Documents & Standards



Technical Specifications

Group Title Most stable In progress Version history
App SAMP - Simple Application Messaging Protocol 1.3   1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.00
VOTable - VOTable Format Definition 1.4 RFC 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.20 1.20 1.10 1.094 1.093 1.09 1.00
MOC - HEALPix Multi-Order Coverage Map 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
HiPS - Hierarchical Progressive Survey 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
DAL DALI - Data Access Layer Interface 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
DataLink 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Simple Cone Search 1.03 1.1 1.1 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00
SIA - Simple Image Access 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.01 1.00
SLAP - Simple Line Access 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
SSA - Simple Spectral Access 1.1   1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.00
STC-S: Space-Time Coordinate Metadata Linear String Implementation 1.0   1.0
TAP - Table Access Protocol 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00
TAPRegExt - A VOResource Schema Extension for Describing TAP Services 1.0   1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
ADQL - Astronomical Data Query Language 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.01 1.00
SimDAL - Simulation Data Access Layer 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
VOEvent Transport Protocol 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00
SODA - Server-side Operations for Data Access 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Object Visibility Simple Access Protocol 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2
EPN-TAP: Publishing Solar System Data to the Virtual Observatory 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
LineTAP: IVOA Relational Model for Spectral Lines 1.0 1.0
DaM PHOTDM - Photometry Data Model 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
SimDM - Simulation Data Model 1.0   1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
STC - Space-Time Coordinate Metadata for the Virtual Observatory 1.33 1.33 1.31 1.30 1.21 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.00
Data Model for Astronomical DataSet Characterisation 1.13 1.13 1.12 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.00
SSLDM - Simple Spectral Lines Data Model 1.0 RFC 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
SpectralDM - IVOA Spectral Data Model 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00
ObsCore - Observation Data Model Core Components and its Implementation in the Table Access Protocol 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
VODML - A Consistent Modeling Language for IVOA Data Models 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
DatasetDM - Dataset Metadata Model   1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
CubeDM - N-Dimensional Cube/Image Model   1.0 1.0 1.0
ProvenanceDM - Provenance Data Model 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Astronomical Coordinates and Coordinate Systems 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
WCS Transform Model 1.0 1.0 1.0
Meas - Astronomical Measurements Model 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Observation Locator Table Access Protocol 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2
MIVOT - Model Instances in VOTable 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData - IVOA Obscore Extension for Radio dat 1.0 1.0 1.0
GWS PDL - Parameter Description Language 1.0   1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1
SSO - Single-Sign-On Profile: Authentication Mechanisms 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00
VOSpace service specification 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.15 2.0 1.15 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.00 1.00
Credential Delegation Protocol 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.01 1.01 1.00
UWS - Universal Worker Service 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
VOSI - IVOA Support Interfaces 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
GMS - Group Membership Service 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
ReR IVOA Identifiers 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.00 0.2 0.1
IVOA Registry Interfaces 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.00
RM - Resource Metadata for the Virtual Observatory 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.10 1.10 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30
StandardsRegExt: a VOResource Schema Extension for Describing IVOA Standards 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
SimpleDALRegExt - Describing Simple Data Access Services 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
VOResource - an XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metadata 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.03 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.00
VODataService - A VOResource Schema Extension for Describing Collections and Services 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.10
RegTAP - Registry Relational Schema 1.1 RFC 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
DocRegExt - Educational Resources in the VO 1.0 1.0
Semantics VOUnits - Units in the VO 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
UCD - An IVOA standard for Unified Content Descriptors 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.06 1.05 1.03
UCD1+ Controlled Vocabulary
version <= 1.3: recommendation
Version >= 1.4: endorsed note
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.23 1.22 1.21 1.20 1.20 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.02 1.00
Maintenance of the list of UCD words 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.20 1.20 1.10 1.00
Vocabularies in the Virtual Observatory 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.19 1.18 1.16 1.15 1.13 1.00
SDP DocStd - IVOA Document Standards 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.1
VOE VOEvent - Sky Event Reporting Metadata (VOEvent) 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.11 1.11 1.10 1.01
VOEventRegExt - An XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metatdata for Collections of Events 1.0 1.0

Endorsed Notes

Group Title Most
Version history
GWS            XML Schema Versioning Policies 1.0 1.0 1.0
ReR Discovering Data Collections Within Services 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
DAL Catalogue of ADQL User Defined Functions 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Semantics Adopting the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
TGC IVOA Architecture 2.0 2.0

Obsolete IVOA documents

Group Title Most
Version history
GWS            IVOA Web Service Basic Profile 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
DAL            SNI - IVOA SkyNode Interface 1.01 1.01 1.00
DaM            Characterisation DM: Complements and new features. Observation quality and variability - complex datasets   1.0 1.0


Maturity level:
     rec Recommendation / Endrosed Note
     pr Proposed Recommendation / Proposed Endorsed Note
     Working Draft

Most stable: New systems should be developed against this version with the highest maturity level.

In progress: Indicates (if any) a new version of the document under development (but with a lower maturity level than its predecessor) and a link to the relevant Request For Comments (RFC).


Applications WG
Data Access Layer
Data Modeling WG
Grid & Web Services WG
Resource Registry WG
SemanticsSemantics WG
Standards & Documents Process WG

VO Event WG

VOTable WG
VO Query Language WG
not applicable


Title Latest Version
IVOA Procedures
Guidelines for Participation 1.1
Software Licensing Guidelines 1.00
Document Standards Management: Guidelines and Procedures (now a REC) 2.0
IVOA Architecture (now an EN) 2.0
Charter for the IVOA Technical Coordination Group 1.1
Design Notes for Revised IVOA Web Pages 1.00
The IVOA in 2011: Technical Assessment and Roadmap 1.00
The IVOA in 2010: Technical Assessment and Roadmap 1.00
The IVOA in 2009: Technical Assessment and Roadmap 1.00
The IVOA in 2008: Technical Assessment and Roadmap 1.00
The IVOA in 2007: Assessment and Future Roadmap 1.00
The IVOA in 2006: Assessment and Future Roadmap 1.00
The IVOA in 2005: Assessment and Future Roadmap 1.00
Report to the 24th CODATA General Assembly on data activities in the IAU 1.00
Management, Storage, and Utilization of Astronomical Data in the 21st Century 1.00
Bibliographic Interfaces in the Virtual Observatory 1.0
Using Wikidata for an Observation Facility Vocabulary 1.0
Data origin in the VO 1.1
Document Standards Management: Guidelines and Procedures (now a REC) 1.00
IVOA Architecture (now a EN) 1.0
FITS Headers for Scans of Photographic Plates 1.0
ivoatex document preparation system 1.4
VODSL: a Domain Specific Language for VO-DML 1.0
Operational Identification of Software Components in the Virtual Observatory 1.0
Radio astronomy in the VO: services implementation review 1.1
Towards Blind Discovery 2: Advanced Column Statistics 1.0
A Component and Association Based Model for Source Data 1.0
Time series: Annotation of light curves in VOTable 0.1
Description of MOC extension to support Time (TMOC) and Space Time Coverage (STMOC) 1.0
On the Use of Capabilities in the VO 1.0
Time Series Cube Data Model 1.1
A Proposal for a TIMESYS Element in VOTable 1.1
TimeSeries Discovery and Access DAL procedure 1.0
Recent DAL protocols feedbacke 1.0
The HiPS Progenitors: A small HiPS variation for tracing provenance 1.0
Educational Resources in the Virtual Observatory 1.0
A Roadmap for Space-Time Discovery in the VO Registry 1.0
VOEvent Update: JSON and data models 1.0
xml schema versioning policies 1.0
hips - hierarchical progressive survey 1.0
ivoa web assets architecture and maintenance 1.0
employing simpletimeseries for representing time series 1.0
tap implementation notes 1.0
filter profile service access protocol 1.0
scientific workflows in the vo 1.0
ivoa datalink protocol* 1.0
vo-dml: a consistent modeling language for ivoa data models 1.0
utypes: current usages and practices in the ivoa 1.0
svo filter profile service 1.0
uri fragments in ivoa specifications 1.0
moc - healpix multi-order coverage map* 1.0
implementations of the simulation data model 1.0
referencing stc in votable 2.0
stc-s* 1.33
dal2 service architecture and standard profile 1.0
extending voevent for more complex data 1.0
ontology of astronomical object types use cases 1.1
ontology of astronomical object types 1.3
dakota: a cross-platform voevent broker 1.0
note on the description of polarization data 1.0
voevent transport protocol* 1.1
an encoding system to represent stellar spectral classes in archival databases and catalogs 1.4
reflections on voevent 1.1 and the real world 1.00
enabling a robust vospace for vo tools and services 1.10
s3: proposal for a simple protocol to handle theoretical data (microsimulations)* 1.00
proposal for a simulation database standard 1.00
a proposal for digital signatures in voevent messages* 1.10
space-time coordinate (stc) metadata model 1.31
introduction to cea and uws 1.00
an rdf version of the vo registry 1.00
implementations of the characterisation data model* 1.12
footprint overlay specification 1.01
the registry of registries 1.00
utype list for the characterisation data model 1.11
astronomical keywords in the era of the virtual observatory 1.00
utypes and uris 1.00
uws recast as a rest protocol 1.00
plastic - a protocol for desktop application interoperability* 1.00
ontology of astronomical object types (1) 1.00
astronomical outreach imagery metadata tags for the virtual observatory 1.00
ranking query result sets 1.00
design and implementation of the astrogrid workflow system 1.00
data model for astronomical dataset characterisation* 1.00
single-sign-on authentication for the ivo: introduction and description of principles* 1.00
a proposal for a common execution architecture 1.20
data model for observation* 1.00
dal query response with extensions: use cases and implementation rules. example of siap 1.00
stc-x 1.00
data model serialisation in votable 1.00
proposal for an evolution of the sia protocol 1.00
simple spectral access for iso data 1.00
lessons learned using the voresource xml schemas in the nvo 1.00

