A Disbarred, Serial Perjurer Walks into a Court and Asks to Take an Oath…Seriously, No Joke

C-Span/YouTube Screenshot

Below is my column in The Hill on the expected appearance of Michael Cohen in the Manhattan trial of former president Donald Trump. It will be a scene that is both mesmerizing and repellent for many, particularly in the bar.

Here is the column:

A disbarred, serial perjurer walks into a courtroom and asks to take an oath . . . No, seriously, this is not a joke. Michael Cohen will soon appear in a Manhattan courtroom in what is sure to be one of the most bizarre moments in legal history.

Cohen nearly comprises the prosecution’s entire case against former President Donald Trump under a criminal theory that still has many of us baffled. It is not clear what crime Trump was supposedly trying to conceal by making “hush-money” payments to former porn actress Stormy Daniels.

What is clear is that none of the witnesses called in recent weeks has had any direct involvement with Trump on the payments.

The witnesses had a lot to say about Cohen, and most of it was not good. They described an unprofessional, self-proclaimed “fix-it man” who created a shell corporation to buy out Daniels with his own money. The money was later paid back by Trump after the election, with other legal expenses.

So Cohen will now make the pitch to the jury that they should put his former client in jail for following his own legal advice.

This would be difficult even for a competent and ethical lawyer. For Cohen, it is utter insanity. But Bragg is betting on a New York jury looking no further than the identity of the defendant to convict.

Cohen has an impressive history of lies and exaggerations that may be unparalleled. Just weeks ago, another judge denounced him as a serial perjurer who was still gaming the system.

This is not the defendant, mind you, but Alvin Bragg’s star witness.

I have been an outspoken critic of Cohen going back to when he was still representing Trump. His unethical acts were matched only by his unprofessional demeanor.

In 2015, after students on the Harvard Lampoon played a harmless prank on Trump, Cohen was quoted by a student on the Lampoon staff as threatening them with expulsion.

When a journalist pursued a story Cohen did not like, he told the reporter that he should “tread very f—ing lightly because what I’m going to do to you is going to be f—ing disgusting. Do you understand me?”

It is not hard to “understand” Cohen. He has long marketed his curious skill of voluntarily saying whatever the highest bidder wants him to say.

He is a convicted perjurer who seems to lie even when the truth would do. Each time he is caught lying, he claims to be the sinner who has finally seen the light, seeking redemption.

When he was called before the House to testify against Trump soon after his plea agreement with the Justice Department (for lying), Cohen was again accused of perjury. House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), warned Cohen repeatedly that he had better tell the truth this time. Cohen then testified that Trump wanted him to work in his administration and offered him multiple jobs, which he turned down. He also claimed, “I have never asked for, nor would I accept, a pardon from President Trump.”

Multiple sources have said that Cohen’s lawyer pressed the White House for a pardon, and that Cohen unsuccessfully sought a presidential pardon after FBI raids on his office and residences last year.

Even after being stripped of his law license and sentenced to three years in prison, Cohen continued the pattern. In 2019, Cohen failed to appear to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, citing an inability to travel due to surgery. He was then seen partying before the hearing date with five friends.

Even while in jail, Cohen was accused of lying to a court, in violation of an order for early release due to medical problems. He was ordered back into custody after being spotted at a high-end restaurant.

But the most impressive moment came when Cohen was put back on the stand under oath and matter-of-factly claimed that he had lied in his prior hearing, when he pleaded guilty to lying.

In his 2018 guilty plea before U.S. District Judge William Henry Pauley III, Cohen admitted to this conduct under oath.

Then, when Cohen was asked by Trump’s counsel, “Did you lie to Judge Pauley when you said that you were guilty of the counts that you said under oath that you were guilty of? Did you lie to Judge Pauley?”

Cohen responded, “Yes.”  He was then again asked “So you lied when you said that you evaded taxes to a judge under oath; is that correct?” He again responded, “Yes.”

Most of us expected the Justice Department to bring new perjury charges at that point. It is rare that a defendant will actually take the stand and confess to perjury. However, Cohen was now useful again. This time, he was willing to deliver Trump. The Justice Department and Manhattan prosecutors were clearly willing to tolerate a little perjury for that prize.

Cohen’s conduct has already loomed large in the Manhattan proceedings. When Keith Davidson took the stand — the attorney who represented both Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal — he recounted how Cohen was furious about not being offered a job in the White House. That directly contradicts Cohen’s congressional testimony. Davidson said that Cohen believed he might be named attorney general.

The account, if true, shows that Cohen is not only unethical, but also delusional. Cohen was found incapable of being an attorney, let alone an attorney general.

