College Park Under Fire Over Self-Professed Revolutionary “Racial Equity” Leader

There is a controversy brewing in the City of College Park, Maryland over its “racial equity” leader Kayla Aliese Carter, who is tasked with eliminating systemic racism in the departments of the liberal city.  Carter has called for the United States to be burned down to allow for “Black Liberation.” The city says that it is investigating, but Carter is an interesting snapshot of what I have called the “radical chic” in academia and society. She is a revolutionary who called for violence while complaining that she is being asked to work for a living.  In addressing the controversy, the City of College Park will now need to establish a free speech principle that will apply equally to revolutionaries and reactionaries alike.

In 2022, Carter joined the city workforce under Mayor Fazlul Kabir to implement a “racial equity” agenda across all city departments, affecting policies, practices, programs and budgets. Under Kabir’s leadership, she was to work on reviewing “all current policies and programs” for any bias and “disparate impact… for Black people.”

Carter however appears to prefer arson to analysis.  She has long voiced violent and racist views. She helps guide fellow armchair revolutionaries on “how we will eat and live and grow after we burn it all down.”  She has little patience with incremental changes and calls for others to “dismantle this s–t.” Carter maintains that it is only the destruction of society that will result in true justice: “I can’t wait for society to collapse so MY ideology can rise from the ashes!”

She also rejects criticism of violence, asking “Why do Black people always have to rationalize our violence and anger?” After all, she noted on Instagram, “we are at war against colonialism.”

She has posted on how she has facilitated and co-hosted events with people committed to her view of Black liberation. In these public statements, she repeatedly rejects calls for nonviolence in seeking the destruction of society: In one May 2020 post, she asked “Do y’all understand why the oppressed are constantly shamed out of using violence?? BECAUSE THE OPPRESSOR WANTS TO BE THE SOLE PROFITEER OF VIOLENCE. THEY DON’T WANT TO DEAL WITH BACK TALK. ‘DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO’ FACE A–. No.”

Using “yT” for white people, she even slammed those who tried to be inclusive at work:

“This yT man in my meeting just said, ‘I want to take a moment and give the floor to any Black… participants to… tell us what MLK Day this year meant to you.’ I SWEAR I AM WHEEZING WHO HIRES THESE PEOPLE?” While working at one of the most far left governments in the country, she portrays her life as working within a system of white supremacist oppression. In one posting, she added at the end “White man calling, I got to go.”

While the Kabir administration pays her $75,600, she is not happy with having to work to feed herself due to this white supremacist, capitalist system. Instead, she posts how she should be a “collage artist” or a “lady of leisure.” However, her preferred job description may not resonate with employers outside of the City of College Park government: “I need a new job but the problem is that I don’t want to work I just wanna lay in my bed being a girl can anyone help me with this?”

Yet, she says capitalism is to blame for forcing her back into criminal conduct: “Tired of being so underpaid also tired of applying to new jobs. I don’t wanna go back to s*lling dr*gs but this economy is getting desperate.”

Of course, these postings may lead many to ask the same question raised by Carter herself: “I SWEAR I AM WHEEZING WHO HIRES THESE PEOPLE?”

The city has announced that it will look into the matter.

The fact is that Carter has free speech rights in the system that she is committed to burning down. The question is whether the City of College Park would support the same free speech rights for an employee who attacked minorities on social media and called for liberation or violence for white people. We have previously discussed the double standard often applied in academia.

Radical professors are often lionized on campuses. At the University of California Santa Barbara, professors actually rallied around feminist studies associate professor Mireille Miller-Young, who physically assaulted pro-life advocates and tore down their display. 

We have also seen professors advocating “detonating white people,” denouncing policecalling for Republicans to suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservativescalling for the killing of Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters, and other outrageous statements. University of Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis defended the murder of a conservative protester and said he saw “nothing wrong” with such acts of violence. The university later elevated Loomis to director of graduate studies of history.