* note has been superseded by a working draft

document promotion process summary

here is a summary of the document promotion process as described in ivoa document standards recommendation. the role of the technical coordination group in this process is being discussed and is available there as well.

  1. working group prepares working draft (version ≥1.0) and submits to document coordinator for posting in the ivoa document collection.
  2. working group reviews the working draft. two reference implementations of any cassociated software are expected, as well as provision of validation tools, otherwise an explanation should be provided.
  3. the chair of the working group, with consent of the wg, promotes the document to a proposed recommendation and submits it to the document coordinator for posting in the ivoa document collection.
  4. the chair of the working group issues a formal request for comments (rfc) to the e-mail distribution list the rfc and all comments must be logged on a globally editable page whose url is given in the rfc. a minimum comment period of 6 weeks must be allowed. the chairs and vice chairs of other working groups are required to examine proposed recommendations during the rfc period and to post comments in the public record, the chairs and vice-chairs of interest groups are invited to do so.
  5. the working group chair and/or editor(s) respond to comments on the rfc page. if comments lead to significant changes to the document, the wg chair may decide to revert the document status to working draft (back to step 1).
  6. if comments are addressed to the satisfaction of the wg chair and wg members, the wg chair requests a final vote, to be completed within 2 weeks, by the technical coordination group, and they add their final yes/no vote to the rfc record. working groups are required to provide a vote, interest groups are encouraged to do so. the chair of the technical coordination group, working in consultation with the chair of the working group responsible for the pr, then makes a final summary recommendation and the chair of the technical coordination group submits the pr to the executive committee for approval.
  7. the executive committee is polled by the ivoa chair to ascertain if there is consensus for promotion to recommendation.
  8. if yes, the ivoa chair reports on approval to the tcg and wg chairs and asks the document coordinator to update the document status to recommendation. if no, the concerns of the ivoa executive need to be resolved and a new poll taken, or if serious revisions are required, the document would revert to step 1.
  9. the ivoa executive may propose to the iau commission b2 or its successor that ivoa recommendations be endorsed as iau standards.

