OHB Italia S.p.A.

OHB Italia S.p.A.

Fabbricazione di apparecchiature per il settore spaziale e della difesa

Milan, Lombardia 12.265 follower


Chi siamo

OHB Italia S.p.A. is part of German Group OHB SE and is national leader for Design, Production and Integration of complex Space Systems. Our main fields of activities are Satellites, Earth Observation, Space Surveillance Awareness, International Space Station (ISS) and Space Science. Our principal customers are Italian Space Agency-ASI; European Space Agency-ESA; Research Institutions and all the major Industrial Players in the space market, with special attention to export domain.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di apparecchiature per il settore spaziale e della difesa
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milan, Lombardia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso OHB Italia S.p.A.


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    COMET INTERCEPTOR: Progress Meeting # 6 in Milano.   OHB Italia S.p.A. with European Space Agency - ESA, Sener Aerospace & Defence, OHB Sweden and OHB SE, reviewed some days ago the status of the #CometInterceptor Mission.   Which was the important #outcome? The outputs are in line with the expectation: the main #target of this meeting was to think how to “freeze” the satellite design and to move on to the manufacturing, integration and testing of the flight unit.   What’s #next? The system is now ready for the next very important #milestone, the Critical Design Review (#CDR) within the end of the year: at that point in time the team will start gathering the various flight parts, already tested and accepted, to be integrated and will start to test them at subsystem level.   As everybody can see in the picture, this hard work earned the whole team a tasty #Italiandinner to strengthen the good relationships between colleagues even more! www.ohb-italia.it

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    Flyeye is watching the sky 🕶 🌠 ☄ Next milestone for Flyeye telescope! We are happy to announce, that the #Flyeye telescope has successfully reached its next milestone: With the “Telescope Shipment Review” the system was totally verified and the telescope is now ready to be delivered. Developed and assembled by OHB Italia S.p.A. and funded by the European Space Agency - ESA, the first Flyeye Telescope is to support observations of celestial objects with a diameter of up to 100 meters from Sicily, Italy. About 1,000 new asteroids enter our planetary system every year. More than nine hundred potentially dangerous Near Earth Objects (NEOs), as they are known as, are being monitored. Flyeye is now ready for its transfer to its first destination #Matera observatory in #Italy. Its “first light” is planned to take place within 2024. Later on, the telescope will be transferred to its final destination in Sicily on the Mountain Mufara as soon as the new observatory infrastructure will be completed (end of 2025). In parallel, the telescope 2nd generation design is progressing. In 2022 OHB Italia signed a contract with the Italian Space Agency #ASI for delivering four further Flyeye telescopes dedicated to #Space Surveillance to create a Flyeye network throughout the world.  

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    #FLYEYE: NEW FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE   At the end of June 2024, one of the most important technical event for ground-based, airborne, space-based telescopes and their supporting instrumentation, the “SPIE Telescopes + Instrumentation”, took place in Yokohama, Japan. In the frame of such valuable venue, an important #paper was presented to the public by OHB Italia S.p.A. (Prime Contractor), INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Università degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD) / University of Padua, #StudioSOME: “FLYEYE GROUND BASED TELESCOPE: UNVEILING NEW FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE”.   Leading star of the scene was the pioneering FLYEYE Telescope, which integrates a monolithic 1-meter class primary mirror feeding 16 cameras for discovering Near-Earth Object (#NEO) and any class of transient phenomena on a collision course with Earth, providing crucial advance notice of potential #impacts within weeks or days.   The FLYEYE distinctive design splits the #FieldofView into 16 channels, creating a unique multi-telescope system with a panoramic 44 square degree Field of View. While traditional telescopes provide snapshots that may miss critical changes or phenomena that occur rapidly or irregularly, the FLYEYE rapid scanning capability adds dynamic, capturing data across a wide spectrum of #celestialevents (fast radio bursts, high energy phenomena, development of supernovae, interaction of binary star system).   Placed atop #Mufara Mount in Sicily and robotized, FLYEYE ability to survey two-thirds of the visible #sky about three times per night will revolutionize #astronomy, enabling comprehensive studies of transient phenomena, placing FLYEYE in a new era of exploration of the dynamic universe.   The Telescope can strategically work in #synergy with other major astronomical projects, the Vera Rubin Telescope and the Zwicky Transient Facility. This integration can extend capabilities of this existing and planned observational infrastructures, by adding additional measurements in the visible sky or additional Earth longitude coverage. Such monitoring can lead to #breakthroughs in understanding the structure and the evolution of the ever-changing #universe, in opening new avenues for #discovery and in giving to astronomers new tools available to study the temporal aspects of the #cosmos.   www.ohb-italia.it

