

خدمات الإدارة الإستراتيجية

The technical assistance & capacity building arm of Amam Ventures. We serve MSMEs committed to diversity & inclusion.

نبذة عنا

ARCAN is a Business Development Support platform powered and managed by Amam Ventures to strengthen the Jordanian ecosystem by building the capacity of Micro, Small and Mendium Enterprises committed to diversity and inclusion. In addition, this platform is designed to give business founders the opportunity to access the knowledge and investment readiness that will help them leap towards growth. *Strategic partner: Bank al Etihad أركان، منصة مخصصة لتقديم خدمات دعم تطويرالأعمال، يتم تشغيلها وإدارتها تحت مظلة "أمام للاستثمار"Amam Ventures ، بهدف دعم النظام البيئي للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الأردن بما يضمن تمكينها ونموها في مختلف مراحلها وأحجامها سواء كانت متناهية الصغر أو صغيرة أو متوسطة . "أركان" من المنصات التي تتسم بالشمول، حيث تستهدف برامجها كافة الشركات التي تتبنى ضمن سياستها الداخلية المساواة الجندرية وتمنح الفرص المتكافئة لكلا الجنسين.تهدف الخدمات المُقدّمة إلى تلبية احتياجات هذه الشركات لتجاوز الحواجز التي تقف أمام نموّها وتطوّرها؛ وهي بشكل أساسي الحصول على المعرفة و الاستعداد للحصول على رأس المال. *الشريك الإستراتيجي: بنك الإتحاد

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
خدمات الإدارة الإستراتيجية
حجم الشركة
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المقر الرئيسي
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تم التأسيس

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في Arcan


  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Ready to dive into the world of investing? Join us for an exclusive opportunity to empower yourself with knowledge and tools to invest! In this program you will learn the basics of investing, how to trade, Introduction to Angel Investing, assessing market trends as well as being able to prepare your own investment policy and how to construct, assess and monitor your very own investment portfolio! Get to know more about the program phases Apply Now using the link here: هل أنتِ مستعدة للخوض في الاستثمار ؟ ندعو السيدات اللواتي يملكن اهتماماً بالاستثمار ويرغبن التعلم والتعرف أكثر على هذا العالم للانضمام لبرنامجنا والتعرف أكثر على مراحله. يُغطي هذا البرنامج، أساسيات الاستثمار، و التداول، وتقييم اتجاهات السوق، بالإضافة إلى القدرة على إعداد سياسة استثمارية خاصة بكِ، والتعرف على أساسيات الاستثمار الملائكي. قدّمي الآن عن طريق الرابط Beyond Capital #Amman #Women #Invest #angelinvesting

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Meet Sahar Madanat, a pioneering member of the Women Angel Investor Club (WAIC) - Jordan. Under the banner of Amam Ventures, WAIC stands as Jordan’s premier platform geared towards empowering a new generation of female angel investors. Since its inception, WAIC has onboarded 24 dynamic women, and we are excited to share their transformative journey. These exceptional members are not only making savvy investment choices but also forging powerful networks and propelling Jordan's entrepreneurial sphere forward. This inspiring initiative is delivered in collaboration with the GIZ-implemented projects “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment” (E4DE) and the “Employment-oriented MSME Promotion”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are proud to work alongside strategic partners GIZ Jordan, Bank al Etihad , and Beyond Capital

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Meet Sima Najjar, a pioneering member of the Women Angel Investor Club (WAIC) - Jordan. Under the banner of Amam Ventures, WAIC stands as Jordan’s premier platform geared towards empowering a new generation of female angel investors. Since its inception, WAIC has onboarded 24 dynamic women, and we are excited to share their transformative journey. These exceptional members are not only making savvy investment choices but also forging powerful networks and propelling Jordan's entrepreneurial sphere forward. This inspiring initiative is delivered in collaboration with the GIZ-implemented projects “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment” (E4DE) and the “Employment-oriented MSME Promotion”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are proud to work alongside strategic partners GIZ, @bankaletihadjo, and