Conversely, that support was far more muted or absent when conservative faculty have found themselves at the center of controversies. The recent suspension of Ilya Shapiro is a good example. Other faculty have had to go to court to defend their free speech rights. One professor was suspended for being seen at a controversial protest.

If the City of College Park is going to defend free speech rights, it needs to be clear that it will extend equally to all views and all employees.

As we watch how this controversy will play out, the postings do offer another insight into the radical chic in America, including the call for revolution while hoping to realize the dream of being “lady of leisure.” So it is not just companies who are complaining about the lack of work ethic among young workers. Revolutionaries are facing the same motivational issues. In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote “IT HAS been objected that upon the abolition of private property, all work will cease, and universal laziness will overtake us.”

They added that in a capitalist system

“Each man has a particular, exclusive sphere of activity, which is forced upon him and from which he cannot escape . . .  if he does not want to lose his means of livelihood. . . . in communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity, but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow.”

So, in other words, collage artists unite against the yoke of the bourgeois City of College Park and their capitalist masters.

99 thoughts on “College Park Under Fire Over Self-Professed Revolutionary “Racial Equity” Leader”

  1. The below says so much about the deep-rooted nature of this situation:

    License Level LMSW – Master
    License Number 28885
    Status Active / In Good Standing
    Zip Code 21133
    Work Phone
    Supervision Approval Date
    Disciplinary Action NO

  2. Wow, .incredible.

    I saw Nighthawk and Face Dancers there in the Paragon on Route #1 back in the early 1980s…

    Used to be a cool town.

  3. Henning W. Prentiss Jr. asserted, “Popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within.”

    The Prentis Cycle

    From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to freedom; from freedom to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency ; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to fear; from fear to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more.

    – Henning W. Prentiss Jr., 1946

  4. Equal opportunity is fair. “Racial equity”, on the other hand, requires racial discrimination to achieve an equal result.

    In order to make a professional basketball team reflect the racial distribution of the population, would require racial discrimination of black athletes, to have more whites, Asians, Latinos, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans on the teams. If “diversity was our strength”, rather than the meritocracy of athletic talent, then quite a few black athletes would be passed over and warming the bench.

    When diversity is only skin deep, it is no strength.

    The message of eternal victimhood does black communities no favors. Activists have been telling black Americans for decades that nothing wrong in their life is their responsibility. Self destructive behaviors in the community, like single motherhood rates over 80% in some areas, or high rates of drug use and criminal activity, are not addressed when everything is the fault of white supremacy and capitalism. There are no standards of behavior at all, and in fact, black Americans are expected to riot when they are angry. That excuse doesn’t fly for white Americans.

    Meanwhile, Asian American families statistically put enough pressure on their children to turn coal into a diamond. They raise their children to understand that everything is their responsibility, and that they must excel in all things. They must not only play classical music, but become first chair. They must not only dance ballet, but become prima. They must not only take advanced mathematics, but get A+. Their school years are like a Stephen He video, where if they get a B their parents respond with “Failure Management.”

    So when is diversity actually a strength? When a team is comprised of a diversity of talent, skill, and strengths to attack a problem through all angles. A cancer patient doesn’t care what her tumor board looks like. She’d want the best oncologists, pathologists, radiation oncologists, and geneticists to serve.

    1. Freedom and Self-Reliance are all the racial equity the Constitution provides.

      All men are created equal, after that, you’re on your own.

      Oh, and women too.


  5. Jonathan: As I expected your column has brought out the worst racist instincts of some on your blog. When you write a column attacking a person of color it’s like Pavlov’s dog–the racists just can’t wait to come out and join in the attacks.

    “Floyd” is one. He quotes from the psychologist Leo Festinger who coined the phrase “cognitive dissonance” back in 1957. Like Festinger, Floyd thinks “Blacks in America already have a big problem. They are addicted to their alibi of discrimination”. For Floyd, Black grievances are just a part of some “delusional/hate amalgam” (3/14@11:56am).

