Electrical Engineer

PRAMAC Casole d’Elsa
Non accetta più candidature

Pramac, part of the world’s leading gas generator and third largest diesel generator manufacturer, is looking for a Electrical Engineer.

Essential duties:

  • Manages the development of the project in the manner and within the established times
  • Carries out the construction drawings of the machines.
  • Carries out the wiring diagrams.
  • Fill in the bills of materials and technical specifications.
  • Communicates to the offices / departments concerned the traceability and criticality of the components, the assembly cycles and the data on the serial plate.
  • Takes part in tests and inspections to verify the functioning of the machines.
  • Ascertains the actual correspondence to the applied standards of the products.
  • Fill in the technical file.
  • Fill in the spare parts and use and maintenance booklets.
  • Deals with the updating and any changes to the documents listed above, through requests for changes.


  • Knowledge of the Office package: Good
  • Knowledge of English: Good
  • Technical knowledge of the product: Good
  • Knowledge of design programs (Autocad 2D, Solidworks, FEM Simulators..): High
  • Knowledge of Quality System procedures: High
  • Technical drawing ability: High
  • Knowledge of the reference legislation for the design: Good


  • Problem Solving Skills: High
  • Analysis ability: High
  • Ability to work in a team: High
  • Planning and organization skills: High
  • Results orientation: High


  • Electrical Engineering Degree
  • Minimum 2/3 years of work experience in the same role

If you feel you have the right skill set to meet the role then please do not hesitate to contact us.

We want to hear from you!

  • Livello di anzianità

    Livello medio
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

  • Settori

    Fabbricazione di apparecchi elettrici, materiali elettrici e componenti elettronici e Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali

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