As prosecutors set the table for the grand arrival of their star witness, the testimony only got worse. David Pecker, the former owner of the National Enquirer, said charitably that Cohen was “prone to exaggeration.”

Davidson described Cohen’s profane and unprofessional conduct, stating that “the moral of the story is nobody wanted to talk to Cohen.” That may be the first time the word “moral” was used in the same line with Cohen.

Former Trump associate Hope Hicks mocked Cohen on the stand. She said that he constantly tried to insinuate himself into the campaign, without success, and that he “used to like to call himself Mister Fix It, but it was only because he first broke it.”

Mind you, these were his fellow prosecution witnesses, not the defense.

These witnesses also contradicted the basis for the prosecution. Pecker said that he killed stories for various celebrities for years, and that he did so for Trump for over a decade before he ran for office. Davidson testified that he did not consider the deal to be “hush money” but simply “consideration” to kill bad press.

Hicks testified that she believed Trump wanted to kill the stories in significant part to protect his family from embarrassment.

Cohen could not even maintain a consistent position during the trial. Many of us have denounced the gag order on Trump that prevents him from responding to Cohen’s unrelenting attacks in the media. Cohen then promised to stop any further comments. That promise may have set a record for Cohen. He kept it for roughly three days before being accused of trolling for dollars on social media by attacking Trump.

District Attorney Bragg will now call this disbarred, serial perjurer to make the case against a former president.

Under New York law, the oath administered by the court is supposed “to awaken the conscience and impress the mind of the witness in accordance with that witness’s religious or ethical beliefs.”

Before the bailiff administers the oath to Cohen, Judge Juan Merchan may have to warn spectators in the courtroom not to laugh. For anyone familiar with Cohen, it will sound like the ultimate punchline to a bad joke.

Jonathan Turley is the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at the George Washington University Law School.

259 thoughts on “A Disbarred, Serial Perjurer Walks into a Court and Asks to Take an Oath…Seriously, No Joke”

  1. Can you please use sources in your articles? EVERY SENTENCE OR FACT should have a source. Seriously, EVERY SENTENCE of a good motion and a good journalist article has a source. Your article has 0. Please, Im trying to be open to your point of view but its tough when you DONT USE A SINGLE SOURCE/CITATION. Without a source, you could just make things up. I understand it takes alot longer to write articles that have 20-30 citations but i trusted 0% of this article as there were no sources. You think Im going to trust you? Nope, Im not a sheep like most people. I need sources. My position is reasonable wouldnt you say?

    1. “According to sources who choose to remain anonymous” works for the MSM. I’d guess that works for you so long as you agree with that “source” eh?

  2. And the real knee slapper is: As ridiculous as this “trial” is, no one seems to be able to stop it. That is a crime in and of itself. No wonder the third world population always resorts to violence.

    1. This is an opinion piece and not one lawyer has picked it apart. It is put out their to be attacked legally and it has not . Thoughts on that?

  3. Sadly, one or more people who is too chicken to use a name is ruining the Comments section. It may be that I agree with the anonymous comments, but since there’s no way to tell if it’s a bunch of people or just one person who goes by Anonymous, I make a point of skipping those comments. But this, or these, Anonymous are so busy posting that there’s no room for anyone else, which is probably why that seems to be the only person(s?) commenting.

    1. Never mind — I see how it works — I never got a chance to log in first, so now my comment is showing up as Anonymous! And there’s no way to delete or edit it.
      My apologies to all the other Anonymous, and that’ll be the last time I’ll comment on Mr. Turley’s posts.

  4. Among other things, Daniels writes that Trump’s penis is “smaller than average” but “not freakishly small.” She also claims that it is “unusual” in shape and “it has a huge mushroom head” that’s “like a toadstool.”

    1. …and at first she thought Trump was too short until he stood on his wallet.

  5. A serious issue that is continously overlooked by the media and even the legal community is the proven connections between the pornography industry and organized crime. I have long worked in the technical side of the broadcast television and film industry in Los Angeles and it is not even an open secret that mobsters back that business and profit from it. They owned many production companies with cut-out owners, invested in the productions, procured the ‘talent’, controlled the ‘talent’, and secured large loans from the equipment lending business for the equipment needed for their production and post-production studios. They got in early in the streaming business and made millions, if not billions, in the duplications of videos and dvd’s. This is all validated in multiple FBI investigations and reports. You do not have to take these words as gospel. The chance that ‘Stormy Daniels’ is not associating now or has done so in the past is less than 1%.

    1. Hold on bro. You’re dialing in from the 50s or something. Since porn was basically legalized nationwide by the errant SCOTUS in the 70s, porn studios are now backed by commercial banks.

