Master and Commander: The Biden Dogs Accused of Dozens of Additional Attacks at White House

(Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

We have been writing about the alarming record of the Biden dogs attacking staff and Secret Service agents through the years. At first, the story was a humorous distraction as some of us wondered if the First Family had a vicious dog. It then became more alarming as each of the dogs were found to be attacking staff and had to be eventually removed. Even more worrisome was the response of the White House and President Joe Biden, who dismissed a Secret Service agent’s account and brushed off the incidents. Now, a report indicates that Commander is responsible for at least 24 attacks. The record shows not only a lack of concern by the Bidens for staff, but a bizarre litany of vicious German Shepherds in their care.

We began our discussion of these incidents with Major, who continued to attack staff until the press finally reported on the complaints from staff. Only when it became a public embarrassment did the Bidens send Major to Delaware. Major was adopted in November 2018 from an animal shelter.

Then, after the coverage died down, the Bidens simply brought Major back to the chagrin of the Secret Service. He then proceeded to continue to bite agents and staff.

It was then discovered that their other dog, Champ, was also chomping on staff and agents.

Again, the White House dismissed the concerns.

First lady Jill Biden’s press secretary Michael LaRosa told CNN: “Yes, Major nipped someone on a walk. Out of an abundance of caution, the individual was seen by WHMU and then returned to work.”

The difference between “nipped” and “bitten” is that you are bitten by other people’s dogs. Your dog however only nips, which is somewhere on the spectrum between a lick and a complete devouring.

Then a book came out that detailed these attacks and the President himself seemed to attack an agent.

The book, “The Fight of His Life,” by author Chris Whipple details Biden’s continued mistrust of the Secret Service and his alleged avoidance of saying anything in front of agents. Biden has long had tense relations with the Secret Service, particularly after female agents complained about his exposing himself to them by insisting on swimming in the nude.

The book claims that Biden has his own “deep state” conspiracy theories. Biden reportedly views the Secret Service as essentially the enemy within, suggesting that it is populated by “MAGA sympathizers” due to the fact that the service “is full of white ex-cops from the South who tend to be deeply conservative.”

However, this is a major escalation in that reportedly strained relationship. In one eight-day period, agents were bitten every day. Indeed, outside of the White House, the Biden dogs would qualify for strict liability under the common law as displaying a vicious disposition.

After prior incidents, White House press secretary Jen Psaki characterized the injury as “minor” and insisted that Major was just “getting acclimated and accustomed to his surroundings and new people.”  He was then sent away to Delaware with Champ. It was the equivalent of a politician going into “treatment” at the height of a scandal. Major was later returned to the White House but proceeded to “acclimate” himself on the limbs of Secret Service agents.

The White House failed to disclose the incidents and only partially confirmed past attacks when pressed by the media.

Joe Biden was then quoted as saying that he does not trust the Secret Service and believes that one agent is outright lying about one attack by Major. The President is quoted as saying “Look, the Secret Service are never up here. It didn’t happen.”

The incident was reported by the agent and photos were taken to document that attack. The President’s denial of the location ignored the confirmed attack itself. Other agents complained about the disregard of the agents by the Bidens in the repeated attacks, including one agent who reportedly insisted that the president personally pay to repair a ripped coat after one attack on March 6, 2021.

Then Commander was brought in to replace Major. Commander then started to bite people.

Again, neither the Bidens nor the White House seemed particularly concerned for the staff and brushed off questions.

It now turns out that the attacks increased but the press were not informed . . . again.

According to new internal USSS documents obtained by CNN, that does not even include additional incidents that were previously reported involving executive residence staff and other White House workers.

One June 2023 email even says that the Secret Service has had to change security procedures to deal with the vicious dog:

“The recent dog bites have challenged us to adjust our operational tactics when Commander is present – please give lots of room,” an unnamed assistant special agent in charge of USSS’ Presidential Protective Division wrote to their team in a June 2023 email, warning that agents “must be creative to ensure our own personal safety.”

