Eurasia Daily Monitor draws on the insights and expertise of top regional specialists based in more than a dozen countries to analyze the emerging security realities and long-term trends defining Eurasia and the post-Soviet space.

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Brutal Strikes on Ukraine Preserve Putin’s Maneuverability

Executive Summary: The series of brutal Russian strikes against Ukraine, especially on Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital, have raised the stakes of Moscow’s war before a possible start of a negotiation process, creating a precedent of brutality Russia must uphold to maintain the initiative.  These strikes have... MORE

China Increasing Its Military Presence in Tajikistan

Executive Summary: Reports show that China is building a “secret” military base in Tajikistan. Both Dushanbe and Beijing deny the reports, though China has been covertly expanding its military footprint in Tajikistan for over a decade. Some of the expansion has occurred in coordination with... MORE