      Moreover, the biggest clearinghouse for porn is GOOGLE, and the biggest hardware for porn operation is APPLE

      Now you might ask are Google and Apple organized crime? If we are talking antitrust, you betcha, they’re racketeers!

      Saloth Sar

  6. We’re all looking for solutions but as Jonathan knows, the UniParty is very powerful. They ignore constitutional rights when it suits them and wave them in glory, when it protects them or expands their power, even if they have to stretch the intent, if needed. Sovereign Immunity, the Commerce Clause and the General welfare clauses as examples.

    The 2nd Amendment, the militia portion is a lot more powerful than most understand. Under Title 5, the Citizens militias are called the “Unorganized” Militia, yet they are as much a part of the military as the Organized portion, i.e. the four branches, including the National Guard. many are under the erroneous assumption the civilian militias (Unorganized) are now the National Guard. No where in the Constitution or Statutes does it deny this portion of the military from putting down an insurrection. If you do not believe there is an ongoing insurrection, you’re an ostrich. Just go down the list, starting with the money clauses and see how many rights have been unlawfully usurped and on the scope of powers side, how much their powers have unlawfully been expanded. It so bad, it is easy to argue, we are no longer a lawfully constituted republic. Isn’t it typical in politics for the Pot to all the Kettle black. They are accusing everyone of insurrection, an unsuccessful one, I might add, when it is they (the UniParty) who are the successful insurrectionists. Do you want to talk about the “fraudulent” enactment of the 16th Amendment, (The Law That Never Was” by Benson and Beckman, the prohibition of drugs, or licensing laws that take way the right to work? We’ve slowly allowed greater and greater usurpations of property rights and allowed the expansion of greater scopes of power primarily under the general welfare clause.

    Nobody wants to talk about this, because it strikes are the very heart of the legal foundation of our nation-state. Did not the entire Austrian School of Economic, not warn us, starting with the Carter Administration, if we continued down the road with big government, central banking and the massive redistribution of wealth policies, we would end up as we are today; “Stagflation” and the potential of financial and economic collapse or depression????

    1. Buddy, the Austrian school is not the solution. The solution is locking up the bad guys in huge numbers. and then re-educating the public per Plato’s Republic. You aint gonna get that done with a laissez faire government. You aint gonna tame Soros and Larry Fink and the other billionaires without not only a real army with guns but also an army of property trained bureaucrats who are ready to dismantle their many illegal monopolies, and bring a thousand lawsuits to soak up the ill gotten gains from their racketeering. Von Mises won’t get it done. You need to think like…..

      Saloth Sar

    2. What’s more is, the Carter administration actually was the first to embrace “deregulation” which was ok to a point, but also went hand in hand with an exagerrated idea of comparative advantage (free trade ideology) that got our whole nation de-industrialized. Reagan and the rest extended this ideology, it was globalism and the rise of China etc.

      And the people who profited over this have mostly backed Clinton and Clintoneque politicians ever since and here we are with no industrial base losing out in artillery production to Russia 1:10. Pathetic mismanagement by our national elites. Economic hucksterism financed by globalists at these feckless universities, is partly to blame

      Saloth Sar

    1. If you do not hold utter disgust and contempt for these commie pig leftist judges (DC courts are full of them), then you must watch MSNBC and think you are being informed.

      1. These corrupt Marxists in black robes are destroying what’s left of the rule of law in America.
        People need to speak up.
        Do not keep analyzing these trials and prosecutions (including the thousands of J6ers) and treating them AS IF they are legitimate. They are not.
        These prosecutors are crooked liars.
        These judges are crooked.
        These DAs are crooked as hell.
        These people do not believe in the Constitution or the Rule of Law – only POWER (over you).
        The Garland DOJ is fully weaponized AGAINST the American people.
        The Biden administration is fully HOSTILE toward its own citizens.
        Do not remain silent.

      denial of due process,
      Kangaroo court confirmed

      -Saloth Sar

      1. “The only way this gets fixed is to give them a healthy dose of their own medicine – the ‘dead chicken strategy.'”

        Yes indeed. Let’s make it happen.

  7. It doesn’t matter how many times Michael Cohen lied and under how many different circumstances he lied. What matters is that the DC jury consist of Leftist dupes, dopes, and dummies. And Leftist dupes, dopes, and dummies will do whatever their Leftist Masters tell them to do. The Jury understands that Alvin Bragg is the designated Leftist Master running the circus. And the Leftist jury understands that Judge Juan “The Con” Merchan will block all evidence that supports Trump and permit any lies that benefit the prosecution, tacitly communicating that their “job” is to convict Trump of invented crimes they don’t even understand.

