PETRONAS Lubricants International

Security Officer EMEA - Villastellone

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PETRONAS Lubricants International (PLI) è un produttore globale di lubrificanti, nonché ramo commerciale di PETRONAS, società petrolifera nazionale della Malesia.

Fondata nel 2008, PETRONAS Lubricants International produce e commercializza un'ampia gamma di prodotti di lubrificanti industriali e per il settore automobilistico di alta qualità in oltre 100 mercati.

Con sede a Kuala Lampur, PLI vanta oltre 30 uffici marketing in 28 Paesi, con uffici regionali a Kuala Lampur, Pechino, Torino, Belo Horizonte, Chicago e Durban.

PETRONAS Lubricants International è la risorsa tecnica alla base della partnership tecnica di PETRONAS con il team di Formula Uno MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS ed è responsabile del design, dello sviluppo e della consegna delle Fluid Technology Solutions™, con combustibili, lubrificanti personalizzati e fluidi di trasmissione per le Frecce d'argento

Attualmente nella top 10, PLI sta seguendo un programma di crescita aziendale piuttosto aggressivo per solidificare la sua posizione di azienda di lubrificanti leader, all'avanguardia nel settore.


The candidate will ensure the coordination of all activities involving security and protection of corporate assets covering the EMEA Facilities (Operations – including New GR&T – and Marketing Offices), in accordance with local regulations in force in the workplace and corporate directives.

He/she will be the focal point for all the Security matters, ensuring all M2S2 requirements are implemented and fully respected.


  • Manage the development, implementation and administration of Security programs and plans.
  • Devise, supervise, and coordinate training programs which will increase proficiency in secure practices and promoting and developing a Security culture.
  • Continually maintain an appropriate level of awareness, knowledge and preparedness across the EMEA facilities.
  • Review internal Security policies, procedures and practices to ensure they are current and appropriate.
  • Plan and coordinate Security objectives for continuous improvement.
  • Review and analyze accidents and near miss incidents (including unsafe acts and conditions) and facilitate identification, sizing, implementation and review of corrective actions and recommendations.
  • Emergency management and training.
  • Directs the resources and activities of the EMEA facilities support the Security programs by providing advice and guidance.
  • Conduct the implementation of new or updated Security prevention and compliance programs.
  • Conduct plant visits and audits.
  • Define proper risk assessment standards for routine and non-routine activities.
  • Develop and implement physical procedures and programs to protect the staff, reputation and physical assets according to Company Security Policies.
  • Define and develop security access procedures and standards (security gate management) and make recommendation for system improvements.
  • Site security lead for the recommendations on security improvements and enhancements.
  • Oversee installation of EU security systems locations.
  • Provide guidance to travel team on travel security – Travel with care procedure.
  • Coordinate and lead security assessments as needed and recommend and follow up on measures.

Altre informazioni:

Communication and Working Relationship (Internal/External):

  • External – Security Authorities, consultancy and Security external providers.
  • Internal – All the functions.

Qualifications & Education:

  • Degree in Security management, engineering or Master of Security and Risk Analysis Engineering.
  • Tier 2 Security Manager according to standard UNI 10459:2017 and local legal prescriptions is a Plus.


  • Minimum 2 years of experience in Security.
  • Knowledge of Security Management Systems (M2S2).
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Excellent analytical skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to impact leadership, establish strategic direction and manage resources required for goal achievement.
  • English: B2.
  • Livello di anzianità

    Non applicabile
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

  • Settori

    Fabbricazione di prodotti chimici

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