The material obtained by CNN included a picture that shows how one shirt of an agent was torn up by the dog in one attack.

This undated photo obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request shows an image of a US Secret Service agent’s torn shirt following a bite from US President Joe Biden’s dog, Commander.

One Secret Service technician wrote in October 2022, that they were “worried about the family pets behavior escalating and that … something worse was going to happen to others.”

I have taught torts for three decades, including animal liability. In that time, I have never come across a case with such a long history of dog attacks from multiple animals in one family. There is no question that the Bidens would be strictly liable in these attacks, but have been allowed to escape such liability due to the fact that this is the official residence.

Under the common law, the Bidens could claim that Major and Commander were entitled to “one free bite.” They are well beyond that threshold.

The “one free bite rule” is a commonly misunderstood torts doctrine — suggesting that you are not subject to strict liability until after the first time your dog bites someone. In fact, you are subject to strict liability whenever you know or have reason to know of the vicious propensity of your animal. That can be satisfied by conduct such as frequent snapping or aggressive behavior.

However, even with Major, the Bidens failed to protect agents and others. Now they have shown the same failure with Commander.

Indeed, a family with this history of dog attacks (with successive pets) would face a highly skeptical, if not hostile, court in a tort action.

The Biden case is more analogous to  the infamous case from San Francisco involving lawyers and dog owners Marjorie Knoller and Robert Noel. They were found both criminally and civilly liable after their two Presa Canario dogs killed apartment neighbor Diane Whipple. Various neighbors complained about the dogs. The dogs had not bitten anyone but were known to be aggressive. That was sufficient.

In one account involving Commander, an agent had to defend himself from the dog with a chair. That was after prior biting incidents. As many as ten people were either bitten or threatened by the dog.

In other words, the Bidens would likely be viewed as knowing the vicious propensity of Commander and subject to strict liability. They showed a pattern of knowledge and a lack of precautions not just with regard to this dog but all of their dogs.

For Secret Service agents, one could understand if they felt that they were high-priced chew toys for the Biden pets.

The record belies the claims of the First Family that they are heartbroken or deeply concerned for staff. They have used these agents like a captive staff who cannot readily complain or sue over their failure to control their dogs. It also raises questions of whether this family should have dogs. If there was just one dog, it could be discounted as a problem pet. The Bidens how have multiple dogs which developed the same vicious propensity.

If these attacks were litigated, I have little doubt that the Bidens would be held liable if they were an average family. Indeed, I would expect a court to seriously consider an order barring the possession of dogs in the future or requiring training classes not only for the dogs but for the Bidens.


84 thoughts on “Master and Commander: The Biden Dogs Accused of Dozens of Additional Attacks at White House”

  1. If these dogs belonged to anyone other than the President, the Secret Service would have shot them.

  2. The truth of the matter is as follows:

    If the Bidens were otherwise ordinary citizens (not politicians or government officials) the dog and its owner would be sanctioned.

    But since the owner of Commander is a politician, well they get away with responsibilities such as misdemeanor animal violations; among other things.

    That’s how it works with the “Equal Protection Under The Law” falsehood of the U.S. and most state governments.

    But to President Biden, the expendable Secret Service Agents and White House Staff being attacked by dangerous dogs is of no importance whatever–after all the former are only sworn to take a bullet for him–why would he show the Secret Service any sort of thanks? After all, he is a politician and that matters more than The Help.

  3. The Bidens appear to be horrible dog owners.

    They are selecting GSDs who are not temperamentally suited to the chaos and high number of people at the White House. The dogs should have been sent to one of their other properties as soon as they started to growl at staff. There would have been so many warning signs before the first bite. Not only did they not send the dogs away after the first signs of discomfort around all those people, but they kept the dogs there after the first bite, and after a series of bites. It’s only when the dirty secret got out that they sent Major away, but then they brought him right back.

