Associated Press Under Fire for Salacious Article on Ohio Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno

The Associated Press (AP) is reportedly looking at a possible lawsuit after a bombshell article on GOP Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno was found to contain serious errors and contradictions. The article by Brian Slodysko suggested that Moreno had posted on the website Adult Friend Finder (AFF) to find male lovers. The story was eagerly picked up by newspapers like The Washington Post. Moreno is a Trump-backed anti-establishment candidate who is on the ballot this Tuesday in the Ohio primary.

After being pressed by conservative sites like Breitbart News, AP admitted that a claim of having “geolocation data” implicating Moreno is untrue and Moreno’s counsel has shown that an intern admitted that the posting was a prank. Moreover, the AP knew and reported on the admission from the intern but still ran the story and claim of geolocational data support. The article is being denounced as a political “hit piece” and AP has reportedly brought in a major defense attorney to handle the legal repercussions.

The story recounted how someone posted a message stating “Hi, looking for young guys to have fun with while traveling,” reads a caption on a photo-less profile under the username “nardo19672.” It further stated that

“Beyond the work email, the profile lists Moreno’s correct date of birth, while geolocation data indicates that the account was set up for use in a part of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where property records show Moreno’s parents owned a home at the time. The account’s username — nardo19672 — appears to refer to Moreno’s full first name, Bernardo, as well as the year and month of his birth in February 1967.”

In reality, an intern reportedly admitted to creating the account as a joke. Moreno’s lawyer told AP that

“16 years ago an intern at Moreno Auto created an account at AFF as a prank, which he quickly abandoned that same day. We have provided AP a copy of a signed letter from that intern, admitting to this, as well as another signed letter from a former VP of Mr. Moreno’s company, confirming this intern’s employment at the time the account in question was created…The email address in question was not Bernie’s personal email address, but rather an email address that appeared on company websites and literature and was managed by staff. Multiple people had access to it, including this intern.”

While acknowledging that objection, the AP still ran the story on purported “links” of Moreno to the site.  Various people immediately objected to the claim of the geolocational evidence, including the man who reportedly created the code for the site. Adult Friend Finder founder Andrew Conru expressed shock at the reporting and posting a detailed refutation of the claim:

“I reviewed all the available information and it showed that the account had only a single visit, no activity, no profile photo, consistent with a prank or someone just checking out the site. That’s it. The AP report seeming to claim that the available data proves the account was created in Florida is inaccurate, as location information is manually entered during the signup process. In reality, there appears to be no public geolocation data tied to the account.”

He added later:

“Ah, just noticed what people are calling geolocation. In 2008, when someone entered any zip code during signup, we just had a lookup table to map it to latitude and longitude. Geolocation today means to deduce someone’s location based on the browser’s IP address which isn’t the case here.”

When pressed by Breitbart News, Lauren Easton, the director of communications for the AP, on Saturday admitted that it did not have “geolocation data” referenced in the two prior stories but still stood by those stories. It suggested that the “geolocational data” was merely noting that it was basically coming from the same zip code.  Critics objected that the use of the term suggested that AP had data showing an account created with a specific IP, or internet protocol, address that can be tied to a specific location. Otherwise, with the reported admission of the intern, there was little to support the bombshell article published just before the election.

The AP questioned the claim of the intern. Moreno gave very specific information and a statement from former intern, Dan Ricci, who said he created the account as “part of a juvenile prank.” That statement included the admission that “I am thoroughly embarrassed by an aborted prank I pulled on my friend, and former boss, Bernie Moreno, nearly two decades ago.” However, The AP said that it could not “independently confirm Ricci’s statement and he didn’t immediately respond to messages left for him on multiple phone numbers listed to him. He donated $6,599 to Moreno’s campaign last year, according to campaign finance records.”

I understand that the AP would want to communicate directly with Ricci. I also get the suggestion that Ricci might be simply a supporter covering for a candidate. However, I do not understand the basis for running the article in light of the countervailing evidence without something more than a loose claim of “geolocational data.” It is particularly suspicious when the posting was made sixteen years ago and was just published a few days before the election.

While AP did not confirm the statement of Ricci, counsel for Moreno (and the candidate himself) would be facing serious legal jeopardy if they made up the statements and lied about the admission.

Moreno has reportedly hired Charles Harder, one of the attorneys who led the lawsuits against Gawker before that publication closed.

