Jessica Lewis

I love the way travel always leaves you with a story. My personal travel story started with my first trip to Spain in high school, continued as I earned my hospitality degree at University of Houston, and includes over 11 years of experience in the hotel industry. My goal has always been to become a travel advisor, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have learned so much from a supplier perspective – something which I know will be an asset as I move forward with booking memorable travel experiences for my clients. I am beyond thrilled to have found my place within the travel community, and I am proud to continue my story as part of the Jetset World Travel team!
Houston, TX

What's your favorite travel memory

I’m a huge fan of Stanley Tucci, and at a big dinner one night in NYC, I saw him in the restaurant. I introduced myself saying, “Excuse me, Mr. Tucci? I’m a big fan, but I just have to tell you that I love your cookbook!” and his eyes lit up at being recognized as a foodie instead of an actor. We had a nice little exchange, after which I told my friends the big news about the A-lister who was in the restaurant with us. Their response? “Um, Jess, big deal… he’s at the table with MATT DAMON!” After the restaurant cleared out, I politely went over, tapped Matt Damon on the shoulder and said, “Mr. Damon? Would you mind taking a picture of Stanley and I?” He paused for a few minutes with this smirk on his face, as if recognizing that he’d been passed over, but in the end he was a really good sport and snapped a picture of Stanley and I. A hilarious and unforgettable memory.
Jessica Lewis

Where have you traveled to around
the world? (LIST ALL PLACES)

Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Tahiti, Bora Bora, Switzerland, England, France, Italy, Spain, Domestic USA