submission log
date document id version initiator i/w group action
20240522 PR-VOEvent-2.1-20240522 2.1 Rob Seaman VOEvent updated
20240614 PR-ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData-1.0-20240614 1.0 François Bonnarel DM updated
20240409 PEN-udf-catalogue-1.2-20240409 1.0 Jon Juaristi Campillo DAL published
20240213 PR-VOTable-1.5-20240213 1.5 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20240125 PR-StandardsRegExt-1.1-20240125 1.1 Renaud Savalle ReR published
20240124 PR-RegTAP-1.2-20240124 1.2 Markus Demleitner ReR published
20231215 rec-adql-2.1-20231215 2.1 dave morris dal published
20231215 REC-DataLink-V1.1-20231215 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20231215 rec-VOUnits-1.1-20231215 1.1 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20231115 ObsFacilityWikidata-1.0-20231115 1.0 Baptiste Cecconi Note published
20231122 TimeSeries-0.1-20231122 0.1 Ada Nebot Note published
20231120 WD-VOTable-1.5-20231120 1.5 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20231104 pr-VOUnits-1.1-20231104 1.1 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20231117 EN-udf-catalogue-1.1-20231117 1.1 Jon Juaristi Campillo DAL published
20231022 WD-VOTable-1.5-20231022 1.5 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20230913 WD-VOTable-1.5-20230913 1.5 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20230921 WD-StandardsRegExt-1.1-20230921 1.1 Renaud Savalle ReR published
20230907 WD-SpectrumDM-1.2-20230907 1.2 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20230712 WD-DALI-1.2-20230712 1.2 Patrick Dowler dal published
20230620 REC-MIVOT-1.0-20230620 1.0 Laurent Michel dm published
20230512 WD-ObsCoreExtensionForRadioData-1.0-20230512 1.0 François Bonnarel DM updated
20230507 WD-VOEvent-2.1-20230507 2.1 Rob Seaman VOEvent updated
20230502 PR-VOUnits-1.1-20230502 1.1 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20230426 WD-DocRegExt-1.0-20230426 1.0 Markus Demleitner ReR published
20230418 wd-adql-2.1-20230418 2.1 dave morris dal published
20230413 PR-DataLink-V1.1-20230413 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20230323 WD-LineTAP-1.0-20230323 1.0 Margarida Castro Neves DAL published
20230125 PEN-UCDlist-1.5-20230125 1.5 Baptiste Cecconi Semantics published
20230205 WD-StandardsRegExt-1.1-20230215 1.1 Renaud Savalle ReR published
20230206 REC-Vocabularies-2.1-20230206 2.1 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20230105 WD-VOResource-1.2-20220105 1.2 Markus Demleitner ReR published
20221101 REC-PHOTDM-1.1-20221101 1.1 Jesús Salgado, Mireille Louys DaM published
20221004 REC-Coords-1.0-20221004 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20221004 REC-Meas-1.0-20221004 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20221007 PR-PHOTDM-1.1-20221007 1.1 Jesús Salgado, Mireille Louys DaM published
20221005 PR-PHOTDM-1.1-20221005 1.1 Jesús Salgado, Mireille Louys DaM published
20221005 PEN-UCDlist-1.5-20221005.pdf 1.5 Baptiste Cecconi Semantics published
20220922 PR-MIVOT-1.0-20220916 1.0 Laurent Michel dm published
20220822 REC-EPNTAP-V2.0-20220822 2.0 Stéphane Erard DAL published
20220727 REC-MOC-2.0-20220727 2.0 Pierre Fernique App published
202208001 PR-Vocabularies-2.1-20220801 2.1 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20220722 pen-uat-as-upstream-1.0-20220722 1.0 Demleitner, M. semantics published
20220629 PR-PHOTDM-1.1-20220629 1.1 Jesús Salgado, Mireille Louys DaM published
20220715 PEN-UCDlist-1.5-20220715 1.5 Baptiste Cecconi Semantics published
20220705 PR-EPNTAP-V2.0-20220705 2.0 Stéphane Erard DAL published
20220706 PEN-UCDlist-1.5-20220706.pdf 1.5 Baptiste Cecconi Semantics published
20220622 pen-uat-as-upstream-1.0-20220622 1.0 Demleitner, M. semantics published
20220509 PEN-UCDlist-1.5-20220509.pdf 1.5 Baptiste Cecconi Semantics published
20220525 WD-VOUnits-1.1-20220525 1.1 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20220525 note-ivoatexdoc-1.3-20220525 1.3 markus demleitner sdp published
20220519 WD-RegTAP-1.2-20220519 1.2 Markus Demleitner ReR published
20220516 WD-Vocabularies-2.1-20220516 2.1 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20220422 PR-PHOTDM-1.1-20220422 1.1 Jesús Salgado, Mireille Louys DaM published
20220407 WD-MIVOT-1.0-20220407 1.0 Laurent Michel dm published
20220301 PR-PHOTDM-1.1-2022301 1.1 Jesús Salgado, Mireille Louys DaM published
20220222 REC-GMS-1.0-20220222 1.0 Brian Major GWS published
20220222 REC-SimpleDALRegExt-1.2-20220222 1.2 ray plante rer published
20220131 PR-SimpleDALRegExt-1.2-20220131 1.2 ray plante rer published
20220121 PR-GMS-1.0-20220121 1.0 Brian Major GWS published
20220204 WD-PHOTDM-1.1-20220204 1.1 Jesús Salgado, Mireille Louys DaM published
20220125 PR-MOC-2.0-20220125 2.0 Pierre Fernique App published
20211115 WD-DataLink-V1.1-20211115 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20211022 PR-EPNTAP-V2.0-20211022 2.0 Stéphane Erard DAL published
20211102 REC-vodataservice-1.2-20211102 1.2 Ray Plante ReR published
20211101 PR-MOC-2.0-20211101 2.0 Pierre Fernique App published
20211018 WD-MOC-2.0-20211018 2.0 Pierre Fernique App published
20211014 WD-MOC-2.0-20211014 2.0 Pierre Fernique App published
20211012 PR-EPNTAP-V2.0-20211012 2.0 Stéphane Erard DAL published
20211004 PR-SimpleDALRegExt-1.2-20211004 1.2 ray plante rer published
20210724 REC-ObsLocTAP-1.0-20210724 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20210721 PR-EPNTAP-V2.0-20210721 2.0 Stéphane Erard DAL published
20210609 PR-GMS-1.0-20210609 1.0 Brian Major GWS published
20210616 EN-UCDlist-1.4-20210616.pdf 1.4 Baptiste Cecconi Semantics published
20210609 PR-ObsLocTAP-1.0-20210609 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DaM published
20210528 PR-ADQL-2.1-20210528 2.1 dave morris dal published
20210528 PR-ObsLocTAP-1.0-20210528 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DaM published
20210525 REC-Vocabularies-2.0-20210525 2.0 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20210430 PEN-UCDlist-1.4-20210430.pdf 1.4 Baptiste Cecconi Semantics published
20210406 PEN-UCDlist-1.4-20210406.pdf 1.4 Baptiste Cecconi Semantics published
20210329 PR-ObsLocTAP-1.0-20210329 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DaM published
20210324 WD-MOC-2.0-20210324 2.0 Pierre Fernique App published
20210310 PEN-udf-catalogue-1.0-20210310 1.0 Jon Juaristi Campillo DAL published
20210223 PR-vodataservice-1.2-20190715 1.2 Ray Plante ReR published
20210204 PR-ObsLocTAP-1.0-20210204 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DaM published
20210114 PR-Vocabularies-2.0-20210114 2.0 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20201216 PR-SimpleDALRegExt-1.2-20201216 1.2 ray plante rer published
20201117 pen-uat-as-upstream-1.0-20201117 1.0 Demleitner, M. semantics published
20201112 WD-MOC-2.0-20201112 2.0 Pierre Fernique App published
20201027 WD-epntap-2.0-20201027 2.0 Stéphane Erard DAL published
20201007 PR-ObsLocTAP-1.0-20201007 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DaM published
20200820 wd-ConeSearch-1.1-20200828 1.1 Marco Molinaro DAL published
20200806 PEN-udf-catalogue-1.0-20200806 1.0 Jon Juaristi Campillo DAL published
20200803 WD-WCSTrans-1.0-20200803 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20200804 PR-Meas-1.0-20200804 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20200804 PR-Coords-1.0-20200310 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20200612 WD-Vocabularies-2.0-20200612 2.0 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20200514 WD-ObjVisSAP-1.0-20200514 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20200514 PR-ObsLocTAP-1.0-20200514 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DaM published
20200210 WD-GMS-1.0-20200210 1.0 Brian Major GWS published
20200424 wd-simpledalregext-1.2-20200424 1.2 ray plante rer published
20200411 REC-ProvenanceDM-1.0-20200411 1.0 Mathieu Servillat dam published