A lawsuit could present some interesting questions since AP did incorporate the denial and alleged admission from the intern. It could argue that the rest is its opinion on the newsworthiness of the allegation. The issue is whether, given Moreno’s status as a public figure, the AP meets the “actual malice” standard for defamation as either knowingly publishing a false claim or doing so with reckless disregard of the truth. If Moreno sues and gains access to discovery against AP, this could prove a costly and embarrassing matter for the company.


120 thoughts on “Associated Press Under Fire for Salacious Article on Ohio Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno”

  1. That wasn’t a prank. It was a hit piece.

    The very people who would claim to be supporters of LGBTQ+ falsely claimed a Republican was part of that community, in order to shame them. They support gays, but also weaponize calling someone gay to shame them. Outing someone without their permission is also considered abhorrent in the community. In fact, one of the battle lines drawn is whether a school should out a student to that student’s parents.

    Someone cannot support LGBTQ+, while also try to shame someone with a false accusation of being part of that community. Someone cannot oppose outing LGBTQ+ to family, while also falsely outing someone who isn’t actually gay.

    Sounds like this activist is no real ally of the LGBTQ+.

    This fake story is out there and can never be undone.

    I hope he sues the pants off them.

  2. So, the AP article is pure propaganda. Without substance. Unethical and immoral. But it’s effective. Just like the other anti-Trump and anti-conservative media efforts the mind numbed progressive sycophants in the country will believe it and repeat it gleefully. Because it supports their narrative and expedites their agenda. Media has power because they are never fully challenged. The legal eagles will fight over intent and the minutiae of the law. And Justice will be left dying in agony at the courthouse door. Don’t expect a righteous outcome. Righteousness is on a train heading towards oblivion.

  3. John Say,

    You can’t ‘say’ anything in less than 50 paragraphs. Time for a nightschool writing class. Or maybe a therapist? Someone who can gently explain that you’re a long-winded bore!

  4. The Automotive Explanation Behind Trump’s ‘Bloodbath’ Reference

    After years of preparation, Chinese car companies are poised to upend the US electric-vehicle market.

    Industry watchers say it’s only a matter of time before Chinese automakers bring their impressive — and importantly, inexpensive — electric cars to the US. After years of threatening to set up shop in America, the companies are closer than ever to making the move.

    On their home turf, Chinese companies have already vanquished their American competitors by offering better quality and less expensive electric cars. They’ve started exporting a slew of brands to Europe too.

    Donald Trump will presumably stem this invasion of cheap, electric cars by levying punitive tariffs on Chinese vehicles.

    But if Trump isn’t reelected, Joe Biden will let the American auto industry suffer a total ‘bloodbath’ as Chinese imports take over our roads.

    This analogy raises penetrating questions:

    How did the U.S. auto industry fall so far behind with regards electric cars?

    Was the Federal government not pushing our industry hard enough?

    Did Climate Change denial stymie our commitment to developing electric cars?

    How long will American consumers tolerate high tariffs on Chinese cars knowing they could be much cheaper?

    Beyond these questions though is the foolish choice of words by Donald Trump. With January 6th still a fresh memory, a ‘bloodbath’ scenario, if Trump is not elected, sounds like a threat! How could it not?

    If Trump is misunderstood, with such alarming frequency, that alone is one good reason to keep Trump out of power.

  5. I stopped reading at geolocation – bc how would or could the associated pressure have that? Creepy

  6. Jonathan: Some on this blog claim their leader’s comment about a “bloodbath” was taken out of context–that what DJT was referencing was his claim that China plans to ship their cars across the Mexican border and he will put a stop to it with 100% tariffs to protect domestic auto makers. Given DJT’s penchant for confusion, hyperbolic rhetoric and vagueness it’s often difficult to discern what he actually intends by his statements. But for his MAG supporters I think they understood what DJT was saying–that if he loses again to Joe Biden there will be another Jan. 6 and this time it will be a “bloodbath”.

    But there was another statement DJT made at the same rally that was not ambiguous. DJT stated that some migrants coming across the border are “not human”–falsely claiming countries in Africa are emptying their jails and prisons of gang members and other criminals to flood our southern border. In previous speeches DJT falsely claimed migrants are “animals”–“poisoning the blood of our country”. Those words were carefully chosen by DJT to appeal to his White neo-Nazi crowd and other “nativists” that worships Adoph Hitler–who used the same language to refer to the Jews.