    Then we have “Anonymous” (I think it’s the “steaming turd” one) who thinks Kayla Carter “wants to be the great enslaver of Whites in her anti-White paranoid delusions” (3/14@11:30am). Through his own delusional projection Anonymous thinks Black people want to turn the tables and enslave him and his fellow White racists. Anonymous lives in fear of what he thinks Black people will do to him and that justifies his hatred of Black people. Maybe that is why he prefers to use “Anonymous” to hide his identity. In his delusion he thinks one day Black people might come after him.

    Now there is a difference between “inadvertent bigotry” and “habitual racism”. I don’t know exactly how Floyd and Anonymous fit into those two categories. But inadvertent bigots tend to sincerely deny they have committed a racially motivated action. Their problem is that their stereotypes of people of color are so entrenched they don’t recognize them. Then we have the “habitual racists” who hardly disguise their overt racism. They actually believe people of color are inferior and inherently prone to criminal behavior.

    When Black people complain about racism it’s not an “alibi”. It’s based on real life experiences. Take the experience of Tim Scott, the GOP Senator from S. Carolina. He once told an audience he was pulled over by white police officers 7 times in a single year. That’s a widespread experience for Black folk. I have a Black friend, a wealthy guy who has a stable of sports cars. Last year he came for a visit–a car trip that takes about 3 hours. During the trip he told me, jokingly, he was pulled over twice: “They just couldn’t believe a Black man could be driving a restored Mercedes SLR. They thought I had stolen it!” Among Black people it’s called “DWB”. I have another Black friend who is a VP for one of the airlines. He lived and worked in LA for years. He told me he was stopped no fewer that 17 times over the years –driving through El Segundo, a predominantly White beach town adjacent to LAX. At the time he owned a late model Porsche convertible.

    And these are just one small segment of the daily life experiences of Black people in America. But for some on your blog it’s all just Black “delusion”–an “alibi”. I beg to differ!

    1. You said,

      ““Floyd” is one. He quotes from the psychologist Leo Festinger who coined the phrase “cognitive dissonance” back in 1957. Like Festinger, Floyd thinks “Blacks in America already have a big problem. They are addicted to their alibi of discrimination”. For Floyd, Black grievances are just a part of some “delusional/hate amalgam” (3/14@11:56am).”

      Thank you for quoting me accurately! However, you misquoted Festinger. It was actually Eric Hoffer, who noted the problem, a few years after Festinger’s book, When Prophecy Fails (1956). This was in Hoffer’s 1959 book, “Working and Thinking on the Waterfront” 1959 – to wit:

      “The crucial question is whether the [African American] will ever give up his alibi of discrimination. You do not give up the imperishable advantage of an alibi for the short-lived exhilaration of achievement. There is trouble ahead. For the less justified the [African American’s] alibi the more passionately will he cling to it, and the louder will he voice his grievances.”

      I mused whether Hoffer got the idea from Festinger. Hoffer was an avid reader. As far as me being a racist or not, the nomenclature does not bother me much, one way or the other. One can think that African Americans are pretty bad and rotten bunch collectively, without being a racist, as African Americans are hardly the sole representatives of black people on this planet. Your canard holds as much weight as saying I am racist towards white people, because I do not like the German Nazis.

      I much prefer to view speech in a true-false lens. Either what I say is true, or what I say is false, or it is some mixture of both. Now, you said, “Then we have the “habitual racists” who hardly disguise their overt racism. They actually believe people of color are inferior and inherently prone to criminal behavior.”

