
52-2 - Front End Web Developer

Non accetta più candidature

This is a remote position.

About Us

Our startup has members from all over the world. With an emphasis on open values and sustainability. There are no paradoxes in a luxury lifestyle brand.

With those values in mind, we focus on permaculture, villa rentals, gastronomy, and creating a community with the goal to benefit Sicily’s image and reputation.

Position Description

We believe in giving opportunities to young people who want real-life work experience and help create an exceptional product. We are looking for front-end programmers that can execute designs across platforms and channels. This internship will be remote for at least 3-6 months and will start in (July 2024)

As financial compensation, we participate in the Erasmus internship program.


  • Proficeny of converting wireframe design to responsive, clean, reusable components using React js
  • Familiarity with Material UI and/or bootstrap, SASS, Styled Components
  • Ability to develop responsive design
  • Knowledge of technical SEO implementations
  • Knowledge of CI/CD pipelines and experience in automating the build, test, and deployment processes
  • Having a basic understanding of UI/UX principles
  • Familiarity with content management systems, including WordPress
  • Experience with Firebase, and Bitbucket is a plus
  • Knowledge of Node.js and WordPress would be beneficial
  • Clear and effective communication skills in English (written and verbal)
  • Ability to manage multiple projects
  • Attention to detail
  • A positive attitude and pro-activeness are a must
  • Creativity and the ability to think outside the box
  • Firebase is a plus

Benefits What We Offer

  • A practical experience with real-life tasks and responsibilities
  • Perfect opportunity for your career development
  • The opportunity of improving your skills while creating real products
  • A truly international, English-speaking team
  • Implementation and improvement of your skills with instant feedback
  • Learning how startups work from the inside
  • Learning in a friendly working environment, and overcoming challenges
  • The opportunity to grow into a crucial role

NOTE: This is a remote internship for a period of 3-6 months. As financial compensation, we participate in the Erasmus internship program.

  • Livello di anzianità

  • Tipo di impiego

  • Funzione lavorativa

  • Settori

    Servizi IT e consulenza IT

Le referenze raddoppiano le tue probabilità di ottenere un colloquio presso Siciliamia

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