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    OHB Italia S.p.A. @ ASI WORKSHOP: "ITALIAN ENGAGEMENT IN THE CUBESAT SECTOR: FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES AND MISSIONS"- 2nd EDITION #CubeSats are changing both the market and the space industry, thanks to their low cost and fast development time. They are also playing an important role in the 'democratisation of space'. With their deployment in constellations, CubeSats are facing a new #revolution that will lead them to be increasingly deployed as an alternative to or in synergy with traditional satellites in areas as remote sensing, surveillance tracking, astrophysics, space weather, Solar System exploration, etc.   In this context, the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana launched the #ALCOR programme in 2022, dedicated to the development of enabling technologies and to the realisation of application, scientific and technology demonstration missions using CubeSats. On 02-04 July the Agency organised a #newedition of the workshop in order to update the national community on its achievements.   In such environment OHB Italia S.p.A. presented an #Abstract on #SATURNmission with Franco Boldrini, Chief Business Development and Sales Officer.   “OHB Italia S.p.A. completed for ASI, in the frame of the ALCOR program, a Phase A/B contract for a mission called SATURN (Synthetic AperTure radar cUbesat formation flyiNg), based on the key technology “Cooperative Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (#MIMO) Swarms of SAR MicroSats”. In SATURN the SAR measurements, normally concentrated in a single, large and complex satellite, are distributed among small-sized and simpler systems, thanks to the proper combination of the signals from each single node of the #swarm. Such constellation of swarms, deployed on different #orbitalplanes, allows high revisit time and high performance, independently from the available daylight and cloud cover. Simulations have confirmed that the SATURN mission can successfully achieve the resolution and swath coverage objectives. The SATURN team is actively engaged in #research and #development activities to further optimize the spacecraft's performance. This forward-thinking approach ensures the mission remains at the forefront of technological #innovation. As a result, SATURN will become the first ever Space SAR MIMO mission. “SATURN swarms” configured from 3 up to 36 MicroSats will be a super #EarthExplorer” thanks to its great #versatility and #reconfigurability. The MIMO Paradigm allows enhancing real-time #3Dimaging associated with a very short revisit time, particularly suitable to #changedetection and early #warningservices. The innovative SATURN mission architecture paves the way for the future of SAR imaging.”   The workshop arranged by ASI had the important target to promote #awareness, to consolidate and improve the #capabilities of the national supply chain and to stimulate relations, #cooperation and networking between the players of the space sector. www.ohb-italia.it

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    CONTRIBUTION TO IRIDE CONSTELLATION OHB Italia S.p.A. is developing for the European Space Agency - ESA, #24satellites (first batch and second batch) as part of the #IRIDE constellation in the frame of #PNRR (Piano Nazionale Ripresa e Resilienza). IRIDE stands as one of the most prominent European #SpacePrograms in the field of #EarthObservation. Its realization is set to occur in Italy, through the Government’s initiative, leveraging resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) supplemented by the funds of the National Supplementary Plan (PNC). IRIDE is a satellite system which is expected to be operational by June 2026, under the coordination of the ESA, with the strong involvement of the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. OHB Italia will deliver a constellation of Eaglet II satellites and the related Flight Operation System (#FOS). it is responsible for satellite development, launch, in-orbit management and dual-use space asset, which provides an unprecedent persistent surveillance capability. #Services generated by the constellation will be destined to marine/terrestrial #surveillance; #climatechange; atmospheric #monitoring; #security; #emergencymanagement. Read more and watch the video on: https://lnkd.in/dm_BwVTh ESA note: Under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency www.ohb-italia.it