      Well, you got me there! I do believe that African Americans are inferior, and inherently prone to criminal violence. I do not believe that is on account of their skin color or race, but instead a product of their particular culture, and the way that they are raised. I do not think that about black people from Kenya. Some American black people are great, such as Thomas Sowell, or Larry Elder or Candace Owens. But there are far too many who are just plain sorry and rotten people. I suspect that you recognize that too, and I bet you tend to stay away from predominantly black neighborhoods, and I bet you would slobber and drool in a Pavlovian manner should you encounter three or four black youth on street at night. (Luckily, I used to conceal carry when I went out.) So, I would probably slobber less than you.

      As far as “inherently prone to criminal behavior”, the numbers speak for themselves. That is why many newspapers no longer mention the race of criminal suspects, and do not provide pictures. They do not wish to stereotype blacks as criminals, yet why else would they not run the pictures, unless the stereotypes were true?

      Miss Carter, the “immature” young black girl, is a screaming racist, and indicative of where many blacks are, thought wise. The horrible things she said, would not be out of place, in any black church in America. That problem will get worse.

      (PS: The wordpress filter does not like the word, knee grow, so I had to replace it.)

    2. Oh, and driving while black! So let me get this – wealthy black people often want to identify themselves by their color, such that when a drug addict/seller named George Floyd dies of a drug overdose, they take it personally. Then, when the police actually do identify them in that way, “hey we gotta black dude driving a Porsche”, then they are surprised that they were not judged by the content of their character. I can understand the annoyance, and the irritation, but as you said, one of your black friends was WEALTHY, one was a SENATOR, and the other was a VP of the airlines. It looks to me like they did all right for themselves, and the only “racism” they faced was from cops, doing what cops do, and noticing incongruities. IMHO, your friends should have been more angry at the large number of black men who have tainted the whole race with their criminality.

      1. Floyd: Thank you for your frankness in your two comments. I have a brother-in-law with similar views. That’s because he doesn’t know any Black people. He sees Black people through a lens of “White privilege” he grew up with his entire life. I too experienced the same thing. I had big and small privileges I enjoyed simply because of the color of my skin. I am now long in the tooth and I now recognize I would not be where I am today without those privileges.

        But what “incongruities” are you talking about? You mean when a White cop stops a Black motorist in an expensive car with the unwarranted assumption the driver doesn’t belong in that car–that it is probably stolen or the driver is a drug dealer? I have another Black friend who told me a story about when he was a teen he got stopped by the police –even though my friend was not speeding and had committed no other infraction. The two White cops made my friend get out of the car and tore it apart–they ripped open the seats and threw all the contents of the car on the ground. When they didn’t find any drugs they got in their patrol car and drove away–leaving my friend to clean up the mess. You mean that kind of “incongruity”? When I told my friend: “Why didn’t you file a complaint?” He laughed and replied: “That’s probably what a White person would say!” Now if that had happened to you or me we would have filed a complaint. But for Black people they know better than to file a complaint against White cops. It can only cause further trouble.

        These are the kinds of indignities Black people go through on a daily basis. Being stopped on the highway all the time is just the tip of the iceberg. You would know this if you had Black friends who could tell you all sorts of horror stories. It is something we, as white people, would not stand for in our daily lives.

        Finally, we need to recognize another reality. This country was founded on slavery and discrimination against Black people. And politicians have ever since played on the fears about Black people–to exploit those fears–trying to divide us by race and ethnicity to gain and keep power. Divide and rule. That’s DJT’s whole campaign strategy–fear of the other–the “aliens” flooding across our southern border to take away the jobs of White people. And all the “crime” in the inner cities that DJT says he will deal with by shooting “looters”, i.e., Black people.

        And, unfortunately Floyd, you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book. Allowing yourself to used by politicians who really don’t care about you. They only want to use your fears and hatreds to gain and keep power. When are you going to wake up and realize Black people are not the “enemy”? They should be your natural allies to protect our Democracy from those who want to take it away. But as an admitted racist you apparently think what we need is a “dictator” who will keep people of color where they belong–out of sight and in jail or worse. Germany tried that experiment. Hitler exploited the fears and hatred of the “other”–the Jews. And we know how that ended. If you vote for DJT in November you will have bought into a devil’s bargain. Like the one Robert Johnson agreed to with devil at the “Crossroads”. That handshake with fascism is not the kind of bargain I would accept.