20200326 WD-Vocabularies-2.0-20200326 2.0 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20200212 wd-simpledalregext-1.2-20200212 1.2 ray plante rer published
20200212 pen-ucdlist-1.4-20200212 1.4 a. preite martinez semantics published
20200211 WD-ObsLocTAP-1.0-20200211 1.0 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20191214 PR-ProvenanceDM-1.0-20191214 1.0 Mathieu Servillat dam published
20191125 PR-ProvenanceDM-1.0-20191125 1.0 Mathieu Servillat dam published
20191021 REC-VOTable-1.4-20191021 1.4 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20191017 PR-UCDlistMaintenance-v2.0-20191017 2.0 Francoise Genova UCD published
20191011 rec-RegTAP-1.1-20191011 1.1 Markus Demleitner rer published
20191007 REC-MOC-1.1-20191007 1.1 Pierre Fernique App published
20190927 REC-TAP-1.1-20190927 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20190925 PEN-udf-catalogue-1.0-20190925 1.0 Jon Juaristi Campillo DAL published
20190909 WD-ObsLocTAP-0.5-20190909 0.5 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20190909 PR-SSLDM-2.0-20190909 2.0 Nicolas Moreau DaM published
20190906 PR-Meas-1.0-20190906 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20190911 pr-RegTAP-1.1-20190911 1.1 Markus Demleitner rer published
20190906 WD-Coords-1.0-20190906 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20190905 WD-Vocabularies-2.0-20190905 2.0 Markus Demleitner Sem published
20190903 PR-MOC-1.1-20190903 1.1 Pierre Fernique App published
20190719 PR-ProvenanceDM-1.0-20190719 1.0 Mathieu Servillat dam published
20190715 PR-vodataservice-1.2-20190715 1.2 Ray Plante ReR published
20190626 PR-TAP-1.1-20190626 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20190621 PR-MOC-1.1-20190621 1.1 Pierre Fernique App published
20190611 PR-VOTable-1.4-20190604 1.4 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20190604 PR-VOTable-1.4-20190604 1.4 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20190529 pr-RegTAP-1.1-20190529 1.1 Markus Demleitner rer published
20190520 EN-discovercollections-1.1-20180322 1.1 Markus Demleitner Note published
20190515 NOTE-stmoc-1.0-20190515 1.0 Pierre Fernique App published
20190506 WD-GMS-1.0-20190506 1.0 Brian Major GWS published
20190503 pr-RegTAP-1.1-20190503 1.1 Markus Demleitner rer published
20190420 PR-TAP-1.1-20190420 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20190412 WD-WCSTrans-1.0-20190412 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar DaM published
20190409 WD-SLAP-2.0-20190409 2.0 Nicolas Moreau DAL published
20190404 PR-MOC-1.1-20190404 1.1 Pierre Fernique App published
20190329 WD-GMS-1.0-20190329 1.0 Brian Major GWS published
20190326 PR-RegTAP-1.1-20190326 1.1 Markus Demleitner rer published
20190322 WD-ObjVisSAP-0.5-20190322 0.2 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20190322 PEN-discovercollections-1.1-20180322 1.1 Markus Demleitner Note published
20190320 WD-Coords-1.0-20190320 1.0 Arnold Rots DaM published
20190318 NOTE-CubeDM-1.1-20190318 1.1 Jiri Nádvornik Note published
20190318 WD-VOTable-1.4-20190318 1.4 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20190315 NOTE-caproles-1.0-20190315 1.0 Markus Demleitner Note published
20190222 WD-SLAP-2.0-20190222 2.0 Nicolas Moreau DAL published
20190215 WD-ObsLocTAP-0.4-20190215 0.4 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20190218 WD-VOTable-1.4-20190218 1.4 Francois Ochsenbein App published
20190215 WD-MOC-1.1-20190215 1.1 Pierre Fernique App published
20181212 NOTE-timesysnote-1.1-20181212 1.1 Markus Demleitner Note published
20181029 NOTE-timesysnote-1.0-20181029 1.0 Markus Demleitner Note published
20181026 WD-vodataservice-1.2-20181026 1.2 Ray Plante ReR published
20181025 WD-GMS-1.0-20181025 1.0 Brian Major GWS published
20181024 PR-TAP-1.1-20181024 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20181015 PR-ProvenanceDM-1.0-20181015 1.0 Mathieu Servillat dam published
20180813 WD-ObsLocTAP-0.4-20180913 0.4 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20180912 WD-ObjVisSAP-0.4-20180912 0.4 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20180910 rec-vodml-v1.0-20180910 1.0 gerard lemson dam published
20180830 PR-TAP-1.1-20180830 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20180823 PR-CDlistMaintenance-v2.0--20180823 2.0 Francoise Genova UCD published
20180731 pr-RegTAP-1.1-20180731 1.1 Markus Demleitner rer published
20180723 WD-ObjVisSAP-0.2-20180723 0.2 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20180723 WD-ObsLocTAP-0.2-20180723 0.2 Aitor Ibarra DAL published
20180723 rec-registryinterface-1.1 1.1 theresa dower rer published
20170625 rec-voresource-1.1-20170625 1.1 ray plante rer published
20180620 rec-vospace-2.1-20180620 2.1 matthew graham gws published
20180527 rec-ucdlist-1.3-20180527 1.3 a. preite martinez semantics published
20180519 pr-vodml-v1.0-20180519 1.0 gerard lemson dam published
20180516 wd-CubeDM-1.0-20180516 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar dam published
20180502 pr-vospace-2.1-20180502 2.1 matthew graham gws published
20180416 PR-TAP-1.1-20180416 1.1 Patrick Dowler DAL published
20180307 pr-vodml-v1.0-20180307 1.0 gerard lemson dam published
20180219 pr-ucdlist-1.3-20180219 1.3 a. preite martinez semantics published
20180112 pr-adql-2.1-20180112 2.1 dave morris dal published
20171208 wd-adql-2.1-20171208 2.1 dave morris dal published
20171206 wd-RegTAP-1.1-20171206 1.1 Markus Demleitner rer published
20171107 pr-voresource-1.1-20171107 1.1 ray plante rer published
20171018 PR-CDlistMaintenance-v2.0--20171018 2.0 Francoise Genova UCD published
20171017 pr-vodml-v1.0-20170925 1.0 gerard lemson dam published
20171010 pr-registryinterface-1.1 1.1 theresa dower rer published
20170924 wd-vospace-2.1-20170924 2.1 matthew graham gws published
20170921 wd-provenancedm-1.0-20170921 1.0 kristin riebe data model published
20170831 pr-ucdlist-1.3-20170831 1.3 a. preite martinez semantics published
20170830 pr-tap-1.1-20170830 1.1 patrick dowler tap published
20170828 rec-vtp-2.0-20170320 2.0 john swinbank dal published
20170719 rec-dali-1.1-20170719 1.1 patrick dowler dali published
20170711 pr-vodml-v1.0-20170711 1.0 gerard lemson dam published
20170707 wd-tap-1.1-20170707 1.1 patrick dowler tap published
20170623 rec-hips-1.0-20170519 1.0 pierre fernique app published
20170604 rec-soda-1.0-20170517 1.0 francois bonnarel dal published
20170530 rec-simpledalregext-1.1-20170530 1.1 raymond plante registry published
20170524 rec-sso-2.0-20170524 2.0 giuliano taffoni gws published
20170524 rec-vosi-1.1-20170524 1.1 matthew graham vosi published
20170509 rec-obscore-v1.1-20170509 1.1 mireille louys dam published
20170517 rec-docstd-2.0-20170517 2.0 francoise genova sdp published
20170502 wd-ucdlist-1.3-20170502 1.3 a. preite martinez semantics published
20170411 wd-sso-2.0-20170116 2.0 giuliano taffoni gws published
20170412 pr-dali-1.1-20170412 1.1 patrick dowler dali published
20170425 pr-voresource-1.1-20170425 1.1 ray plante rer published
20170424 pr-docstd-2.0-20170424 2.0 francoise genova sdp published
20170403 pr-registryinterface-1.1-20170403 1.1 theresa dower rer published
20170406 pr-hips-1.0-20170406 1.0 pierre fernique aps published
20170405 wd-vospace-2.1-20170405 2.1 matthew graham gws published
20170403 pr-hips-1.0-20170403 1.0 pierre fernique aps published
20170331 wd-ucdlist-1.3-20160719 1.3 a. preite martinez semantics published
20170329 pr-docstd-2.0-20170329 2.0 francoise genova sdp published
20170130 rec-simdal-1.0-20170320 1.0 david languignon dal published
20170310 pr-soda-1.0-20170310 1.0 francois bonnarel dal published
20170207 pr-hips-1.0-20170207 1.0 pierre fernique app published
20170207 pr-soda-1.0-20170207 1.0 francois bonnarel dal published
20170201 pr-registryinterface-1.1 1.1 theresa dower rer published
20170201 wd-sso-2.0-20170116 2.0 giuliano taffoni gws published
20170130 pr-simdal-1.0-20170130 1.0 david languignon dal published
20170123 wd-voresource-1.1-20170123 1.1 ray plante rer published