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Meet Rula AL Qasem, a pioneering member of the Women Angel Investor Club (WAIC) - Jordan. Under the banner of Amam Ventures, WAIC stands as Jordan’s premier platform geared towards empowering a new generation of female angel investors. Since its inception, WAIC has onboarded 24 dynamic women, and we are excited to share their transformative journey. These exceptional members are not only making savvy investment choices but also forging powerful networks and propelling Jordan's entrepreneurial sphere forward. This inspiring initiative is delivered in collaboration with the GIZ-implemented projects “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment” (E4DE) and the “Employment-oriented MSME Promotion”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are proud to work alongside strategic partners GIZ Jordan, Bank al Etihad, and Beyond Capital

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Meet Maryam Dajani, a pioneering member of the Women Angel Investor Club (WAIC) - Jordan. Under the banner of Amam Ventures, WAIC stands as Jordan’s premier platform geared towards empowering a new generation of female angel investors. Since its inception, WAIC has onboarded 24 dynamic women, and we are excited to share their transformative journey. These exceptional members are not only making savvy investment choices but also forging powerful networks and propelling Jordan's entrepreneurial sphere forward. This inspiring initiative is delivered in collaboration with the GIZ-implemented projects “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment” (E4DE) and the “Employment-oriented MSME Promotion”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are proud to work alongside strategic partners GIZ Jordan, Bank al Etihad , and Beyond Capital

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Meet Shatha Jayyousi, a pioneering member of the Women Angel Investor Club (WAIC) - Jordan. Under the banner of Amam Ventures, WAIC stands as Jordan’s premier platform geared towards empowering a new generation of female angel investors. Since its inception, WAIC has onboarded 24 dynamic women, and we are excited to share their transformative journey. These exceptional members are not only making savvy investment choices but also forging powerful networks and propelling Jordan's entrepreneurial sphere forward. This inspiring initiative is delivered in collaboration with the GIZ-implemented projects “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment” (E4DE) and the “Employment-oriented MSME Promotion”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are proud to work alongside strategic partners GIZ Jordan, Bank al Etihad , and Beyond Capital

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Meet Sandra Shaqareq, a pioneering member of the Women Angel Investor Club (WAIC) - Jordan. Under the banner of Amam Ventures, WAIC stands as Jordan’s premier platform geared towards empowering a new generation of female angel investors. Since its inception, WAIC has onboarded 24 dynamic women, and we are excited to share their transformative journey. These exceptional members are not only making savvy investment choices but also forging powerful networks and propelling Jordan's entrepreneurial sphere forward. This inspiring initiative is delivered in collaboration with the GIZ-implemented projects “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment” (E4DE) and the “Employment-oriented MSME Promotion”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are proud to work alongside strategic partners GIZ Jordan, Bank al Etihad , and Beyond Capital

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Meet Rana Abweh, a pioneering member of the Women Angel Investor Club (WAIC) - Jordan. Under the banner of Amam Ventures, WAIC stands as Jordan’s premier platform geared towards empowering a new generation of female angel investors. Since its inception, WAIC has onboarded 24 dynamic women, and we are excited to share their transformative journey. These exceptional members are not only making savvy investment choices but also forging powerful networks and propelling Jordan's entrepreneurial sphere forward. This inspiring initiative is delivered in collaboration with the GIZ-implemented projects “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment” (E4DE) and the “Employment-oriented MSME Promotion”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are proud to work alongside strategic partners GIZ Jordan, Bank al Etihad , and Beyond Capital

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Arcan، رسم بياني

    ٤٬١٠١ متابع

    Meet Nour Shuqair, a pioneering member of the Women Angel Investor Club (WAIC) - Jordan. Under the banner of Amam Ventures, WAIC stands as Jordan’s premier platform geared towards empowering a new generation of female angel investors. Since its inception, WAIC has onboarded 24 dynamic women, and we are excited to share their transformative journey. These exceptional members are not only making savvy investment choices but also forging powerful networks and propelling Jordan's entrepreneurial sphere forward. This inspiring initiative is delivered in collaboration with the GIZ-implemented projects “Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Economic Development and Employment” (E4DE) and the “Employment-oriented MSME Promotion”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). We are proud to work alongside strategic partners GIZ Jordan, Bank al Etihad , and Beyond Capital

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