    3. You left out Abraham Lincoln.

      Earlier Resettlement Plans

      The view that America’s apparently intractable racial problem should be solved by removing blacks from this country and resettling them elsewhere — “colonization” or “repatriation” — was not a new one. As early as 1714 a New Jersey man proposed sending blacks to Africa. In 1777 a Virginia legislature committee, headed by future President Thomas Jefferson (himself a major slave owner), proposed a plan of gradual emancipation and resettlement of the state’s slaves. In 1815, an enterprising free black from Massachusetts named Paul Cuffe transported, at his own expense, 38 free blacks to West Africa. His undertaking showed that at least some free blacks were eager to resettle in a country of their own, and suggested what might be possible with public and even government support.7

      In December 1816, a group of distinguished Americans met in Washington, DC, to establish an organization to promote the cause of black resettlement. The “American Colonization Society” soon won backing from some of the young nation’s most prominent citizens. Henry Clay, Francis Scott Key, John Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Bushrod Washington, Charles Carroll, Millard Fillmore, John Marshall, Roger B. Taney, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Stephen A. Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln were members. Clay presided at the group’s first meeting.8

      Measures to resettle blacks in Africa were soon undertaken. Society member Charles Fenton Mercer played an important role in getting Congress to pass the Anti-Slave Trading Act of March 1819, which appropriated $100,000 to transport blacks to Africa. In enforcing the Act, Mercer suggested to President James Monroe that if blacks were simply returned to the coast of Africa and released, they would probably be re-enslaved, and possibly some returned to the United States. Accordingly, and in cooperation with the Society, Monroe sent agents to acquire territory on Africa’s West coast — a step that led to the founding of the country now known as Liberia. Its capital city was named Monrovia in honor of the American President.9

      With crucial Society backing, black settlers began arriving from the United States in 1822. While only free blacks were at first brought over, after 1827, slaves were freed expressly for the purpose of transporting them to Liberia. In 1847, black settlers declared Liberia an independent republic, with an American-style flag and constitution.10

      By 1832 the legislatures of more than a dozen states (at that time there were only 24), had given official approval to the Society, including at least three slave-holding states.11 Indiana’s legislature, for example, passed the following joint resolution on January 16, 1850:12

      Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana: That our Senators and Representatives in Congress be, and they are hereby requested, in the name of the State of Indiana, to call for a change of national policy on the subject of the African Slave Trade, and that they require a settlement of the coast of Africa with colored men from the United States, and procure such changes in our relations with England as will permit us to transport colored men from this country to Africa, with whom to effect said settlement.

      In January 1858, Missouri Congressman Francis P. Blair, Jr., introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives to set up a committee

      to inquire into the expediency of providing for the acquisition of territory either in the Central or South American states, to be colonized with colored persons from the United States who are now free, or who may hereafter become free, and who may be willing to settle in such territory as a dependency of the United States, with ample guarantees of their personal and political rights.

      Blair, quoting Thomas Jefferson, stated that blacks could never be accepted as the equals of whites, and, consequently, urged support for a dual policy of emancipation and deportation, similar to Spain’s expulsion of the Moors. Blair went on to argue that the territory acquired for the purpose would also serve as a bulwark against any further encroachment by England in the Central and South American regions.13

      – Robert Morgan

    4. Dennis, you said, “when black people complain about racism it’s not an ‘alibi’. It’s based on real life experiences.” You then proceeded to provide an anecdote of a black friend who claimed he was pulled over twice because cops couldn’t believe a black man drove a Mercedes. That was his opinion. The cops didn’t say they were pulling him over because he was a black man in a sports car. Sports cars get pulled over often. Red cars get pulled over more often than white or silver ones, because they catch the eye. When a sports car speeds, the engine noticeably revs.