    So if DJT wants to impose a 100% tariff on Chinese cars what does that mean? Won’t really help the domestic auto market much. GM and Ford have already shifted production to high end vehicles, SUVs and trucks. A 100% tariff will only hurt US consumers who will ultimately pay the price increases.

    DJT is a charlatan. He tells voters he will fix everything if only they will give him the chance to be “dictator”–but only for a day. The German people fell for that line in the 1930s from Hitler. Let’s hope the American voter is a little bit smarter!

      1. I’m not sure what Denise supports.

        When it comes to Denise, its hard to separate fact from fiction or fantasy.

        BTW, Trump will have a hard time fixing all of the things Pedo Joe mucked up.
        Keep in mind that 30% of congress will do or vote the opposite from Trump just out of a reflex reaction with no thought.
        That’s in part due to TDS. Its also due in part to the need to keep their snouts in the feed bag.

        1. It is going to be a generation before the damage of Biden and his cabal. This is their plan now as they realize the bloodbath coming is will be theirs at the vote box. They are tanking the dollar, running small business in to the ground, flooding the country with unskilled unwilling to work aliens, running up the debt into the tens of trillions, and on and on. Then they will sit back and crow how Trump cant fix it all. The selfishness, pettiness, and criminality of the left knows no bounds. The USA is through as we have known it. Only God can save us now and that hopefully before Biden and his handlers ignite WWIII.

      2. Dennis is not the usual human. His brainstem accounts for most of his reactions and responses.

    1. Where is Annie? You reason like their aren’t a ton of jews in America- I’m a Trump supporter – and I’m certain where I came from are opposite of nazis. But gobels persists to tell lies. Oct 7wasnt a lie – it was innocent civilians hostages. Yet our left condones it? Marches for more of it – a sneak attack against civilians. Can happen anywhere wide open border. Ever consider jews might support Trump just for closing the border? And jews are not nazi – zyclone bee – nazis are nazis not jews ashat.

      1. @ Anon.

        The left marches in solidarity w their leftist brothers and the down trodden underdog.

        Hamas sells itself as freedom fighters. That they are the oppressed.

        The reality is that they are the oppressors and use Israel as the scapegoat and blames them for all of their troubles.

        Hamas is an organized crime family. They deal in blood and famine. They say that they are protecting their people… all the while robbing them blind. Skimming off the aid money. Putting away billions while living in UAE.

        At some point… they will hit the point where the political blow back from an assassination will be worth the risk and take them out.
        The Russians are good at it.
        Maybe Putin’s FSB will become hired guns?

        Just don’t drink the tea.

    2. Back at it again.

      Dennis – outside of your bubble – almost no one gives a schiff about your remarks about out of context misquotes and misunderstanding of Trump.

      In actual news, I read Cannon’s order “dismissing” Trump’s motion to dismiss for vagueness. She dismissed the claim WITHOUT PREJUDICE – meaning Trump is free to refile the same claim in the future.

      She dismissed because the prosecution and the court have not yet attempted to legally address the terms that Trump is arguing are unconstitutionally Vague. Essentially Cannon’s order PROPERLY told the prosecution they had better be able to make excellent legal arguement for clear definitions of a large number of terms and those definitions must have a basis in prior caselaw or history and tradion or Trump is going to win the motion to dissmiss in the future.

      The core issue – the entire reason for ALL courts rejected overly broad or overly vague laws, is because the legal requirement principle that ignorance of the law is not an excuse has a corrallary – and that is the defendant MUST have been able to know that what they were doing was illegal if they had been familiar with the law.

      Repeatedly – whether it is the james/Engoron case or the Carrol Case or the Bragg case or the Willis case or the DC case or the FL case – the prosecution of Trump does NOT state a crime that the majority of people can clearly see as having been committed.

      The claim that the legal system – the power of govenrment is being weaponized – most fundimentally MEANS, the rule of law has been lost.
      we are seeing a system where people with power – judges and prosecutors, and compliant juries – and not even most of those – just a few in a very few places, get to decide what law that all the rest of us are subject to means, and they get to do so to serve their own ends, not that of justice.

      That is the rule of man, not the rule of law.

