertarians were angry with Trump and booed him over something that Biden was 10 times worse about.

        Trump was right about some things regarding Covid. But he should NOT have bought the nonsense from Fauxi.
        He should have known better. He is too smart to be fooled by these people.

        And Yes libertarians are not happy with Trump over Covid.
        The fact that they are 10 times as angry with democrats does not mean they are going to cheer Trump on Covid.

    4. “he wants to be “dictator for only one day”.”
      Correct, on Day one he plans to rescind a long list of idiotic Biden EO’s and reinstate a long list of his prior EO’s.

      Regardless, the lefts lunatic read of this and other Trump comments to pretend that this is the end of democracy are absurd.

      The US president CAN NOT act unilaterally.

      he can give orders, but those orders are meaningless unless they are obeyed.

      Only ONE US president has ever said “round up all ‘these people'” and been obeyed – that Would be FDR.

      What evil thing is it that you think Trump will do that will not face massive pushback from
      The military
      The courts

      You left wingnuts have no connection to reality.

      You think YOUR special perception of what someone else has said is even possible.

      Trump will cease to be president on Jan 20, 2029 at noon. There is NOTHING that he or anyone else can do to stop that.

      Just as he ceased to be president on Jan 20, 2025 at noon.

      From the moment he was inaugurated in 2017 the date of the end of his presidency was set in stone.

      There is one and only one way to change that.
      The house and senate confirming his re-election.

      If as left wing nuts pretend the plan to “install” Trump in 2021 would have required the House and Senate to confirm him as president.

      If Biden is confirmed or if NO ONE is confirmed – Trump’s (or any) presidents term Ends on Jan 20 at noon.

      If there is no president confirmed, and no vice president is confirmed, the Speaker of the house takes the oath of office and remains president until the House/Senate confirm a president. If they NEVER confirm a president, the speaker is president until Jan 20, 4 years later.

      The Term of a president is EXACTLY 4 years. No more.

      The moment their term ends – the military no longer takes orders from them,
      the executive no longer takes orders from them.
      No institution of the US government recognizes them as president anymore.

      Even While a president is within their term – should they act outside the constitution – those in the executive branch are sworn not to execute unconstitutional or illegal orders. The same it true of the military. If there is DOUBT over whether a president has the power to do something – this will be brought to the courts who will decide.

      Coups and dictatorships are not impossible – even in the US

      But they ARE impossible so long as we abide by “The rule of law”. The only way for a dictator or coup in the US,
      is if an entire political party goes lawless – AND controls the house and Senate. If the Military also goes lawless,
      and the Courts also go lawless.

      it is possible for the president to exceed his constitutional powers – it happens all the time.
      Biden does it regularly.

      Jefferson almost certainly did with the Louisiana purchase – that was a wise choice on his part – but he did NOT have the unilateral power to act as he did.

      AS George relentless points out – Lincoln also did – but the courts turned a blind eye – chosing not to rule his actions unconstitutional until after the war, the house and senate did not impeach, and federal agents chose to follow Lincoln’s unconstitutional direction.

      Do I need to list the ways Biden has violated the constitution ?

      Congress has refused to hold him accountable, and the courts MOSTLY ignore SOME of his unconstitutional actions.

      MIGHT Trump get SOME of the same latitude. Sure,
      But not enough to be dictator for life.

      Many of us are not sure where the limits of lawlessness that the left will not go beyond.
      It apears there are no such limits.

      But there are without any doubt limits beyond which the right will not tolerate violations of the rule of law.

    5. “For starters DJT says he will pardon many of the J6 insurrectionists”
      He will pardon most of them and commute the sentences of many of the rest. That is both constitutional and has broad support.
      It is also something he has openly promised. Those voting for him KNOW they are voting for that.
      There is no secret there.

      “after his perceived “enemies”.”
      Trump has already said he will be too busy to do that – and that is correct.
      But I have little doubt that many of the republcians that he appoints will take office with giant axes to grind.

      I have proposed a Truth and reconcilliation commission as a means of breaking this tit for tat revenge cycle.

      What I can assured you will NOT happen – is the lawlessness of the left going completely unpunished.
      There must be consequences – or the cycle will continue forever.

      The only question is HOW to break the cycle.
      Doing nothing – means the left will continue this the next time it takes power.
      Tit for Tat assures that both parties repeat this forever.

      My thoughts are investigation, and immunity in return for confession and cooperation.

      Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

      Regardless, What will NOT occur is democrats weaponized lawfare going without consequences.

      Regardless, BIDEN and DEMOCRATS have established that you can “go after your political enemies” – so long as you can concoct a flimsy legal reed to do so.

      Do you think Republicans are less able to concoct lawless reasons to go after their enemies that Democrats ?

      DM – the “unified Reich” nonsense has been debunked long ago.

      We have NOT as of yet established whether the originator is an actual right wing extremist, or whether like the Media Matters attack on Twitter or Jussie Smollet it is a left wing nut setup.

      My bet is on the latter – as it is EXTREMELY common for left wing nuts to try to setup Trump or Republicans.

      “all with clearly antisemitic overtones.”
      Right, you really expect ANYONE to beleive that Trump is anti-semetic ?
      Are you a total brain dead idiot ?
      Ivanka Trump CONVERTED to Judiasm. Jared Kushner – a jew, is her husband. Those of you on the left RANTED about Trump pardoning a jewish relative. Trump struck the only consequential mideast peace deal since Carter and the Biggest ever.
      Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem.

      Trump is NOT an antisemite, he is NOT racist, he is not antigay.

      These and other insults are just the goto idiotic claims that the left uses against anyone they do not like.

    6. “We now have a pretty good idea what a second DJT second term will look. ”

      Yes, HIS FIRST.

      Low inflation, low interest rates, no wars, solid dependable economic growth,
      no chaos at the border. Low gas prices. Less government regulation.
      Less government interference in our lives.

      4 peaceful years where we can ignore the blatherings of the MSM and those of you on the left ranting and raving about the end of the world.

    7. Congrats! You’ve managed to regurgitate several of the latest BS talking points!

    8. “Dictator”. You misrepresent what he said. What he really suggested was that if closing the border makes him a dictator, so be it. Kind of like, “if loving you (not you Dennis) is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

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