📷 One of the more wacky Huntington Beach Fourth of July parade entries this year. If you grew up on ‘70s sitcoms, you get it… 🇺🇸

A group of people dressed in vibrant, 1970s-style costumes and wigs are marching in a parade, holding a banner that reads "Mrs. Roper Romps Huntington Beach."

Why do I save every work email except the one-line “thank you” emails? So when someone says X and then comes back with Y later, I can joyously screenshot their original thread and attach that sucker to my reply. 💣💥

For me, one of the hardest parts of being a people manager is having the honest conversations about results and performance. I want to be 100% fair, but at the same time, my expectations are not unreasonable. This was not the way I wanted to start my Monday…

📷 I came across this photo of my middle son at surf team practice early one morning when he was in high school some 20 years ago. I’ve always liked this shot…

A surfer is performing a maneuver on a wave in the ocean.

I hate to have to say this, but I think I’m starting to like Raycast better than I do LaunchBar…

To this day, I still do not understand why headphone jacks on Macs (PC too?) are located on the right side, but every wired headset I’ve ever owned has the input wired on the left, forcing the cable to cross over (or under) my hands as I type.

I moved all the content I wanted to keep from my WordPress site over here to Micro.blog this morning. Next, I’ll decommission the VPS and then point the .org domain at this one (.dev). This is all part of the (mostly) all in on Micro.blog decision from a while back.

I set aside some time this morning to record audio to my ant mound post from a couple of days ago. It required a few takes to get mostly right, but I think what I ended up with came out okay. I’ll have to do some other posts this weekend.

📷 Donnie is a kook…

Graffiti on a concrete wall reads 'TRUMP DON'T SURF' in black letters along with other smaller drawings and writings nearby.

AppleScript to Toggle the macOS Desktop

Here’s an AppleScript I use to quickly toggle desktop visibility for taking screenshots and recording screencasts that I thought might be useful for someone else.

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My boss just turned me on to Lake Street Dive. Just what I needed today.

For any who have followed along, after months of poking, prodding and scans, I’m pleased to report I’ve been given a 100% clean bill of heart health – so long as I maintain the new healthy choices and swallow a dozen pills each day. It’s time to stop fretting and move on. Last post on this topic.

The Ant Mound

One of my earliest childhood memories is traumatic. At least it would seem traumatic to a three-and-a-half-year-old little boy. Though it didn’t turn out to be the end of the world, it seemed like hell when it happened. I still carry the memory with me more than a half-century later, so it damaged me on some level.

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One hundred days of Python - Day 006 100.jimmitchell.dev/post/pyth…

Memorable Cigarettes

After more than fifty years, I still remember the first time I smoked a cigarette. It was early spring and my family lived on a farm in a rural part of Colorado, a little north of Denver, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.

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I officially hit my goal weight today, having dropped 25 lbs in three and a half months. It’s time to set a new goal. Let’s start with another five…

Well… The camping trip is kind of a bust, so we’re going to pack up and head home after just one night. We forgot some key items, and wound up next to some very noisy neighbors who ended up drunk and played loud music until 3am. Thankfully, we’re only 30 miles from home.

The tsunami warning siren test at noon on the first Friday of the month in my town still catches me off guard, even after living here more than 25 years. 🌊🏄

I took a vacation day today to get ready to go camping in the RV with my wife. What have I been doing this morning instead of getting ready? Creating an entirely new Micro.blog theme for my site, of course…

I can always tell when some part of Micro.blog is having trouble because images on one of my pages start returning a 404 error, and then I’ll get an email from Tinylytics that my site is down. Same pattern tonight, just like the last two.

The Fediverse part of all-in on Micro.blog was short lived. I remember why that was now from the last time I tried:

  1. I have another blog I want to share content from.
  2. The recent outage of Micro.blog was a big reason keeping me from going all in to begin with.

Here I am again, ellipses and all…

Bartender Mac App Under New Ownership

PSA: Bartender Mac App Under New Ownership, But Lack of Transparency Raises Concerns - MacRumors

Bartender's new owners replied to the Reddit thread and confirmed that Bartender had been acquired, but did not explain why customers had not been notified nor why there had been a certificate change without said explanation.

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One hundred days of Python - Day 005 100.jimmitchell.dev/post/pyth…

Trying an experiment… After pondering it for a long time, and after a great chat with someone I respect, I have moved wholly to the Micro.blog platform, including Fediverse. If you follow me from a Mastodon instance, follow me over here now. Let’s see how this turns out.

In cleaning up my YouTube “Watch Later” list this morning, it’s funny to see how my interests have changed over time, and how diverse they are. Some of the stuff I’d saved from a few years ago (never watched of course) is of no interest to me now.