Michael Cohen Goes on TikTok With New Trump Taunt … and Announces Campaign for Congress?

Fox is reporting that Michael Cohen was back on TikTok last night using the Trump trial to troll for dollars. Cohen reportedly appeared in a teeshirt showing Trump in an orange jumpsuit and asked for more followers. He also reportedly announced his candidacy for Congress, which would allow him to take one of the seemingly few oaths that the serial perjurer has not violated.

Who would have thought that District Attorney Alvin Bragg calling a porn star to the stand would be the moral high ground for key witnesses?  Next could be a disbarred, convicted perjurer who is still seeking to make money off the case.

Cohen previously pledged not to discuss the trial after many of us objected to Judge Juan Merchan’s gag order as unconstitutional, particularly as to Cohen who has continued to attack Trump on the air while defending the gag order for his own protection.

Cohen’s prior promise lasted a record of a couple days before he broke it on TikTok. Now he is appearing with a teeshirt mocking Trump and using the moment to pursue a congressional seat.

For Judge Merchan, this is precisely what he was warned about. He has stubbornly enforced his poorly written and excessively broad order. After admitting that this was a “case of first impression” on the extension of gag orders to such things as repostings on social media, Merchan clarified his meaning not with a new order but by imposing sanctions on Trump.

Trump is now appealing the gag order and Cohen is doing his best to undermine not just his residual credibility but that of the court. Between the lurid testimony of Daniels and the continued antics of Cohen, Merchan looks completely feckless, if not farcical, in his own courtroom.

For Merchan and the prosecutors, none of this can come as a surprise.

There is an old fable of a scorpion who wants to cross a river and convinced a hesitant frog to carry him on its back. After all, if he stung the frog in the river, they both would die. That seemed logical so the frog agreed to do so only to have the scorpion deliver a lethal sting halfway across. When the frog asked why the scorpion would doom them both, the scorpion replies: “I am sorry, but I couldn’t resist the urge. It’s in my nature.”

Cohen has always been open as a grifter.

The problem is not Cohen. He continues to act to his nature. The problem is a political and legal system that enables him as a serial liar. It is a system that continues to call Cohen to the stand and ask him to swear to God to offer the “truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” without a signature joke drum roll before his punchline.

Yet, Cohen now wants to take an oath of office in the legislative branch.  He seems to collect oaths the way some collect animal heads for a trophy wall. The question is whether other members could suppress laughter when he swears that he is taking the oath of office “without… purpose of evasion.”

NB: A version of this column appeared on the New York Post.

105 thoughts on “Michael Cohen Goes on TikTok With New Trump Taunt … and Announces Campaign for Congress?”

  1. If one could be bothered to look, this pathetic dude is likely scattered across the less-than-savory web just like his hero, Hunter. Funny how Hunter just evaporated into a wisp of smoke, totally and completely, just like that, huh? Pfft. spare us the juvenility, idiot. We are not that stupid, and not half as depraved, privileged, or misguided as the likes of you. Not even those on the left. Guffaw.

  2. A liar, perjurer and grifter for Congress…? What else is new? Cohen will fit right in with all the other mainstream Democrats, and Republicans, not to mention dual-citizens…

    What to make a difference? Want a change in our political climate? Might consider this… FWIW:

    None but a citizen, born or naturalized, shall be eligible to vote for President, Vice-President, Senator, or Representative, or other elective office, under the Constitution of the United States.

    None but a citizen, registered to vote in any state, may make campaign contributions to Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates, Senatorial candidates in their registered state, and candidates for Representative in the Congressional district in which they reside.

    None but a citizen, registered to vote in any state, shall make any campaign contribution, except in the calendar year prior to the election.

    Each state legislature shall determine campaign contribution limits for all candidates standing for office within the state.