    And Loren Merchan, Juan “The Con” Merchan’s daughter will rake in millions of dollars from the garbage trial. At the end of the day, the corrupt Democrats will get to brand Trump a “convicted felon,” which was their goal all along from the start. They will use that term over and over and over in a desperate attempt to try to rig the election. But they will still fail. They fool nobody but the dupes, dopes, and dummies. Fortunately, they don’t make up most of the population. Most people understand exactly what’s going down. They know that Juan “The Con” Merchan is just that. A totally depraved and corrupt Con-Job.

    Sure, the 3:00 AM Mail-In Vote demographic works strongly in Biden’s favor, but so many of them will have to be manufactured that the end result would be 20% more “votes” than there are registered voters. Even the deaf, dumb, and blind SCOTUS would question that absurd result. So, DJT it is. Get used to it, depraved, degenerate Leftists.

  8. Basically what has happened here is Trump has driven through what is basically a small hick town speed trap complete with corrupt magistrates and judges in cahoots with the DA and Sherriff to fleece and fine fat cats unlucky enough to come through.

    Only they targeted this fat cat intentionally and are running their flim flam live on television because half the public’s apparently “in on it” or least isn’t bothered by it.

    Its like watching an old episode of the Rockford Files, … and they just called Angel Martin to the stand.

    1. “….. that’s Rockford, … James Rockford.

      R – O – C – K – F -O – R – D, …

      …. Rockford.


      I can show you where his dad lives too.”

    2. This is Floyd Estovir trying to make us think New York City is a ‘hick town’. One can bet their life savings that Floyd has never been to New York.

      Absurdly Floyd presents Trump as an innocent outsider ‘just passing through’ New York. As though Trump wasn’t born and raised there!

      The real hick is Floyd Estovir who’s been conned by Trump, the New Yorker. In fact, most of Trump’s base tend to be small towners. Funny how that goes! New Yorkers know better.

      This post, by Floyd, is a good example of the nonsense he cranks-out 16 hours per day. Just knee-jerk MAGA sludge to assure Turley’s mostly absent ‘regulars’ that a dependable yahoo is looking after the blog.

      1. Do I read this correctly? You actually have the audacity to sit there behind the name “anonymous: and are calling me by one of your troll names?

        Listen up troll, my name is Chris Weber, my website is http://www.chriswebertreesurgeon.com. I am a local tree surgeon here in Virginia, I am not one of your ignorant anonymous trolls in here hiding behind various names and non deplumes. I’m an actual person, so before you make the mistake of opening your mouth to me again, first have the decency and at least the intelligence to recognize when you are talking to an actual person, and not some trolling hack like yourself.

        And what I do son, I don’t do “16 hours a day” I do it 8, and you can watch my work on my YouTube channel.

        Crawl out of whatever hole you’re hiding in and learn something before coming at me with this horse manure.

        The analogy I made stands. I’m from NY originally, and its a cesspool. A cheaply gilded hick town of con artists and flim flam men, the majority existing in the local govts and court houses and police forces.

        NY City is a cesspool, and the fact you think its anything other says that’s right where you belong.

    3. Basically what’s happened here is that Trump falsified business records with the intent to interfere in an election by misrepresenting illegal campaign donations as “attorney fees” when they were, in fact, payments to a porn actress for a nondisclosure agreement. Purchasing a NDA is not, of itself, a crime, but falsifying business records is, and when the intent for such falsification is to interfere in an election, it becomes a felony under New York law. Covering up of a crime IS a crime. Trump tried to aid his campaign by hiding his predatory conduct toward women and his misogyny. The “Access Hollywood” tape is further proof of his arrogant belief that because he is “famous”, he can kiss women he finds attractive and even sexually assault them.

      1. Gigi you speak like someone who doesn’t have to hire and pay lawyers from an organization with an accounting program and data entry people and so forth. Let me explain this super simple. When you send a check to the lawyer who represents you, you mark it down truthfully as “legal fees” and there is already prolly a designated expense category and for a repeat engagement the computer probably self populates it.

        The data entry person does not break out a little for copy fees, a little for filing fees, etc. There is one check and they call it all “legal fees” or something like that. End of story, five minutes, no manager tells them what to do, they do it simple and easy and nobody thinks twice. Especially not a boss at DJT’s level. He does not oversee data entry.

        It is not misrepresentation or fraud to include money sent to the lawyer for a settlement for that along with the legal fees. Maybe an insurance company would have a business purpose to break out the accounting detail of settlement funds but in many operations if not most that level of detail is just not even considered. If there is a GAAP that says that is wrong, so what, then he’s failed to keep a perfect book. That is not illegal, at best it is a mistake, and I dont think it’s even a mistake.