20170114 pr-vtp-2.0-20170114 2.0 john swinbank dal published
20161121 pr-vosi-1.1-20161121 1.1 matthew graham gws published
20161121 pr-vosi-1.1-20161121 1.1 matthew graham gws published
20161201 pr-soda-1.1-20161201 1.0 francois bonnarel dal published
20161122 pr-hips-1.0-20161122 1.0 pierre fernique app published
20161121 wd-provenancedm-1.0-20161121 1.0 kristin riebe data model published
20161124 pr-simpledalregext-1.1-20161124 1.1 raymond plante registry published
20161107 wd-registryinterface-1.1 1.1 theresa dower rer published
20161101 pr-dali-1.1-20161101 1.1 patrick dowler dali published
20161024 rec-uws-1.1-20161024 1.1 paul harrison gws published
20161014 pr-simdal-1.0-20161014 1.0 david languignon dal published
20161010 wd-voresource-1.1-20161010 1.1 ray plante rer published
20160930 pr-sso-2.0-20160930 2.0 giuliano taffoni gws published
20161004 pr-obscore-v1.1-20161004 1.1 mireille louys dam published
20160928 pr-spectraldm-2.0-20160928 2.0 jonathan mcdowell dam published
20160623 wd-hips-1.0-20160623 1.0 pierre fernique app published
20160928 pr-vosi-1.1-20160928 1.1 matthew graham gws published
20160923 pr-vodml-v1.0-20160923 1.0 gerard lemson dam published
20160923 pr-docstd-2.0-20160923 2.0 francoise genova sdp published
20160920 pr-soda-1.0-20160920 1.0 francois bonnarel dal published
20160824 wd-simdal-1.0-20160824 1.0 david languignon dal published
20160909 wd-docstd-2.0-20160909 2.0 francoise genova sdp published
20160706 pr-simpledalregext-1.1-20160706 1.1 raymond plante registry published
20160608 pr-simdal-1.0-20160608 1.0 david languignon dal published
20160525 wd-simpledalregext-1.1-20160525 1.1 raymond plante registry published
20160523 rec-identifiers-2.0-20160523 2.0 markus demleitner registry published
20160501 wd-sso-2.0-20160501 2.0 giuliano taffoni gws published
20160505 pr-uws-1.1-20160505 1.1 paul harrison gws published
20160503 wd-simdal-1.0-20160503 1.0 david languignon dal published
20160503 pr-vtp-2.0-20160503 2.0 john swinbank dal published
20160502 wd-adql-2.1-20160502 2.1 dave morris dal published
20160429 wd-soda-1.0-20160429 1.0 francois bonnarel dal published
20160430 note-ivoatexdoc-1.1-20160430 1.1 markus demleitner sdp published
20160428 wd-tap-1.1-20160428 1.1 patrick dowler tap published
20160420 wd-vospace-2.1-20160420 2.1 matthew graham gws published
20160415 wd-dali-1.1-20160415 1.1 patrick dowler dali published
20160413 pr-vosi-1.1-20160413 1.1 matthew graham vosi published
20160416 wd-registryinterface-1.1 1.1 theresa dower rer published
20160330 pr-obscore-v1.1-20160330 1.1 mireille louys dam published
20160317 wd-datasetdm-1.0 1.0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam published
20160303 wd-obscore-v1.1-20160303 1.1 mireille louys dam published
20160224 wd-obscore-v1.1-20160224 1.1 mireille louys dam published
20160202 wd-vosi-1.1-20160129 1.1 matthew graham vosi published
20160202 wd-dali-1.1-20151027 1.10 patrick dowler dali published
20160108 note-discovercollection-1.0-20160108 1.0 markus demleitner reg published
20151223 rec-sia-2.0-20151223 2.0 patrick dowler sia published
20151221 wd-soda-1.0-20151221 1.0 francois bonnarel dal published
20151130 pr-uws-1.1-20151130 1.1 paul harrison gws published
20151117 wd-tapregext-1.1-20151117 1.1 markus demleitner dal published
20151021 wd-datasetdm-1.0 1.0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam published
20151020 wd-sso-2.0-20151020 2.0 guy rixon gws published
20150206 vo-dml-wd-v1.0 2.0 gerard lemson dam published
20151012 pr-identifiers-2.0-20151012 2.0 markus demleitner registry published
20150916 wd-vtp-1.0-20150624 1.0 john swinbank dal published
20150907 wd-simdal-1.0-20150907 1.0 david languignon dal published
20150907 pr-uws-1.1-20150907 1.1 paul harrison gws published
20150730 pr-sia-2.0-20150730 2.0 doug tody dal published
20150709 pr-identifiers-2.0-20150709 2.0 markus demleitner registry published
20150626 pr-uws-1.1-20150626 1.1 paul harrison gws published
20150617 rec-datalink-1.0-20150617 1.0 patrick dowler dal published
20150615 wd-vospace-2.1-20150601 2.1 matthew graham gws published
20150615 wd-uws-1.1-20150615 1.1 paul harrison gws published
20150614 wd-sso-2.0-20150611 2.0 guy rixon gws published
20150610 pr-sia-2.0-20150610 2.0 doug tody dal published
20150609 wd-obscore-v1.1-20150605 1.1 mireille louys dam published
20150608 wd-ucdlist-1.3-20150608 1.3 a. preite martinez semantics published
20150529 pr-spectraldm-2.0-20150528 2.0 jonathan mcdowell dam published
20150529 wd-cubedm-1.0-20150320 1.0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam published
20150529 wd-datasetdm-1.0 1.0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam published
20150520 wd-identifiers-2.0-20150520 2.0 markus demleitner registry published
20150514 note-webassets-1.0-20150514 1.0 bruce berriman none published
20150413 pr-datalink-1.0-20150413 1.0 patrick dowler dal published
20150320 wd-CubeDM-1.0-20150320 1.0 Mark Cresitello-Dittmar dam published
20150206 vo-dml-wd-v1.0 2.0 gerard lemson dam published
20150206 pr-spectraldm-2.0-20150206 2.0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam published
20150129 note-ivoatexdoc-1.0-20150129 1.0 markus demleitner sdp published
20141208 rec-regtap-1.0-20141208 1.0 markus demleitner rer published
20141030 pr-regtap-1.0-20141030 1.0 markus demleitner rer published
20141025 pr-sia-2.0-20141024 2.0 patrick dowler dal published
20140930 pr-datalink-1.0-20140930 1.0 patrick dowler dal published
20140930 wd-uws-1.1-20140930 1.1 paul harrison gws published
20140926 pr-datalink-1.0-20140925 1.0 patrick dowler dal published
20140814 wd-vospace-2.1-20140805 2.1 brian major gws published
20140730 pr-spectraldm-2.0-20140730 2.0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam updated
20140710 pr-sia-2.0-20140707 2.0 francois bonnarel dal updated
20140702 pr-regtap-1.0-20140627 1.0 markus demleitner rer updated
20140702 rec-moc-1.0-20140602 1.0 pierre fernique apps pr to rec
20140702 pr-datalink-1.0-20140530 1.0 francois bonnarel dal wd to pr
20140530 rec-pdl-1.0-20140523 1.0 andre schaaff gws pr to rec
20140528 wd-uws-1.1-20140527 1.1 paul harrison gws updated
20140528 vounits-rec-1.0-20140523 1.0 norman gray semantics pr to rec
20140519 pr-pdl-1.0-20140518 1.0 andre schaaf gws updated
20140516 pr-pdl-1.0-20140616 1.0 andre schaaff gws updated
20140516 wd-voeventregext-1.0-20140513 1.0 matthew graham voe published
20140514 note-simpletimeseries-1.0-20140513 1.0 matthew graham voe published
20140514 vounits-pr-1.0-20140513 1.0 norman gray semantics updated
20140514 wd-sia-2.0-20140512 2.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20140507 wd--datalink-1.0-20140505 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20140324 pr-spectraldm-2.0-20140309 2.0 mark cressitello-dittmar dam updated
20140310 pr-moc-1.0-20140310 1.0 pierre ferniquie/mark taylor apps updated
20140305 wd-datalink-1.0-20140228 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20140303 pr-pdl-1.0-20140213 1.0 andre schaaff gws updated
20140303 pr-regtap-1.0-20140227 1.0 gretchen greene rer wd to pr
20140228 pr-vounits-1.0-20140226 1.0 norman gray semantics updated
20140116 pr-moc-1.0-20140106 1.0 pierre fermique apps wd to pr
20140107 pr-vounits-1.0-20131224 1.0 norman gray semantics updated
20131223 pr-pdl-1.0-20131223 1.0 andre schaaff gws updated
20131213 note-tapnotes-1.0-20131213 1.0 markus demleitner na published
20131211 wd-regtap-1.0-20131203 1.0 gretchen greene rer updated
20131206 rec-dali-1.0-20131129 1.0 patrick dowler dal pr to rec
20131125 rec-simpledalregext-1.0-20131005 1,0 gretchen greene rer pr to rec
20131122 wd-sia-2.0-20131115 2.0 patrick dowler dal published
20131115 pr-pdl-1.0-20131114 1.0 andre schaaff gws updated
20131005 rec-photdm-1.0-20131005 1.0 jesus salgado dam pr to rec
20131111 pr-dali-1.0-20131108 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20131025 wd-datalink-1.0-20131022 1.0 patrick dowler dal published