  3. Doesnt a conviction require more than the testimony of an alleged accomplice (Cohen)? What is the corroboration?

  4. My wife and I never were so involved in the political news of the day until the Clinton versus Trump presidential campaign in 2016.
    And here we are, nearly 8 years older, the political news of the day is not gone from our daily lives, even as the ‘unifier’ (Joe Biden) was going to bring a unifying and steady hand back to the White House. Didn’t happen and we who have been aware of who Joe Biden is and was, dating back at least to his 1988 presidential campaign, should have foreseen it was another of those ‘big lies’ told by those inside the Beltway. And just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, the mainstream media are headlining that RFK, Jr.’s brain has been partially eaten by a parasitic worm — Jesus ! Unbelievable…..

  5. “Cohen reportedly appeared in a teeshirt showing Trump in an orange jumpsuit . . .” (JT)

    The primary purpose of a gag order is to protect a *defendant’s* right to a fair trial.

    In this case, we have a Leftist judge who gags the defendant, while leaving a prosecution witness free to smear the defendant in public.

    If you still believe that this is a fair trial, then you are willfully blind — and beyond reason.

  6. “There is an old fable of a scorpion who wants to cross a river and convinced a hesitant frog to carry him on its back. After all, if he stung the frog in the river, they both would die. That seemed logical so the frog agreed to do so only to have the scorpion deliver a lethal sting halfway across. When the frog asked why the scorpion would doom them both, the scorpion replies: “I am sorry, but I couldn’t resist the urge. It’s in my nature.”

    Cohen has always been open as a grifter.”

    Indeed you do.

  7. It seems Judge Merchan is cut from the same cloth as Roland Freisler the presiding over the People’s Court, the German kangaroo court that always decided in favor of the prosecution under Hitlers government.

  8. It’s long past time to take America back to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    1. Arrest the antitrust racketeers, that is to say 90% of the billionaires, try them for their crimes, arrest the top tier of their stooges, which is probably a like figure of top executives of major corps, universities, nonprofits, and major political figures of both parties; purge the military industrial intelligence complex of incompetents and traitors; that’s what would be necessary for a sufficient reform that would save the nation within existing boundaries. And that is all the most unlikely outcome

      Maybe if we can do something like that without worrying too much about existing boundaries, it would be a second best, but we might actually survive

      one way or another, nobody at the top will give up easy and they don’t give a fig about “America” or the laws or human rights or your rights or any ideology whatsoever!

      its US or THEM

      Saloth Sar

  9. In keeping with the carnival atmosphere of the New York trial, Judge Merchan has permitted Storm Daniels to sell DVDs of her movies at a concession stand just outside the courthouse without a license.

    Judge Merchan stopped by the stand to purchase solo and girl-girl DVDs because his daughter Loren was interested in those. And Alvin Bragg bought a variety of DVDs claiming they were highly relevant to discovery for his case.

  10. They don’t care about the law, justice, morality or ethics. They want to do whatever they can do in order to get Trump convicted by a jury of his “peers” before SCOTUS says that the prosecution is Unconstitutional, and they are being aided by the judge to get it done. Then the Dems can use “he’s a convicted criminal” and he was only saved by a “stacked Supreme Court” for the rest of the campaign.

  11. Jonathan: With all focus on DJT’s Manhattan trial you have missed some other interesting news. Here’s an update:

    Back on 4/17 you wrote a column defending the right of right-wing racist commentator Ann Coulter to speak at Cornell. Well, Coulter is back in the news. Yesterday, she was on Vivek Ramaswamy’s “Truth” podcast with more of her racist tropes. For those who don’t remember VR, whose parents immigrated here from India, was a GOP presidential candidate this year before dropping out of the race. Anyway, this is what Coulter told the host:

    “I agreed with many, many things you said…when you were running for president, but still I would not have voted for you because you’re an Indian. There is a core national identity of the WASP. And that doesn’t mean we can’t take anyone else in–a Sri Lankan or a Japanese, or an Indian. But the core around our nation’s values are found in the WASP”. VR didn’t seemed ruffled by Coulter’s racist comment about his heritage.