      I do not think Trump’s motion to dismiss based on failure to clearly state a crime – based on bending and warping the law is coming back.
      I listened to excerpts of the Hearing in FL – as well as reading some of the briefs. The SC’s office is in serious trouble.
      While Cannon surprising accepted a FEW of their completely bogus arguments – even that did not help – because the SC’s arguments are now conflicting with themselves.

      Bratt argued that Trump was perfectly free to take classified documents with him to MAL on J20, 2021, but that on J21, 2021 posession of those documents became illegal. But then Bratt argued that had Trump tried to return those documents – even via illegitimate means such as providing them to republicans in congress the crime would magically go away.

      That is a disasterously bad legal argument that runs afoul of hundreds of years of western legal tradition and possibly multiple millenia.
      Why has the SC argued this – because he is trappeed in a box canyon – not only is he on the wrong side of JW V. NARA, But he is also on the wrong side of the earlier CREW v. Chenney as well as a number of similar cases. Trump’s attorney’s were able to provide many examples of prior presidents, and vice presidents, and cabinet officials that had acted as he did – or more egregiously still who were never investigated much less prosecuted.

      But it gets worse for the SC – Trump not only made these areguments – but he was able to cite DOJ making the same arguments in the 90’s and aughts, and right through to Biden’s lawyers making those arguments with SC Hur.

      You clearly are not aware that Biden’s attorney’s arguesd to SC Hur that ex-vp Biden could not be prosecuted for posession of classified documents SPECIFICALLY citing the PRA and JW v. NARA and CREW V Chenney. By far the strongest protection in the PRA is for the President. But the PRA does include Very limited but similar provisions for the VP – and Biden cited that To SC Hur.

      The most recent hearing was NOT about selective prosecution – that one is coming. It was about Trump’s claim that there is no crime because when Trump directed the documents to be moved to MAL as president very late in his term – those documents became personal documents according to the PRA. While the SC did not concede that point – he has ALREADY conceded every aspect of it EXCEPT the effect.
      The SC has conceded that Trump had the power to AND excercised that power in causing these documents to be moved to MAL late in his presidency. Neither the SC nor Trump are arguing that the transfer of those documents to MAL was accidental – as Pence argued, and as Biden atleast partly argued – though only partly, because Biden clearly stated that he deliberately took many of these documents and that he was as VP entitled to – hence his lawyers being forced to Cite CREW v Cheney and JW V NARA to defend him.

      Regardless, the agreement of both the prosecution and the defense that the transfer was intential AND that as president Trump was legally permitted to do so, leave the SC with only this absurd argument that even though Trump legally and intentionally transfered the documentto MAL – that without taking action the posession of those documents on J21, 2021 magically became a crime.
      So the SC is claiming Trump committed a crime by NOT acting. That is a real tough road.

      There were numerous other problems the SC had before the court – this is NOT the first time an ex-president has ended up with Classified documents. Jw V NARA and CREW V. Chenney are the legal cases – as well as a few others that addressed this.
      But there is much much more – Trump’s attorney’s presented DOJ OLC conclusions from several prior presidents – going back to Reagan that are consistent with JW V NARA and CREW V. CHENNEY – that presidents can take whatever docs they want with them, and that includes classified documents. Trump’s lawyers also provided past DOJ/OLC findings that the president is NOT covered by the espionage act – that if he was that the espioange act would be unconstitutional. That there is no, and can be no formal process for the president – as opposed to others to classify or declassify documents, or to determine whether those documents are personal or govenrment.
      This is NOT Trump’s argument – this is the argument of the DOJ/OLC for more than 40 years.

      The Reagan issue was discussed – because Reagan took his diaries and those diaries contained lots of classified information, and Because Reagan did so in close proximity to the PRA being passed – so ti had to have been considered. Cannon asked the SC why Reagan was not prosecuted – and the only answer the SC had was because the PRA was new, and maybe Reagan was confused – this is despite the fact that there is a DOJ/OLC oppinion from the time that mirrors JW V NARA.

      Despite that – I do not think that Cannon is going to dismiss on the grounds that the Documents are Trump’s property and this case has been garbage from day one – Though the SC was forced to Conceed that NARA did not have the authority to take the documents back from Trump.

      One of the other issues that came up – was that AGAIN the espionage act does not apply to presidents, and that the PRA is NOT a criminal statute. That essentially not only is Trump correct – and consistent with decaded od DOJ/OLC positions and case law – but that ultimately the actual law regarding ex-presidents documents is CIVIL law not criminal law. That the Civil remedy for unlawful posession is a replevin action, and the SC conceded that no president or VP had EVER been the subject of a replevin action to recover possession of documents – EVER.