20130928 pr-pdl-1.0-20130926 1.0 andre schaff gws updated
20130928 pr-photdm-1.0-20130928 1.0 jesus salgado dam updated
20130926 pr-photdm-1.0-20130925 1.0 jesus salgado dam updated
20130925 rec-votable-1.3-20130920 1.3 mark taylor apps updated
20130925 pr-vounits-1.0-20130922 1.0 norman gray semantics updated
20130923 pr-simpledalregext-1.0-20130911 1.0 gretchen greene rer updated
20130923 wd-stc-s-20130917 1.0 patrick dowler dal note to wd
20130920 pr-dali-1.0-210130919 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20130911 wd-regtap-1.0-20130909 1.0 gretchen greene rer updated
20130911 wd-moc-1.0-20130910 1.0 pierre fernique apps updated
20130904 pr-photdm-1.0-20130812 1.0 jesus salgado dam updated
20130806 pr-vounits-1.0-20130724 1.0 norman gray semantics updated
20130806 pr-pdl-1.0-20130718 1.0 andre schaaf gws updated
20130702 pr-photdm-1.0-20130627 1.0 jesus salgado dam updated
20130524 pr-dali-1.0-20130521 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20130515 wd-pdl-1.0-20130510 1.0 carlo maria zwolf gws updated
20130513 note-svofpsdal-v2-1.0-20130510 1,9 carlos rodrigo dal published
20130508 note-scientificworkflows-1.0-20130401 1.0 andre schaff gws published
20130503 note-datalinkproposal-1.0-20130502 1.0 laurent michel n/a published
20130429 pr-vounits-1.0-20130429 1.0 norman gray semantics updated
20130426 pr-spectraldm-2.0-20130425 2.0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam wd to pr
20130426 wd-regtap-1.0-20130411 1.0 gretchen greene rer published
20130424 rec-vospace-2.0-20130329 2.0 matthew graham gws pr to rec
20130320 wd-moc-1.0-20130314 1.0 pierre fernique apps note to wd
20130315 pr-votable-1.3-20130315 1.3 mark taylor apps wd to pr
20130315 pr-vounits-1.0-20130225 1.0 sebastien derriere semantics updated
20130315 wd-spectraldm-2.0-20130307 2,0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam updated
20130222 note-utypes-usage-1.0-20130213 1.0 matthew graham utypestt published
20130212 pr-dali-1.0-20130212 1.0 patrick dowlner dal wd to pr
20130104 pr-vospace-2.0-20121221 2.0 matthew graham gws updated
20121214 wd-votable-1.3-20121205 1.3 mark taylor vot updated
20121212 wd-dali-1.0-20121210 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20121128 pr-simpledalregext-20121116 1.0 gretcyhen greene rer updated
20121107 wd-characterisation2-1.0-20121029 1.0 francois bonnarel dam published
20121022 note-svofps-1.0-20121015 1.0 carlos rodrigo dam published
20121022 wd-dali-1.0-20121014 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20121009 wd-spectraldm-2.0-20120908 2.0 mark cresitello-dittmar dam published
20120914 rec-tapregext-1.0-20120827 1.0 patrick dowler dal pr to rec
20120829 pr-vospace-2.0-20120824 2.0 matthew graham gws updated
20120824 pr-vounits-1.0-20120820 1.0 norman gray semantics wd to pr
20120824 wd-pdl-0.1-20120526 0.1 carlo maria zwolf gws published
20120612 note-urifragments-1.0-20120525 1.0 norman gray semantics published
20120612 wd-vounits-1.0-20120522 1.0 sebastien derriere semantics updated
20120522 pr-simpledalregext-20120517 1,0 gretchen greene rer wd to pr
20120518 pr-photdm-1.0-20120517 1,9 jesus salgado dam wd to pr
20120518 rec-simdm-20120503 1.0 herve wozniak theory pr to rec
20120518 pr-tapregext-1.0-20120508 1.0 markus demleitner dal updated
20120511 rec-standardsregext-1.0-20120508 1.0 gretchen greene rer pr to rec
20120420 note-moc-1.0-20120412 1.0 pierre fernique apps published
20120411 rec-samp-1.3-20120411 1.3 mark taylor apps pr to rec
20120411 implementationsimdm-20120402 1.0 franck lepetit theory published
20120328 pr-standardsregext-1.0-20120217 1.0 ray plante rer update
20120314 pr-simdm-v1.00-20120312 1.0 herve wozniak theory update
20120229 rec-ssa-1.1-20120210 1.1 patrick dowler dal pr to rec
20120222 pr-standardsregext-1.0-20120213 1.0 ray plante rer update
20120222 pr-standardsregext-1.0-20111017 1.0 ray plante rer update
20120217 rec-spectrumdm-1.1-20111120 1.1 omar laurino dm pr to rec
20120210 pr-tapregext-1.0-20120208 1.0 patrick dowler dal wd to pr
20120208 wd-dali-1.0-20120202 1.0 patrick dowler dal published
20120127 note-ivoaroadmap2011-v1.0-20120126 1.0 christophe arviset na published
20111216 wd-vounits-1.0-20111216 1.0 sebastien derriere semantics published
20111219 spectclasses-20111215 1.4 myron a. smith semantics updated
20111219 pr-vospace-2.0-20111202 2.0 matthew graham gws wd to pr
20111128 pr-samp-1.3-20111128 1.3 mark taylor apps updated
20111114 rec-obscore-v1.0-20111028 1.0 mireille louys dam updated
20111107 rec-obscore-v1.0-20111027 1.0 jesus salgado dam pr to rec
20111104 wd-tapregext-1.0-20111027.html 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
20111101 pr-ssa-1.1-20111018 1.1 patrick dowler dal updated
20111028 wd-photdm-1.0-20111013 1.0 jesus salgado dam updated
20111028 pr-simulationdatamodel-v.1.00-20111019 1.0 herve wozniak dam updated
20111024 obscore-v1.0-20111008 1.0 mireille louys dam updated
20111024 spectrumdm-20111020 1.1 jesus salgado dam updated
20111019 rec-vosi-1.0-20110531 1.0 matthew graham gws pr to rec
20111003 pr-photdm-1.0-20111003 1.0 jesus salgado dam updated
20110926 pr-obscore-v1.0-20110926 1.0 mireille louys dam updated
20110921 wd-simpledalregext-20110921 1.0 gretchen greene rer published
20110921 pr-standardsregext-1.0-20110921 1.0 gretchen greene rer updated
20110909 pr-simulationdatamodel-v.1.00-20110906 1.0 herve wozniak dam updated
20110905 pr-samp-1.3-2010905 1.3 mark taylor apps wd to pr
20110727 wd-tapregext-1.0-20110727 1.0 patrick dowlner dal updated
20110722 pr-photdm-1.0-20110722 1.0 jesus salgado dam updated
20110712 pr-obscore-v1.0-20110712 1.0 mireille louys dam updated
20110728 wd-samp-1.3-20110728 1.3 mark taylor apps updated
20110711 rec-voevent-2.0 2.0 rob seaman voevent pr to rec
20110707 pr-photdm-1.0-20110707 1.0 jesus salgado dam published
20110706 pr-ssa-1.1-20110706 1.1 doug tody dal updated
20110628 wd-vospace-2.0-20110628 2.0 matthew graham gws updated
20110627 pr-voevent-2.0-20110627 2.0 rob seaman voevent updated
20110513 wd-simpledalregext-1.0-20110510 1.0 ray plante rer published
20110512 wd-samp-v.1.3-20110512 1.3 mark taylor apps published
20110513 pr-simdm-v1.0-20110428 1.0 mireille louys dam wd to pr
20110511 pr-vosi1.0-20110511 1.0 matthew graham gws updated
20110511 wd-simdm-v1.0-20110427 1.0 mireille louys dam published
20110509 pr-voevent-2.0-20110509 2.0 rob seaman voevent updated
20110504 pr-spectrumdm-1.1-20110318 1.1 mireille louys dam published
20110503 wd-obscore-v1.0-20110305 1.0 mireille louys dam published
20110502 pr-obscore-v1.0-20110502 1.0 mireille louys dam published
20110429 rec-basic-profile-1.0-20101216 1.0 matthew graham gws pr to rec
20110417 pr-ssa-1.1-20110417 1.1 patrick dowler dal updated
20110408 pr-voevent-2.0-20110402 2.0 rob seaman voevent updated
20110404 standardsregext 1.0 gretchen greene rer wd to pr
20110318 pr-voevent-2.0-20110318 2.0 rob seaman voevent updated
20110314 pr-voevent-2.0-20110314 2.0 rob seaman voevent published
20110127 wd-tapregext-1.0-20110127 1.0 patrick dowler dal published
20101216 samp-1.2-20101216 1.2 mark taylor apps pr to rec
20101209 slap-1.0-20101209 1,0 jesus salgado dal pr to rec
20101209 ssldm-1.0-20101202 1.0 pedro osuna dam pr to re
21011206 vosi-1.0-20101206 1.0 matthew graham gws updated
20101206 vodataservice-1.120101206 1.1 matthew graham gws updated
20101205 vodataservice-1.1-20101202 1.1 ray plante rer pr to rec
20101123 ivoaarchitecture 1.0 christophe arviset n/a published
20101020 wsbasicprofile 1.0 matthew graham gws updated
20101010 uws-20101010 1.0 paul harrison gws pr to rec
2010-10-07 ivoatechroadmap2010-20101007 1.00 christophe arviset n/a published
20101004 pr-ssldm-1.0-20101004 1.0 pedro osuna dam updated
20100916 vodataservice-1.120100916 1.1 ray plante rer updated
20100916 uws-20100908 1.0 paul h arrison gws updated
20100914 vodataservice-1.120100914 1.1 ray plante rer updated