        You could get an expert to testify to that and easily get reasonable doubt if the judge is fair. We will see, huh?

        Saloth Sar

        1. Saloth Sar: maybe you haven’t been following the details, but there was NO retainer agreement and no invoice for services because the payment wasn’t for services. One of Trump’s employees described the payment as “reimbursement”. Falsifying business records by misrepresenting hush money paid to cover up sexual misconduct as attorney fees, with the intent to influence an election is the crime with which Trump is charged. The quantum of evidence supporting this is overwhelming. The issue isn’t accounting or even whether it’s legal to pay for an NDA. Expert testimony cannot create facts–and, in fact, experts must base their opinion on established facts. Experts also cannot render an opinion on whether facts are true or whether witnesses are credible, either–that is the province of the jury, and the Rules of Evidence forbid a witness from rendering an opinion on the credibility of another witness’s testimony. Alan Weisselberg’s handwritten notes make clear exactly what the payment was for, and that it included an amount to cover Cohen’s taxes, so he would net out $130,000, plus a bonus.

      2. No No Gigi! Obviously, like my neighbor, you listen to our corrupt media 24/7 (especially MSNBC) into the middle of the night! Good try but lies are always exposed!!! This trial,as rejected by other DAs and attorneys on the left is nothing but ‘Politics of Personal Destruction’ from The Marxist left who hates this country and Donald Trump.They know The Biden Crime family and administration can’t win the election so this all you’ve got! So pathetic. But look out for Judge Cannon, the only honest judge in this whole clown show!!Strange how the Russian Collusion Hoax immediately lost the media’s focus when it was exposed…..and not one lying politician or media criminal was held accountable!

        1. If Judge Cannon is so “honest”, then why did the Eleventh Circuit not only reverse her TWICE, but admonished her to boot? And, was the REPUBLICAN Senate Intelligence Committee in on the “Russian Collusion Hoax” when they reported that Russian hackers DID help Trump cheat?

      3. Your absolute hatred for Trump (and men in general apparently) is evident but none of that… “conduct toward woman” or “his misogyny” needs to even be mentioned and are the hallmarks and “tells” of someone with a personal grudge not any crime.

        1. Put the incident in perspective—the Access Hollywood tape had just come out. Hicks testified that the campaign was worried about this killing his chances for winning because it showed him as being a misogynist. And that’s the reason for Cohen contacting Daniels’s attorney—another story about Trump disrespecting women, cheating on his wife and being a sexual predator might be the nail in the coffin. So that’s why the offer was made to keep her quiet. The Access Hollywood tape is relevant because it helps prove Trump’s motivation for the NDA and falsifying the records by misrepresenting the $130K payment for Daniels’ silence as attorney fees—damage control since there was concern that the Access Hollywood tape already hurt his image, especially with Evangelicals he was trying to court. Falsifying business records to hide misconduct from voters is election interference.

          1. “all over the world there were people like me sitting in offices, day after day after day, who did not fully appreciate the depth and the speed with which you were being engulfed by this unimaginable terror.” CLINTOM

            Gigi approves of this filthy liar. To her, Clinton is wonderful, and Trump killed a million innocent people. She is an evil, lying, deceptive enemy of humanity.

            The most evil American knew exactly how, why, when and where tens of thousands were cut to pieces on his watch and he Refused to lift a finger. And Gigi hates Trump

  9. If this corrupt commie judge Merchan throws Trump in prison, just remember what happened to Epstein in prison.
    Epstein did not kill himself.
    Is that part of the Deep State plan to ‘handle” their Trump problem?

    1. Trump has Secret Service Protection so it may be slightly more difficult to fake a suicide with them in attendance.

  10. This blog is a truly fascinating sociological microcosm of MAGA madness.

    Contributors such as John Say, Edward Mahl, Iowan2, Tom and the many other anonymous posters are all reinforcing their own collective delusions.

    It is basically a Mutual Masturbation Society. What you are doing feels good, but I can assure you that it ain’t the real thing by a long shot.

    1. It appears that you leftists are the MMS members, failing to discuss facts as known and ignoring extensive illegalities in the Trump persecutions.

      We live in 2 different worlds, but only 1 reflects reality, and it isn’t yours.

    2. What you are told sounds like THE TRUTH, but I can assure you that it ain’t the real thing, not by a long shot.

      In fact: “The entire January 6th narrative is based on lies. It’s built on lies beginning to end”. @julie_kelly2

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