    None of this is good for the dogs. Each time a dog bites, unprovoked, the behavior becomes more ingrained.

    Training is for management of the dog’s existing temperament. It doesn’t change a dog’s entire temperament. Training does not make an aggressive dog loving to total strangers. One example in training is getting the owner to step in front of his dog to create a barrier when a stranger approaches, so the dog no longer feels like he’s on his own to deal with that person. It prevents a stranger from reaching down to pet the dog. Training can include desensitization, and dropping treats when they see a stranger from afar. No amount of training will change a Caucasian Shepherd, for example, with a strong distrust of strangers, into a dog who wriggles with happiness at every stranger he sees. He can be managed with training, but it’s not a brain transplant. This is why service dogs, and other dogs that work in public, have to go through temperament testing, and various tests to ensure they are suitable. This is why some dogs flunk out of service dog training.

    Given their political work, the Bidens should have carefully selected GSDs from breeders who specialize in producing service dogs. Such breeders temperament test their dogs at around 7 weeks of age, using a neutral, third party. Then they should have hired a trainer to essentially train the dog to work in public.

    If these were anyone else’s dogs, they would have been euthanized, and it would have been entirely the owners’ fault.

    The irresponsible acts of the Bidens have not only harmed a shocking number of Secret Service and White House Staff (and God knows how many other people before the White House), but it has reflected poorly upon the GSD breed itself. That is a terrible shame. It is a wonderful breed, if you totally ignore that hyena backed nonsense going on in show breeders.

    A working GSD has a stable temperament. An IPO/Schutzhund titled GSD should be perfectly stable and safe around a family with kids.

    What is on display at the White House is unstable temperament, totally unsuited for a public house. And yet, the Bidens kept shoehorning those poor dogs into an environment they KNEW would stress the dogs out, which they KNEW would put SS and staff at risk.

    Instead, the Bidens did what they always do. Cover it up, and lie.

    1. That is a very thoughtful and reasoned comment, however, in my view entirely too much of the conversation is focused on the dogs. What intelligent, aware, sensitive, compassionate individual would not be mortified at the thought of their dog biting a guest in his home one time, let alone multiple times? It is clearly apparent that this low class, narcissistic, clueless family have allowed this to happen. It could be said that they more than have allowed it to happen – they’ve encouraged it by returning aggressive dogs back to the White House. Absolutely disgusting behavior from truly vile people.

  4. It is amazing that there is no control of these dogs. As a child I was attacked by a German Shepherd that was my neighbors dog. When reports were taken by the police were following a California law that declared the dog to be a dangerous animal. This was back in the late 1970’s. Even back then my father had a police dog in the house the dog never bit anyone in the neighborhood or in the family, since that time I personally have owned 4 other dogs and never had a biting incident.
    The President’s dogs are dangerous and should be treated as such. Attacking staff means that the animals are lashing out due to how the family treats the dogs. Also how the are trained which from the sounds of it the Bidens don’t give a rats ass about training the dogs. One bite or nip is considered an accident anymore the animals need to be in muzzled or worst put down because of the constant danger they put on staff and the secret service. Since these are the property of the President he should be held responsible for damages and injuries.

    1. It’s not necessarily from abuse.

      Some dogs are born inherently distrustful, especially if breeding for a stable temperament was not a firm goal by the breeder.

      To become a police dog requires temperament testing, and other tests, much of which ascertains if the dog has a stable temperament. They have to have an off switch, and they don’t want fear aggression, unchecked aggression, or instability.

      One of the tests done on dogs is when men in bite suits take bamboo rods and beat objects, or just beat the ground, rather close to the dog. The dog cannot become aggressive, frightened, or react. It’s a game to the dogs. They’ll lie there happily excited, not worried at all, while the guys beat the ground, delightedly anticipating when their owner will allow them to take them down.

      A police dog, or a Schutzhund titled dog, would be perfectly safe out in public, or in a family with children. They’re well trained dogs, not cave trolls.