    But Rep. Ted Lieu, who was born in Taipei, Taiwan, had his own take on Coulter’s comments: “I was surprised that Ann Coulter made a racist statement about Vivek. What surprised me is the weakness and lack of self respect of @Vivek Ramaswamy. He’s actually promoting this episode and praising the person who spewed raw racism…”

    I mention this episode because Coulter spoke at Cornell and you think she is the person the University should have welcomed with open arms?!

    1. Do you plan to vote for the billionaire who banged a porn star into unconsciousness,
      the man who says his Snickers is too small,
      or the baby-killer who fed his brain to a worm?

      I know who I’m voting for.

  12. Stormy Daniels’ salacious affair story keeps changing because encounter never happened, Trump team claims
    Trump defense attorney Susan Necheles says Stormy Daniels ‘made it up’
    By: Brooke Singman – Fox News ~ May 09, 2024

    Video Foxnews.com: foxnews.com/video/6352606697112
    https://vod.foxnews.com/media/v1/pmp4/static/clear/694940094001/e69a099c-e228-4cda-8812-b4110df5c3ed/740b14c1-9f43-4f9a-b09f-dd2e2d6cacaf/main.mp4 \

  13. So Turley has a problem with Cohen taking a oath if he was to be elected. And Turley enables and protects Trump the most proven and documented liar in American history.

    1. Do you plan to vote for:
      1) the billionaire who banged a porn star into unconsciousness,
      2) the man who says his Snickers is too small,
      3) or the baby-killer who fed his brain to a worm?


      I’m gonna guess Fishy is voting for the guy who had a parasite eating his brain.
      Or the “hey, these companies are ripping me off by putting fewer snacks in muh snackpack” dementia patient.

    2. Actually Fishbrain, Joe Biden is by FAR the most documented liar in American political history — going back 50 years. Biden had to end his presidential campaign way back when, after he was found out, yet again, to be a liar and plagiarist. It’s a mental illness with Biden. He literally can do nothing BUT lie. He’s done it for 50 years in PUBLIC office. WELL DOCUMENTED.

    3. Actually Fishbrain, Trump tells the truth FAR more than any other political figure in Washington DC. You’d know this if you did not watch “the fake news” that LIES to you daily.

    4. You can keep your doctor if you like your doctor
      We must pass the Bill to know what is in the Bill
      If you take the vax you will not catch Covid
      If you take the vax you will not transmit Covid
      Ivermectin is horse paste and useless

      Fly fly fly little fishwing

  14. I’m not interested Michael Cohen

    Stormy Daniels makes a profit in her porn profession. Who are the other clients & what do they pay? Itemized deductions?

    What does Stormy Daniels declare on her IRS taxes?

    1. Did Stormy Daniels pay the IRS tax bill?

      Stephanie Clifford aka Stormy Daniels owes the IRS $51,480 of that hush money.

  15. It is very interesting how the global communist Deep Deep State “Swamp” Regime took out Jeffrey Epstein posthaste, while Real President Donald J. Trump stands in the gap for the benefit of once-free actual Americans, courageously suffering the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” delivered by the communists’ “Epstein,” their nouveau hero du jour, Jezebel.  What were the odds on the persistence of Jezebel at the outset?  How long did the Kennedys allow Marilyn Monroe to threaten disclosure and dissemination? Real President Donald J. Trump’s America is a “kinder and gentler nation,” right?

    1. @George

      No doubt. It is astonishing how leftists destroy the very things that enable their twee and sad comfort; it won’t end well for them; the rest of us who are not spoiled, aristocratic babies, will be fine, just fine. And they will beg us for admittance into our functional world. So beyond absurd, I can’t believe we are even discussing it. Really. It is 2024.

      Yet, behold: the 21st century. You on the left that enabled this: as stated before, good luck when your dollars are less than toilet paper. 😝😝 The rest of us will pursue things as far as we can within the confines of government and law, but barring that, again, good luck. We will not be the ones begging, and that is a promise.

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