
    From the editor: Why we look different

    A letter from our Global Editor In Chief on the new developments and design at Jing Daily.
    Image: Alex Wong via Upsplash
      Published   in Technology

    The world has changed and so have we. We thought it was time for a brave new look at Jing Daily. More sophisticated, grown-up and multifaceted to match our enhanced editorial direction, this site redesign is geared towards elevating your reading experience as well as showing our wider breadth of cross-cultural coverage and key areas of focus.

    On the aesthetic front, we have a new logo, fonts and improved website layout that we hope you enjoy. We have also refined our dynamic editorial scope and the new site aims to introduce readers to more topical, analytical and evergreen content, while keeping you up to date on the latest in China brand activations, news and trends.

    We’ve upped our game, and that’s what I feel 2024 will be about. After a pandemic, worldwide political instability and what we hope will be a degree of normalization in China, it’s time for a reexamination of values and strategies. This goes for brands, retail, consumer sophistication and demands as well as pathways to success in the Chinese market. Wins will be more hard earned and well deserved.

    In the past 18 months, we have beefed up internally — and on the way enhanced our journalist style and ethos while onboarding more bi-lingual/bi-cultural staff with Greater China expertise and a global media approach. Get to know our team here.

    All these ingredients enable us to tell the story of diversifying Chinese consumers and the transformation of the nation's luxury, fashion, beauty and retail markets.

    Jing Daily started in 2009, and longtime readers will have seen it morph from a startup blog to essential reading for brands invested in China, and now, this latest iteration.

    At our core, the focus continues to be on the China market, consumer insights, brand activations and the business of luxury, fashion, beauty, tourism, retail in the nation and beyond. But don’t forget to check out our coverage on brands collaborations, global Web3 luxury coverage, Chinese tech and ecommerce, influencers or the cultural lifestyle trends defining China's zeitgeist - now one of our most popular segments.

    Our coverage on the narrative of contemporary China overlooks the industries that flourished in the path of a historic economic rise. But I believe what distinguishes us is cultural understanding, analytical depth and on-the-ground knowledge of a Chinese market that is too frequently misunderstood, stereotyped or covered in a Eurocentric way in the English language. For that reason, many of you working in brands tell me that Jing Daily is your go-to for Chinese consumer and market trends.

    The year of the Rabbit was supposed to be one of peace and prosperity according to the Chinese zodiac. 2023 has shown that not the be the case.

    Many professionals and experts have asked me about uncertainty in China. And whilst we have seen some dramatic headwinds in a year that was defined by buzzwords like ‘involution’ (内卷 nei juan) and ‘lying flat’ (躺平 tang ping), I still believe that the mid to long term prospects of the China market remain in growth mode and of continued strategic importance to global luxury and consumer businesses.

    That’s why our mission remains important. We’re so glad you’ve been with us on this journey. Please feel free to reach out and tell us what you think about our new look.

    Thank you for your support over the years,

    Jing Zhang, Global Editor in Chief

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