20100913 samp-20100913 1.2 mark taylor apps wd to pr
20100908 uws-20100908 1.0 paul h arrison gws updated
20100805 samp-20100719 1.2 mark taylor apps updated
2010-07-28 ivoaparticipation-20100707 1.1 robert hanisch n/a updated
2010-06-23 votablestc-20100618 2.0 markus demleitner votablestc updated
2010-06-17 standardsregext-20100519 1.0 ray plante rer published
2010-06-15 stc-s-20091030 1.33 a. rots dam updated
2010-05-21 dal2arch-20100521 1.0 doug tody dal published
2010-05-18 docstd-20100413 1.2 francoise genova sdp pr to rec
2010-05-11 ssldm-20100506 1.0 pedro osuna dam updated
2010-05-11 slap-20091016 1.0 jesus salgado dal updated
2010-04-21 tap-20100327 1.0 patrick dowler dal pr to rec
2010-04-15 vodataservice-20100412 1.1 ray plante rer updated
2010-04-15 tcg-charter-20100329 1.1 christophe arviset n/a updated
2010-03-24 vospace-20100323 2.0 matthew graham gws updated
2010-03-24 voeventtables-20100323 1.0 roy williams voe published
2010-03-19 ivoawebdesign-20100301 1.0 andy lawrence n/a published
2010-03-19 vosi-20100311 1.0 matthew graham gws wd to pr
2010-03-11 astrobjectontologyusecases-20100117 1.1 alexandre richard semantics updated
2010-03-04 astrobjectontology-20100117 1.3 alexandre richard semantics updated
2010-03-01 wsbasicprofile-20100226 1.0 matthew graham gws wd to pr
2010-03-01 credentialdelegation-20100218 1.0 matthew graham gws pr to rec
2010-02-25 tap-20100225 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
2010-02-11 uws-20100210 1.0 paul harrison gws updated
2010-02-10 dakotabroker-20100210 1.00 robert b. denny voe published
2010-02-05 sia-20091116 1.0 paul harrison dal pr to rec
2010-02-04 polarization-20100203 1.0 anita richards dm published
2010-01-08 tap-20091225 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
2009-12-02 votable-20091130 1.2 francois ochsenbein vot pr to rec
2009-11-05 registryinterface-20091104 1.0 ray plante rer pr to rec
2009-11-02 votable-20091102 1.2 francois ochsenbein vot updated
2009-10-15 docstd-20091008 1.2 robert hanisch sdp updated
2009-10-12 vocabularies-20091007 1.19 norman gray semantics pr to rec
2009-10-12 vospace-20091007 1.15 matthew graham gws pr to rec
2009-10-12 sia-20091008 1.0 paul harrison dal updated
2009-10-08 tap-20091006 1.0 patrick dowler dal updated
2009-10-02 docstd-20091002 1.2 robert hanisch sdp updated
2009-10-02 tap-20090608 1.0 patrick dowler dal wd to pr
2009-10-01 ivoatechroadmap2009-20091001 1.00 christophe arviset n/a published
2009-09-29 votable-20090929 1.2 francois ochsenbein vot updated
2009-09-23 registryinterface-20090917 1.0 ray plante rer updated
2009-09-23 vospace-20090921 1.15 matthew graham gws updated
2009-09-16 vodataservice-20090903 1.1 ray plante rer wd to pr
2009-09-09 uws-20090909 1.0 paul harrison gws wd to pr
2009-09-07 credentialdelegation-20090818 1.0 matthew graham gws updated
2009-09-02 ssldm-20090714 1.0 m. louys dam wd to pr
2009-09-02 ssldm-20090713 1.0 jesus salgado dam published
2009-09-02 slap-20090714 1.0 jesus salgado dal wd to pr
2009-09-02 slap-20090713 1.0 jesus salgado dal published
2009-09-01 voeventtransport-20090805 1.1 robert deny voe updated
2009-08-28 vocabularies-20090825 1.18 norman gray semantics updated
2009-08-27 uws-20090827 1.0 paul harrison gws published
2009-08-27 vosi-20090825 1.0 matthew graham gws updated
2009-06-15 votable-20090710 1.2 francois ochsenbein votable updated
2009-06-15 votable-20090612 1.2 francois ochsenbein votable updated
2009-06-15 votablestc-20090612 1.1 francois ochsenbein votablestc updated
2009-06-15 tap-20090607 1.0 p. dowler dal added
2009-05-29 registryinterface-20090522 1.0 ray plante rer updated
2009-05-21 vospace-20090513 2.0 matthew graham gws updated
2009-05-21 sia-20090521 1.1 paul harrison dal updated
2009-05-19 registryinterface-20090519 1.02 ray plante rer updated
2009-05-14 voeventtransport-20090514 1.00 robert b. denny voe published
2009-05-12 vodataservice-20090508 1.10 ray plante rer published
2009-05-06 vospace-20090505 1.15 matthew graham gws updated
2009-04-22 samp-20090421 1.11 mark taylor apps pr to rec
2009-03-12 spectclasses-20090312 1.03 myron smith semantics updated
2009-03-03 docstd-20090302 1.2 francoise genova sdp wd to pr
2009-02-26 astrobjectontology-20090201 1.20 alexandre richard semantics updated
2009-02-23 voeventreflections-20090220 1.00 bob denny n/a published
2009-02-13 samp-20090209 1.11 tom mcglynn apps updated
2009-01-15 docstd-20080114 1.2 r. hanisch sdp published
2008-11-24 samp-20081121 1.10 tom mcglynn apps wd to pr
2008-11-04 vocabularies-20081104 1.16 norman gray semantics updated
2008-10-31 adql-20081030 2.00 iñaki ortiz vql pr to rec
2008-10-30 sia-20081030 1.01 paul harrison dal updated
2008-10-28 vosi-20081023 1.00 guy rixon gws published
2008-10-27 vospace-irods-20081025 1.10 andre schaaff gws updated
2008-10-27 s3theoreticaldata-20081015 1.00 carlos rodrigo n/a published
2008-10-23 astrobjectontologyusecases-20080703 1.00 alexandre richard semantics published
2008-10-23 astrobjectontology-20080716 1.10 alexandre richard semantics updated
2008-10-20 votablestc-20080918 1.01 françois ochsenbein vot updated
2008-10-14 spectclasses-20081001 1.02 myron smith semantics updated
2008-10-14 vospace-20081013 1.14 matthew graham gws updated
2008-10-14 vospace-20081012 1.13 matthew graham gws updated
2008-09-30 registryinterface-20080929 1.01 ray plante rer wd to pr
2008-09-30 vospace-20080929 1.12 matthew graham gws wd to pr
2008-09-26 credentialdelegation-20080923 1.01 matthew graham gws wd to pr
2008-09-18 wsbasicprofile-20080916 1.00 matthew graham gws published
2008-09-17 vospace-20080916 1.12 matthew graham gws updated
2008-09-17 votablestc-20080910 1.00 françois ochsenbein vot published
2008-09-17 votable-20080914 1.20 françois ochsenbein vot published
2008-09-16 vospace-20080915 1.11 matthew graham gws updated
2008-09-16 credentialdelegation-20080915 1.01 matthew graham gws updated
2008-09-16 docstd-20080915 1.10 f. genova sdp wd to pr
2008-09-12 vocabularies-20080912 1.15 norman gray semantics updated
2008-08-18 ivoaroadmap-2008-20080807 1.00 christophe arviset n/a published
2008-08-18 tcg-charter-20080807 1.00 christophe arviset n/a published
2008-07-29 vocabularies-20080729 1.13 norman gray semantics wd to pr
2008-07-17 credentialdelegation-20080715 1.00 matthew graham gws published
2008-07-14 simdbtrack-20080711 1.00 hervé wozniak theory published
2008-06-27 samp-20080625 1.00 mark taylor app published
2008-05-16 vospace-irods-20080514 1.00 andré schaaff gws published
2008-05-15 voeventdigisig-20080514 1.10 robert b. denny n/a updated
2008-05-14 spectclasses-20080508 1.00 myron smith semantics published
2008-04-30 adql-20080430 2.00 pedro osuna vql wd to pr
2008-04-30 adql-20080325 2.00 pedro osuna vql published
2008-03-19 vocabularies-20080320 1.00 norman gray semantics published
2008-03-14 voeventdigisig-20080313 1.00 robert b. denny n/a published
2008-03-11 vospace-20080311 1.10 matthew graham gws published
2008-02-26 footprint-20080215 1.01 f. bonnarel n/a updated
2008-02-25 conesearch-20080222 1.03 r. plante dal pr to rec
2008-02-25 voresource-20080222 1.03 r. plante rer pr to rec
2008-02-04 docstd-20080206 1.10 r. hanisch sdp published
2008-02-04 ssa-20080201 1.04 d. tody dal updated
2008-01-24 SSOAuthMech-20080124 1.01 Matthew Graham GWS PR to REC
2008-01-24 VOSpace-20080124 1.02 Matthew Graham GWS PR to REC
2007-12-20 SSA-20071220 1.03 D. Tody DAL PR to REC
2007-12-07 STC-Model-20071205 1.31 A. Rots n/a updated
2007-12-07 STC-S-20071205 1.30 A. Rots n/a updated
2007-11-09 CharacterisationDM-20071108 1.12 M. Louys DM PR to REC
2007-10-31 STC-Model-20071030 1.30 A. Rots N/A published
2007-10-31 STC-20071030 1.33 M. Louys DM PR to REC
2007-10-31 SpectrumDM-20071029 1.03 M. Louys DM PR to REC
2007-10-05 IntroductionCEA_UWS 1.00 Guy Rixon n.a. published
2007-10-02 IVOARoadMap-2007 1.00 Christophe Arviset TCG published
2007-09-24 RDFVORegistry-20070920 1.00 N. Gray n.a. published