      There are a large number of cases where the current administration sought ACCESS to the records of the prior administration – either from NARA or from the ex-president.

      But these are ALL efforts to obtain ACCESS – not POSESSION. This is important – because it is why failure to comply with the DC subpeona is not obstruction. Subpeona’s are for ACCESS, not posession – no matter what the Attorney who drafts them writes. Failure to comply is a discovery violation, and the next step is for that attorny to go to the court to get a court order – not a Warrant – because THERE IS NO CRIME.

      As I noted there is LOTS of caselaw about getting ACCESS to expresidents records – and while the courts DO NOT allow the current administration to go fishing in the records of the prior administration – a court order is required, but only minimla need must be demonstrated to gain ACCESS.

      Regardless, as I noted I do not think that Cannon is going to sign off on this motion. Though I think she should.

      I think she is going to use the record developed by this motion to rule on the “Selective prosecution motion”.
      That motion has broader positive implications for Trump, and a lower standard of proof.

      Many people have noted the disparate handling of VP Biden. That is important. But it is only a small – but important part of the selective prosecution claim. The most important part of that claim is that we have had Presidents and VP’s take classified docs before – in fact EVERY president has done so, and probably every VP – certainly Chenney, Biden and Pence did.
      So Contra the left – Trump is NOT behaving unusually. In fact – particularly compared to Biden he is behaving the LEAST recklessly.
      But it is not just what other presidents have done – it is 4 decades of DOJ/OLC opinions that say the exact opposite of what the SC is arguing.

      I expect that Cannon is going to toss all or most of this on selective prosecution grounds.
      That has the STRONGEST evidentiary basis – this prosecution has never been done before – but the FACT PATTERN has – for every president since Carter, and probably every VP.

      A selective prosecution decision allows Cannon to say – Trump is probably right that the law is too vague for the defendant to know they are committing a crime – without having to throw the case out solely on that basis.
      It allots her to say – Trump is probably right about the law – that presidents can transfer whatever documents they please to themselves as ex-presidents. without having to throw the case out solely on that basis.

      The selective prosution decision allows Cannon to use every other motion Trump has filed to dissmiss are a contributing factor – without having to specifically decide that as a final decision.

      Further a selective prosecution decision becomes an impediment to ALL the Other Trump prosecutions – including DC and Willis and Bragg,

      So I would prepare yourself for that.

      That said – it really does not matter what Cannon rules. Or even whether she rules in favor of Trump.
      If she rules for Trump – Smith will appeal. If she rules for Smith – Trump will appeal.
      the 11th ct may rule in favor of Smith – but the case will still go to the Supreme court – and it is too late for SCOTUS to take the case and decide it this year.

      You have a similar problem in GA – though apparently many on the left – such as Andrew Weisman have grasped that Willis is damaged goods and even lefties are asking Willis to resign. If she does not Trump will appeal McAfee’s decision – and the case will be on hold through the election.

      It is highly likely SCOTUS will flush ALL J6 1512C cases – shortly and there goes hald the DC case against Trump – actually 2/3rds becuase on of the remaining charges has the same 1st amendment problem. The recent J6 committee revalations that they burried evidence also creates massive problems for the DC case – No matter what SCOTUS rules on immunity – which likely will reject the DC court of appeals – but NOT adopt Trump’s the Senate must convict standard, it is likely that between that and the 1512C and other decisions – the DC case is DOA.

      That leaves Bragg. The Document dump is a major problem for multiple reasons – though Merchan is as biased as Kaplan and Engoron, he does not appear to be as stupid. he granted a 30 day extension – which Contra claims does NOT mean the case is a go in april – it STILL has to be scheduled and it can not conflict with other cases. But MErchan has atleast paid lip service to sanctions for discovery failure.

      Regardless, this discovery failure is a big deal – it highlights potential collusion between the DOJ and Bragg. Both failed at discovery.

      Further the 100K pages provided are on a very specific topic. That topic is Why didn’t SDNY or Braggs office prosecute this previously.
      What Bragg and SDNY have just provided Trump was their own analysis of the weaknesses of their case and Why both refused to prosecute several times before.