      EVERYONE in El Segundo gets pulled over all the time. The city is hungry for revenue.

      I’m white, and I was just pulled over in for my first speeding ticket in over a decade. I was running late for my pulmonologist appointment, because I stupidly didn’t factor in for morning traffic. I sped up ONE time, to get around a slow moving commuter bus for a retirement center, and there was a cop right there. I drive like an old lady, it’s the joke among my friends, and the one time I went over the speed limit, there was a cop like the conscience on my shoulder, pulling me over. If I was black, I could have said I was pulled over because I was black, and you’d nod your head and say it was based on real life experiences, just like you took your friend’s assertion that he was pulled over because he was black, not because of the speed he was driving.

      Cops cannot see what the driver looks like in most cases until they’ve pulled them over. That cop couldn’t see me, until after he’d lit me up and pulled me over. In fact, he felt rather bad because I was clearly in some respiratory difficulty, on my way to the pulmonologist, surrounded by cough medicine, tissues, my nebulizer, and every supplement there was at the health food store. I was just completely gross, and I still got the ticket I’d earned, which he’d started before he even walked up to me. I didn’t complain how unfair it was, because I did actually exceed the speed limit right in front of a cop.

      The subject of Professor Turley’s post does not, in fact, work in an environment of white supremacy, oppressed on all sides. In fact, she’s the racist.

      1. Whoops. I forgot to put my info on the above, so it came out as anonymous. Also, I’m far to the north of El Segundo, and got pulled over the instant I sped, so getting pulled over for every infraction is not isolated to El Segundo.

        1. Karen S: You are obviously familiar with El Segundo. My friend lived in Manhattan Beach. He usually used the beach cities to get to work at the airport to avoid the heavy traffic on PCH. But you start from unproven assumptions. My friend didn’t speed through El Segundo. He left for work early to make sure he stayed within the speed limits. He frequently got stopped because he was DWB–in a predominantly White neighborhood.

          Here is another anecdotal story. When I lived in PV I had a Black neighbor (yes, black people do live up on the hill) who was a doctor. He often worked into the night. He told me about several times being stopped by White sheriff’s officers on the hill–wondering what a Black person was doing driving at night in lily White PV.

          Here’s another story that might open your eyes. I grew up in Baldwin Hills in the 1950s–all White before it became a mecca for Black professionals. I was walking home from school one day and came across this scene: I saw a White police officer pull over a Black man in a convertible with the top down. Couldn’t mistake who was in the driver’s seat. The cop walked up to the driver’s side, immediately jumped into the car and started violently beating the driver. I was shocked and stunned. As I got closer the cop was still attacking the driver–he saw me and shouted: “Get out of her kid!”. I started to leave the scene quickly but looked back. The cop was continuing to attack the driver. I can remember that scene like it was yesterday.

          Just an isolated incident? Nope. In 1950 police chief William Parker took the reins of LAPD. He turned it into a paramilitary strike force to keep the Black community in line. Parker was an overt racist who treated the Black community like “monkeys in a zoo”. The incident I describe above took place in about 1953–when Parker’s racist policies were in full bloom. That White cop was just following his Chief’s orders! Since Rodney King and the Watts riots police practices have changed–but some White cops in LA still treat Black people the same way as they did back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Now such cops are treated like “rogues” and “bad apples”. Back in the days of Chief Parker it was SOP!

          Now you are full of rationalizations for bad police behavior–White cops only pull over Black drivers because they are speeding, cops can’t see the driver is Black, that “Red cars get pulled over more often”, etc. And that’s even without knowing the color of my friend’s car–it was Black!

          Why do you think Prof. Turley often targets Black officials for criticism? It reinforces the racial prejudices of his Fox audience and on this blog who think people like Kayla Carter are the real “racists”. Are you one of those?