      If the Bidens wanted a GSD, they should have sought out a breeder who specializes in producing service dogs, or a generally mellow temperament.

      I have an extraordinarily beautiful shepherd breed, though not a GSD. He’s lying on my feet right now. Seeing the situation the Bidens have put their dogs, and staff in, makes me angry and upset.

  5. As the owner of two German Shepherds (six over the past twenty years), the Bidens are negligent dog owners. Seriously, these people could afford a dedicated trainer/handler for each dog 24/7. Why wouldn’t they? Answer: They are “above” training their dogs. They don’t care, and the rules don’t apply to them. I call it Demarxist Privilege.

    1. Agreed. (And I have a beautiful shepherd, though not a GSD, lying across my feet as I type.)

      The Bidens should have sought out a breeder who specializes in service dogs, or generally breeds for mellow temperament. The puppies should have been temperament tested at 7 weeks. Then they should have hired a trainer to ensure the dogs were well trained, socialized, and calm in chaotic public settings.

      The first seeing eye dogs was a GSD. They calmly navigated busy city streets.

      The Bidens chose the wrong individual GSDs, didn’t properly socialize and train them, and then failed to respond to the dogs’ obvious stress in the environment. They failed to protect the Secret Service, who are willing to die for each President they serve, and other staff, and they failed their dogs.

  6. I’ve been waiting for the Praetorian Guard to do what they have been put there for. It’s obvious they are thinking about it and the dogs know it.

    1. Joe has always tried to portray himself as a macho guy and chooses the dogs that will help him pretend to be macho.

  7. All of this brings to light that it seems neither of the Biden’s German Shepherds were obtained from a responsible, reputable, ethical breeder. Had they been, this inappropriately aggressive behavior wouldn’t be happening; the Bidens could have availed themselves of the insight and assistance of the dogs’ breeders. Instead one was “rescued” from an animal shelter and there are questions of where the other one came from. Adopt or shop–just do it responsibly.

    1. Yep. They should have gone to a breeder who specializes in producing service dogs, or basically very stable temperaments.

      A dog should be temperament tested before putting him in the chaotic environment like the White House. If he’s unsuitable for the chaos, that should have been respected, and the dogs should have been allowed to live quietly at one of their other properties.

  8. They say that pets usually look like their owners…… A whole pack of “MAGID DOGS” ranging from Delaware to WH

  9. The last time the issue of the Biden’s’ inability to control their dogs came up, l recall a great deal of discussion about the real problem being that the dog’s’ owners ; ie the Bidens, had done a poor or nonexistent job of training the dogs. Bad dog equals bad owner was the refrain. That was true then and it remains true now. It’s just a shame that the people who have the responsibility of protecting the Bidens are the victims of these vicious attacks that the Bidens don’t even have the decency to acknowledge.

    1. Marianne observed: “…discussion about the real problem being that the dog’s’ owners ; ie the Bidens, had done a poor or nonexistent job of training the dogs.”

      They were equally as incompetent at raising their children to be valuable members of society – despite the renowned Dr. Jill The Child Educator being part of the child training effort.

      So they raised two drug addict sex pervert felons as their children, in a mileau of White Privilege… leaving nobody normal to ask how it could be that the Biden’s couldn’t do the simple job of socializing and training their dogs.

  10. This is basically the same story as with the Nord Stream pipeline. Except in that case Biden’s creatures only nipped three times in one day and that was the end of it. No one ever took responsibility.

  11. In other News of the Past: “Praetorian Guard overthrows emperor after too many attacks from his pet wolf ‘Capitolina‘”
    The imperial dog’s attack on high ranking guard Priapus Severus brough his manhood into question and turned out to be the final insult in a long line of attacks by the increasingly uncontrollable canine. The details of the injury were withheld but were reportedly dire in consequence, and apparently embarassing.

    The praetorian guard took custody of the emperor and conducted him to the Colosseum where a phalanx of hungry wolves sealed his fate.

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