
It’s Great to Meet You! I’m Jess.

Are you used to being “the strong one?” But secretly, are you tired of always being the go-to person, the rock everyone leans on? The friend with the best advice, the colleague who’s always ready to help? Maybe you take pride in being a hands-on parent or a reliable caregiver to a loved one in need.

But let’s be real, are your own needs constantly taking a backseat?

Have you ever found yourself sipping on yet another $12 green juice, buying all organic, and sticking to a strict eating window, only to see zero change? Spent an hour in the grocery store, overwhelmed by plant milk options and fish varieties, and left with a lighter wallet and more confusion?

And that hardcore workout routine that’s supposed to be a game-changer? Still not seeing the results, huh? Dragging yourself out of bed for a workout you despise, or struggling to find time amidst your crazy schedule?

And sleep, oh sleep…The routine of dozing off instantly only to wake up staring at the ceiling, lost in your thoughts—sound familiar?

Let’s talk boundaries. Do they even exist in your world? Every time you promise yourself better self-care—eating right, working out, getting more sleep—do stress and anxiety swoop in to derail your plans?

I get it because I’ve been there. And I’m here to help. 


I’m Jess! I’m a dietitian, health coach, Pilates instructor, and author on a mission to help people improve their mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing through building sustainable healthy habits. I too have experienced the pressure to act like everything is fne when you feel like you’re falling apart behind the scenes. 


In addition to being a healthcare provider, I also happen to be a PTSD survivor and recovering people pleaser. It was my own experience of wanting to understand and heal my mind and body over 20 years ago that led me to study the intersections between nutrition, lifestyle habits, and mental health, and it’s a huge focus of my work today. I’ve helped thousands of clients and patients harness the power of small changes to reclaim their health and their life. 

I’m the author of The Little Book of Game-Changers: 50 Healthy Habits for Managing Stress & Anxiety and The Farewell Tour: A Caregiver’s Guide to Stress Management, Sane Nutrition.  I am also the creator of the Drama-Free Healthy Living Podcast.  Additionally, I have over fifteen years of experience writing and speaking professionally and have also worked with dozens of food and lifestyle brands as a consultant and spokesperson. Learn more on my Services page

Known for my mind-body-spirit approach to health and my gutsy storytelling, I’m a frequent contributor to various media outlets such as Forbes and SHAPE and regularly appear in other news outlets as a featured health expert. I’ve also created educational content for companies such as mindbodygreen and CARAVAN Wellness, among others. 


Through my coaching, consulting, speaking, and writing, I’m here to help make healthy living approachable and sustainable. 



After being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, my father referred to the last months of his life as “The Farewell Tour.” Because he’d worked in the music industry his entire career, it was a framework my family understood. In this book I share how my mother, sister, and I turned our lives upside down to care for him and share self-care tips and tools I wish I’d had when we were going through it. It’s a resource I’ve wished for years I had to share with my patients and their families too.

Within these pages, you’ll find info on daily practices that can boost your overall health, mood, and mental wellness. The Farewell Tour is a resource for caregivers of all kinds—whether dealing with terminal illness or ongoing needs—who find themselves burned out and isolated. Along with my personal story, I share helpful tips on:

  • Sleep hacks
  • Simplifying routines
  • Quick healthy eating
  • Handling unsolicited advice
  • Navigating changing relationships
  • Preparing for end of life

Along with my own tips and personal anecdotes, you’ll also get advice from a range of wellness experts and musical artists with actual touring experience. This is a resource all caregivers can benefit from.

In my book, The Little Book Of Game-Changers: 50 Healthy Habits For Managing Stress & Anxiety (Viva Editions), I share the hacks that help my clients and patients reach their goals even when life gets real and hectic.


I’m also a member of the mindbodygreen Collective and a regular contributor to mindbodygreen as well as outlets such as Forbes, SHAPE, and more. I have written for a variety of food and health publications, including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Food & Nutrition Magazine and Kids Eat Right. My recipes and blog posts have appeared on numerous websites such as Elana Lyn, and Fit-Bottomed Girls, and I’m frequently interviewed by publications such as Glamour, Self, Women’s Health, and the New York Times. I also create guided meditations for Simple Habit.

You can read more on my Media page.

Making Healthy Living seem accessible

I also offer consulting and brand partnerships and am available as a speaker or podcast guest.


I hold a Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition from New York University in addition to a Bachelors of Fine Arts from Emerson College. I completed my dietetic internship at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

I have experience in the clinical setting, long-term care, corporate wellness, and private practice. I also have many year of experience speaking and partnering with food and lifestyle brands. 

What To Eat To Build Muscle

What To Eat To Build Muscle

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For fun, I love spending time with friends and family—and my pets. I used to think I was strictly a dog person until I met my husband, who came with two cuddly rescue cats who won me over.

Exercise brings me peace and joy, especially Pilates, strength, training, barre, and yoga. There is nothing like a beautiful walk outside, but I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve run on purpose since high school gym class. One thing that hasn’t changed since then, however, is my obsession with crafting the perfect playlist.

On a day off, you’l find me hanging wtih my husband, hiking, and maybe cooking something cozy. I’m a Greek-Italian girl from New Jersey—you’d better believe there’s tons of olive oil and garlic involved : )

jess cording and dog

Photo credit: Parenthesis Photography