Castello di Volpaia

Castello di Volpaia

Produzione di bevande

Radda in Chianti, SI 513 follower

Chi siamo

The winery produces Chianti Classico and one of the 24 original founders of the Lega del Chianti. The first document in which the village was clearly mentioned was written at Cintoia, on April 21, 1172. On the Via Francigena it has always hosted a Piligrims on the way to the Vatican. Today, like in 1172 the winery produces only organic wines and hands down the respect for the land, its products and the hospitality to the many visitors.

Sito Web
Produzione di bevande
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Radda in Chianti, SI
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Organic Wine, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cookery Classes, Restaurant e Villas and Hospitality


Dipendenti presso Castello di Volpaia

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