      This discovery with near certainty provides Trump’s lawyers with ammunition for multiple motions to dismiss.
      Ammunition provided by the prosecutors.

      Merchan can not schedule a trial until all the pretrial motions to dismiss have been dispatched.
      Even if he knee jerk rules against Trump – those decisions will be appealed and the case will be stalled.

      1. @John Say,

        Dude, I think for the most point, you’re preaching to the choir and to your specific audience, I doubt Denise or Giggly have the requisite brain function to understand what you’re saying.

        But here’s the rub.

        While the Dims are using lawfare to go after Trump…
        If Trump does anything in response when he wins… (baring assassination or outright theft of the election he’ll win…) his actions will be labeled as lawfare and then they’ll try to impeach him. (Again)

        Trump will be too busy anyway… he’s got a lot to fix.

        Now all those 87K IRS agents? Re-assign them to ICE CBP Immigration courts… and remove the illegals.


    3. “Some on this blog claim their leader’s comment about a “bloodbath” was taken out of context”

      Because that is what you and those on the left do all the time.
      Regardless, you can dissmiss that claim – if you are correct, by providing the actual remork with FULL context.

      But you never do.

      The rest of us assume – and rightly so, that when you do not quote the remark, much less with context, that you are lying.
      We assume that – because it has ALWAYS proven true. It is no longer with the effort of googling the claims that you make – you have lied repeatedly – you are the little boy who cried wolf.

    4. I expect a post election bloodbath.
      Trump will win and the left will go crazy.
      I expect it will be must worse than the summer of 2020 and 2016.

      1. John Say said: “I expect a post election bloodbath.”

        I’m hoping you are wrong, but I’m stocking up on ammo, just in case…

        1. @ #6,
          Wrong type of blood bath, but if you don’t have several thousand rounds of pistol ammo… you’re already too late.

          Back in the day… I used to go thru 1K ammo a month for skills and drills.

          Just saying…

    5. It is highly unlikely that Trump will lose to Biden in 2024.

      Further the degree of fraud necessary for Democrats to pull this off will be so large that if they try they will get caught.

    6. DM – the overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants are economic immigrants – coming from bad conditions in Haiti or Venezeula or BRazil or ….

      No one – not even Trump disagrees with that.

      But our immigration law does NOT make any special allowance for economic immigrants.
      If you enter the US illegally for economic reasons – you get deported.
      If you do not like that – change the law.

      However – we DO know that the Cartels are both exporting gang members into the US, and enslaving even economic immigrants into human trafficking and crime.

      Regardless, we have seen a major spike in crime since 2019. That spike has many contributing cases.
      ALL of which are bad democrat policies.

      It does not matter which specific reason is the most important driver of higher crime – ALL contenders are DEMOCRATIC POLICIES

      I do not need to debate whether it is drugs, or the export of gang members or lawless left wing nut DA;s
      All causes of increased crime and vilence are YOUR fault.

    7. “So if DJT wants to impose a 100% tariff on Chinese cars”

      if your argument against Trump has devolved to Chinese tarrif’s – Democrats are toast.

      I have SOME problems with Trump on Trade. None of those are within 100,000 miles of serious enough to vote for Biden.

    8. “He tells voters he will fix everything”

      He does – and almost no one beleives that.
      But they do beleive that he will do 10,000 times better that Biden.

      And they beleive that based on the evidence that the Trump presidency in nearly every way was better than the Biden presidency.

      No one will hold Trump accountable for not keeping every promise he makes.
      But both the left and the right expect Trump will keep MANY of his promises – because he did last time.
      That is why those who are voiting for him are doing so – and it is what terrifies you.
      Not that Trump is lying – but that he is telling the truth.

      1. @John Say,

        While Everyone knows that Trump is prone to hyperbole and exaggeration, I do believe him that he sincerely believes that he can fix most if not all of the major problems…

        Of course, most of the problem is that while Trump and others know what needs to be done… it will never happen because of Congress and their desire to block it for various reasons.

        If the SEC had any backbone… they’d go after Pelosi and her hubby.
        But before that… Pelosi will retire for ‘health’ reasons.
        Same thing if there was enough pressure to get Congress to enact laws to fix the problem.

        That’s just one example.

        The larger issue.
        Trump doesn’t know of any senior replacements for Wray or Barr that he can trust to do the job.
        DC is so infected that its going to take a lot to clean it up.