2007-09-19 SSA-20070917 1.02 Doug Tody DAL updated
2007-09-19 ConeSearch-20070914 1.02 R. Plante DAL updated
2007-09-14 CharacterisationDM-20070914 1.12 M. Louys DM updated
2007-09-14 SpectrumDM-20070913 1.02 J. McDowell DM updated
2007-09-10 VOSpace-20070907 1.02 Matthew Graham GWS updated
2007-09-10 SSOAuthMech-20070904 1.01 Matthew Graham GWS updated
2007-08-16 ImplementationCharacterisation-20070813 1.12 M. Louys n.a. updated
2007-08-08 Footprint-20070709 1.00 F. Bonnarel n/a published
2007-07-24 VOSpace-20070723 1.01 Matthew Graham GWS updated
2007-07-12 SpectrumDM-20070711 1.01 J. McDowell DM updated
2007-07-05 RegistryOfRegistries-20070628 1.00 R. Plante ReR published
2007-07-05 VOResource-20061107 1.02 R. Plante ReR WD to PR
2007-07-05 ConeSearch-20070628 1.01 R. Plante DAL updated
2007-06-27 UtypeListCharacterisationDM-20070625 1.11 M. Louys n.a. updated
2007-06-27 VOSpace-20070626 1.00 Matthew Graham GWS WD to PR
2007-06-27 SSOAuthMech-20070621 1.00 Matthew Graham GWS WD to PR
2007-06-20 STC-20070614 1.31 Arnold Rots DaM updated
2007-06-04 SSA-20070604 1.01 Doug Tody DAL WD to PR
2007-05-31 SSA-20070529 1.01 Doug Tody DAL updated
2007-05-30 CharacterisationDM-20070530 1.11 M. Louys DM WD to PR
2007-05-23 UtypeListCharacterisationDM-20070522 1.10 M. Louys n.a. updated
2007-05-23 ImplementationCharacterisation-20070522 1.11 M. Louys n.a. updated
2007-05-16 UtypeListCharacterisationDM-20070510 1.00 M. Louys n.a. published
2007-05-16 ImplementationCharacterisation-20070509 1.10 M. Louys n.a. published
2007-05-16 CharacterisationDM-20070509 1.10 M. Louys DM updated
2007-05-16 SSA-20070508 1.00 Doug Tody DAL published
2007-05-15 SpectrumDM-20070515 1.01 Jonathan McDowell DaM WD to PR
2007-05-03 SpectrumDM-20070502 1.01 Jonathan McDowell DaM updated
2007-05-03 AstroKeysTN-20070425 1.00 A. Preite Martinez Semantics published
2007-04-03 UCDlist-20070402 1.23 A. Preite Martinez Semantics PR to REC
2007-03-26 ConeSearch-20060908 1.00 Doug Tody DAL published
2007-03-23 UCDlist-20070323 1.22 A. Preite Martinez Semantics updated
2007-03-15 IDs-20070302 1.12 Ray Plante ReR PR to REC
2007-03-07 VOSpace-20070304 1.00 Guy Rixon GWS published
2007-03-05 STC-20070228 1.30 Arnold Rots DaM updated
2007-03-05 utype-uri-20070302 1.00 Norman Gray n.a. published
2007-03-02 RM-20070302 1.12 Ray Plante ReR PR to REC
2007-02-26 UWS-REST-20070226.html 1.00 Guy Rixon n.a. published
2007-02-19 AstrObjectOntology-20070219 1.00 A. Preite Martinez Semantics published
2007-01-03 RM-20061212 1.12 Ray Plante ReR updated
2006-12-05 PlasticDesktopInterop-20060601 1.00 John Taylor n.a. published
2006-11-14 AstrObjectOntology-20061031 1.00 A. Preite Martinez Semantics published
2006-11-13 UCDlist-20061107 1.21 A. Preite Martinez Semantics updated
2006-11-13 VOEvent-20061101 1.11 Roy Williams VOE PR to REC
2006-11-07 VOResource-20061107 1.02 Ray Plante ReR updated
2006-11-07 RegistryInterface-20061107 1.00 Ray Plante ReR published
2006-10-24 SpectrumDM-20061024 1.00 Jonathan McDowell DaM published
2006-10-20 CharacterisationDM-20061020 1.00 Mireille Louys DaM published
2006-10-06 UCDlist-20061006 1.20 A. Preite Martinez Semantics WD to PR
2006-09-28 AOIMetadata-20060919 1.00 Robert Hanisch n.a. published
2006-09-06 UCDlist-20060906 1.20 A. Preite Martinez Semantics updated
2006-09-01 Ranking-20060901 1.00 Markus Dolensky n.a. published
2006-08-31 IVOAParticipation-20060817 1.00 Bob Hanisch n.a. published
2006-08-31 IVOALicensing-20060707 1.00 Bob Hanisch n.a. published
2006-08-23 Identifiers-20060822 1.11 Ray Plante ReR updated
2006-08-11 VOEvent-20060810 1.11 Rob Seaman VOEvent updated
2006-06-29 VOEvent-20060629 1.10 Roy Williams VOEvent WD to PR
2006-06-28 VOResource-20060620 1.01 Ray Plante ReR updated
2006-06-06 IVOARoadMap-2006 1.00 Roy Williams n.a. published
2006-05-31 VOResource-20060530 1.00 Ray Plante ReR published
2006-05-28 UCDlistMaintenance-20060528 1.20 Masatoshi Ohishi UCD PR to REC
2006-05-22 SSOAuthMech-20060419 1.00 Guy Rixon GWS published
2006-04-21 UCDlistMaintenance-20060421 1.20 A. Preite Martinez UCD updated
2006-03-14 UCDlistMaintenance-20060307 1.10 A. Preite Martinez UCD WD to PR
2006-02-28 DMAstroDS-20060228 1.00 François Bonnarel n.a. published
2006-02-27 AstrogridWorkflow-20060227 1.00 Noel Winstanley n.a. published
2006-01-02 UCDlist-20051231 1.11 Masatoshi Ohishi UCD PR to REC
2005-11-22 UCDlist-20051109 1.11 A. Preite Martinez UCD updated
2005-11-15 RM-20051115 1.10 Tony Linde ReR 30dd RFC
2005-11-07 UCDlistMaintenance-20051107 1.00 A. Preite Martinez UCD published
2005-10-18 UCDmaintenance-20051018 1.00 A. Preite Martinez n.a. published
2005-10-13 UCDlist-20051011 1.10 A. Preite Martinez UCD updated
2005-10-02 SSOintro-20051002 1.00 Guy Rixon n.a. published
2005-09-12 UCD-20050812 1.10 Masatoshi Ohishi UCD PR to REC
2005-08-19 UCD-20050812 1.10 A. Preite Martinez UCD uploaded
2005-08-08 RoadMap-20050808 1.00 Roy Williams n.a. published
2005-07-14 VOEvent-20050714 1.00 Roy Williams VOE published
2005-07-13 UCD-20050707 1.10 A. Preite Martinez UCD updated
2005-07-12 UCDlist-20050712 1.02 A. Preite Martinez UCD WD to PR
2005-06-24 SkyNodeInterface-20050602 1.01 Masatoshi Ohishi VQL updated
2005-06-24 ADQL-20050602 1.01 Masatoshi Ohishi VQL updated
2005-06-23 RM-20050621 1.10 Marco Leoni ReR published
2005-06-02 SkyNodeInterface-20050602 1.00 Masatoshi Ohishi VQL published
2005-06-02 ADQL-20050602 1.00 Masatoshi Ohishi VQL published
2005-05-13 CEADesignIVOANote-20050513 1.20 Paul Harrison n.a. published
2005-05-03 UCDlist-20050503 1.00 Sébastien Derriere UCD published
2005-04-21 DMObs-20050421 1.00 François Bonnarel n.a. published
2005-04-20 DalResp-20050420 1.00 François Bonnarel n.a. published
2005-03-15 STC-20050315 1.21 Arnold Rots DaM WD to PR
2005-03-14 STC-S-20050315 1.00 Arnold Rots DaM dep. v1.0
2005-03-14 STC-X-20050315 1.00 Arnold Rots DaM published
2005-03-03 Identifiers-20050302 1.10 Ray Plante RR updated
2005-03-01 LinearSTC-20050301 1.00 Arnold Rots DaM published
2005-02-25 STC-20050225 1.20 Arnold Rots DaM updated
2005-01-05 STC-20050105 1.10 Arnold Rots DaM updated
2004-10-26 UCD-20041026 1.06 Sébastien Derriere UCD updated
2004-09-10 IAUCodataReport2004-20040910 1.00 Marco Leoni n.a. published
2004-08-23 UCD-20040823 1.05 Sébastien Derriere UCD WD to PR
2004-08-11 VOTable-20040811 1.10 Andy Lawrence VOT PR to REC
2004-07-26 STC-20040723 1.00 Arnold Rots DaM updated
2004-07-21 STC-20040721 1.00 Arnold Rots DaM published
2004-07-16 OECDWhitePaper-20040315 1.00 Bob Hanisch n.a. published
2004-06-21 Identifiers-20040621 1.10 Ray Plante RR updated
2004-06-15 IVOArch-20040615 1.00 Roy Williams n.a. published
2004-06-08 VOTable-20040608 1.10 François Ochsenbein VOT updated
2004-05-24 Sia-20040524 1.00 Doug Tody DAL published
2004-05-22 ModelVOTSer-20040522 1.00 François Bonnarel n.a. published
2004-05-21 SiapEvolution1-20040521 1.00 François Bonnarel n.a. published
2004-05-21 UCD-20040521 1.03 Sébastien Derriere UCD published
2004-05-21 SpectrumAccessDimensionalEquation-20040521 1.00 Pedro Osuna n.a. published
2004-05-17 VOTable-1.1 1.10 François Ochsenbein VOT dep. v1.0
2004-05-17 VOTable-20040517 1.10 François Ochsenbein VOT 30dd RFC
2004-05-14 PossibleSIAPExtension-20040514 1.00 Pedro Osuna n.a. published
2004-04-29 Procedures-20040425 1.00 Marco Leoni SDP published
2004-04-26 RM-20040426 1.01 Peter Quinn ReR PR to REC
2004-03-05 RMExperience-20040305 1.00 Ray Plante n.a. published
2004-03-05 Identifiers-20040209 1.10 Ray Plante ReR updated
2004-01-26 RM-20040126 1.00 Tony Linde ReR WD to PR
2003-11-03 Identifiers-20031031 1.00 Ray Plante ReR WD to PR
2003-10-24 DocumentStandards-20031024 1.00 Peter Quinn SDP PR to REC
2003-10-16 RM-20031016 1.00 Bob Hanisch ReR published

Action: WD to PRPromote from Working Draft to Proposed Recommendation PR to RECPromote from Proposed Recommendation to Recommendation NNdd RFCInitiate NN-day RFC publishedDocument published updatedDocument updated dep. vN.NDeprecates version N.N