    5. “When you write a column attacking a person of color . . .”

      When you write a comment excusing the barbarism of a Black person, you are a racist.

      1. You are exactly right! But DeMac is insane, along with a lot of others in his party. I mean, if an Alien Research Team, from the Planet Muktar5, came to Earth, what would they notice about African Americans? And, the Muktarians have four legs, tentacles for hands, and bug eyes on each side of their head, so to them, all humans are ugly. They are not racist when it comes to humans.

        They would notice that American blacks, in a collective sense, have pretty much destroyed every major city in the U.S., that they commit most of the crime in the country, or at least a far disproportionate amount, that they have language difficulties despite being in-country for several hundred years, that they are under-educated, that they are under-socialized, that they are violent and impulsive, that they eschew getting married and raising their offspring in a decent fashion, that they whine, blame others, and make excuses for their own failures, that they take no care to see that their offspring are well-educated, and that in a collective sense, they are a blight to the country. The Muktarians would also notice that maybe 1/3 of American blacks seem to have no problems fitting into society, that they work hard, that they get married and try to raise their children well, that they are not dead-broke, and that they have never been to jail. Confronted with this dichotomy, and wondering “What gives?”, the Muktarians then discover the Democrat Party, race-baiting and vote buying, and it all becomes clear to them.

        Meanwhile, the Muktarians also study certain white people in America, to try to discover why they seem to be pre-occupied with expressing care and concern for the overwhelming number of under-performing blacks, and seem obsessed with silly and trivial things, like how many times the police stop black drivers. All while ignoring the above stated flaws, or making excuses for them. The Muktarians tap into libraries, and discover cognitive dissonance, Munchhausen’s Syndrome by proxy, virtue-signalling, insanity, and political partisans. . .

        What a doozy of a report they will present to their colleagues back on Muktar5!

  6. Professor Turley Writes:

    “Carter has called for the United States to be burned down..

    There are plenty of fresh stories in rightwing media expressing horror that such a person could ever obtain employment as a ‘racial equity officer’.
    Which makes us wonder if Professor Turley receives alerts from some monitoring service regarding must-read headlines for vigilant conservatives.

    Obviously Miss Carter is seriously immature and it appears her job has reached a termination point. The link below connects to a Daily Mail story that features numerous photos of Miss Carter. She is only 30 years old and fairly pretty. One suspects Miss Carter really wants to be an actor, comedian or model.

    Yes, it is radical for a city official to suggest the United States should be ‘burned down’. However, with Climate Change unfolding as it has, wild fires have become all-too-common throughout the world. Just last month a wild fire in the Texas Panhandle roasted livestock herds.

    Republicans, however, are not the least bit concerned by wild fires (until their ranch is burning). Climate Skepticism remains a badge of ‘credibility’ amongst MAGA types. Donald Trump, in fact, has made ‘Drill baby, drill’ his defacto campaign slogan.

    Donald Trump, in fact, wants to burn down U.S. foreign policy. That would be the effect of walking away from NATO.

    The U.S. would have no reliable allies if Trump carries out his NATO threat. Because no one would consider the U.S. a reliable ally!! That’s okay with Donald Trump, however, because Vladimir Putin is the only friend he needs.

    Yet vigilant conservatives like Johnathan Turley are not least bit concerned by Trump’s radical stupidity (or wild fires). But Turley is deeply concerned when immature Black girls manage to get municipal jobs they don’t really care about.

    1. Perhaps you can go and comfort this immature black girl. I would not recommend this around a hard surface, such as concrete:

  7. Most blacks will not succeed because they blame everyone else for their problems.
    They need to take a lesson from the Italians, Jews, Koreans, Chinese, Indians (dot), Irish, Polish, Russians, Vietnamese, etc. They took care of their families, worked hard, taught their children the value of an education, supported their own businesses, and would never sell drugs to their own people.
    Government is not the answer, and above all, Stop the HATE!

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