        The point… knowing what to fix and how to fix it… doesn’t mean that you can fix it.


    9. “DJT to appeal to his White neo-Nazi crowd and other “nativists” that worships Adoph Hitler–who used the same language to refer to the Jews.”

      Which political party is it that it engaged in acts of violence against Jews ?
      You think that Neo-Nazi’s – all two of them in the US, support Trump – who is a strong supporter of Israel, whose son-in-law is jewish whose daughter converted to Judiasm ? Rather that the party fo white elites that what to exterminate jews ?

      If you are looking for Neo-Nazis – start at Harvard. I do not think you are going to find a single MAGA among the most virulent jew haters in the country.

      Do you really thing that left wing nut fascists calling Trump a nazi is persausive ?

      If you want to see a brownshirt – look in the mirror.

    10. Trump should include this in every speech from now until November: “A Biden win means a bloodbath for the auto industry.” “Biden win means a bloodbath.” “It will be a bloodbath for the industry.” Repeat on a loop.

    11. It took almost a decade for Hitler to consolidate power and become a “dictator”.
      He did so in small steps.
      He also did so by bringing with him into government his own private army of Brownshirts AND SS.

      Trump has none of that.

      What is it you think Trump meant ?
      What is it you think Trump is going to do ?

      Do you think he is going to round up his enemies and jail them or shoot them ?
      He has palready said that he will not have time for revenge.
      Regardless, who is he going to have do all that totalitarian stuff ?
      DOJ ? FBI ?

      Trump can fire a massive number of people on day one.
      But outside the WH, he can not install his own people until the Senate confirms cabinet appoinments.

      So how is it Trump is going to do all this totalitarian BS you are worried about ?

      Do you think he is going to send the Military to your door ?
      Do you think they would follow that order ?

      Do you EVER think about the things you say before posting ?

      You would save me large numbers of words, if you would paud before hitting post and ask yourself – how is it that what I am writing going to actually work ?
      You say lots and lots of things that are litterally impossible. and that would be obvious if you get past your illdefined but terrifying fears of Trump and the reality of what is possible.

      So lets talk about what is likely to happen on J21, 2025.
      Possibly hundreds of Executive orders – most of which are being prepared right now, will be signed and take effect.
      A significant portion will be restoring prior Trump EO’s. Those are bullet proof – the left has already challenged those and lost.
      You will not be able to block them through lawfare.
      The next largest portion will be reversing massive numbers of Biden EO’s.
      Some of those will likely be delayed by court battles.
      Next most of us expect that he will FIRE large numbers of people in govenrment.

      None of this will be the end of the world.
      None of it will land a single democrat in jail.

      I would suggest another pattern for you as to what TRump will do.
      And that would be Milei in Argentina.
      The good news is that the US is the most powerful country in the world – small actions by the president have big global consequences.
      The Bad news is that Milei has far more power to make huge changes rapidly that Trump.

      Milie has been in office for only a few months – and Argentia is already running a small government SURPLUS.

      Milie is a beautify example of what a MAGAish “dictator” would do – though Milei is more libertarian than Trump.

      Trump is NOT going to be able to gut government agencies int he way that Milei has – and that is a pitty.
      Milei is proving that these agencies are an albatross arround the countries neck – in Argentina and the US.

      Regardless rathert than tell us “Trump is going to be a dictator on Day one – Oh My God”

      Try telling us what that MEANS.

      What is Trump actually going to be able to do ?

      What he is going to be able to do is quickly get rid of the stupid lawless policies of the Biden admin that were enmacted by FIAT by Biden./
      That is all that a new president can do unilaterally.

  7. Why do these “mistakes” only happen in one direction?
    The Republican always gets tarred “inadvertently” and never gets an erroneous call in their favor.

      1. Who was it that said grab em by the pussy?
        Who was it that said its going to be a wild time come Jan 6?
        Who was it that has been found liable for defamation and has to pay nearly $90 million in damages?
        What party did the no Ex congressman belong to when he was drummed out of the House after being charged with crimes?

        Are you sure it is the left that is unleashing evil? Or perhaps it is the rights cultish behavior towards trump.

        1. He can grab them because they let you when you are famous

          Wild doesn’t mean violent or illegal

          90 million for defamation borders on harassment and likely reduced

          It’s amazing how so many of the attacks on Trump stem from intentionally misquoting him taking him out of context or creating new definitions for words ie wild

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