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    PERCHÉ LO #SPORT IN OHB Italia S.p.A.? #2 - FAVORISCE UNA MIGLIORE GESTIONE DELLE #RELAZIONI Lo SPORT aiuta a: • ⛳ Sviluppare le capacità di #influenza, ovvero l'abilità di suscitare interesse, di stimolare, di persuadere (non manipolare!) gli altri ad agire in sostegno alle proprie iniziative • ⛳ Implementare le #potenzialità altrui mostrando autentico interesse per i compagni di squadra, comprendendone gli scopi e le risorse • ⛳Incrementare una #leadership ispiratrice, coinvolgendo gli altri verso uno target comune • ⛳ Diventare un #AgentediCambiamento grazie al riconoscere la necessità di modificare gli assetti di gioco, mettendo in discussione lo status quo e promuovendo nuovi comportamenti sul campo • ⛳ Favorire la #GestionedelConflitto tramite la capacità di negoziare e risolvere situazioni di disaccordo • ⛳ Incentivare il #LavorodiSquadra, lavorando insieme e creando sinergie verso obiettivi condivisi .... e così in ufficio ci si #comprende di più, si #sorride di più e ci si #ascolta di più 😀. #reciprocointeresse #sinergia #negoziazione #gioco #ispirazione #talenti #risorse #abilità www.ohb-italia.it

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    #IXPE ENCHANTS SCIENCE   The IXPE (Imaging X Ray Polarimetry Explorer) satellite launched in 2021 from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA, is keeping its promises: the high expectations of the astrophysical community are totally fulfilled.   IXPE was born as a NASA mission for the SMEX (Small Explorer Program) and it was developed with a strong Italian contribution coordinated and funded by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana.   OHB Italia S.p.A., as unique industrial partner, realized fundamental parts of the satellite: the Detector Unit Electronics (#BEE), the so-called Filter and Calibration Wheel Mechanism and the Detector Service Unit (#DSU) which controls the Detector Units and provides a variety of functions as thermal control of detector, collecting scientific data and also interfaces to the rest of the spacecraft.   This new space explorer with three #telescopes on board, is observing the universe at high energies, measuring the polarisation in #Xrays emitted by large cosmic sources and analysing celestial objects with extreme magnetic-gravitational fields with a detail never seen before.   The release of #gravitationalenergy in #binarysystems is among the most powerful physical processes in the Universe. X-ray-emitting consists of a compact object (a black hole or a neutron star) and a buddy-star from which gas is withdrawn. Since the early 1970s, the #Cygnus X-3 binary system was famous to become very bright in the radio band, to fade then in a few days, for this reason it was defined as “Cygnus X-3 astronomical puzzle”: the science needed IXPE to solve this issue! The satellite discovered that the compact object is surrounded by an envelope of dense, opaque #matter. The light observed is a reflection from the inner walls of a 'funnel' similar to a 'cup' with a mirror-like interior, allowing to observe for the first time ever the polarisation, i.e. the degree of order of the X-rays it was emitting.   The measured value cannot be explained by any applicable #model but it was needed to develop a new one specifically. This is based on the assumption that we do not observe directly emitted #light, but light that reaches the Earth after being reflected by a 'wall' formed by matter falling into the black hole. This discovery led to the classification of Cygnus X-3 as an ultra-bright X-ray source (#ULXs): the source is able to swallow so much gas so quickly that some of it is not captured by the #blackhole, but is instead ejected from the system itself.   Due to the enormous distances of these sources, they appear relatively faint to X-ray telescopes. Our #discovery has now revealed an extremely bright counterpart of these distant ULXs even within our own Galaxy. X-ray astronomy is really taking with IXPE an innovative, amazing, huge and strong #stepforward. Read more on ASI website https://lnkd.in/dYS3QR7p Picture: IXPE satellite (NASA Credits)

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    PERCHÉ LO #SPORT IN OHB Italia S.p.A.? #1 - CREA #TEAM COESI Quale è la differenza tra Gruppo e Team? Il #Gruppo è un insieme di persone che lavorano a stretto contatto in modo ordinato e analogo, ma che non hanno un obiettivo comune da raggiungere. Vengono svolte attività individuali non necessariamente collegate le une alle altre. Jon Katzenbach e Douglas Smith definiscono una #Squadra come: “Un piccolo gruppo di persone con competenze complementari che si sono impegnate per un comune scopo, obiettivi di performance e approccio, di cui sono reciprocamente responsabili”. Un Team funziona come un #sistema, ovvero come un tutto integrato attraverso l’interazione delle sue parti e ciò crea un senso di appartenenza e di coesione. Nel Team si "gioca" insieme, si fatica insieme, si vince-si perde e si trionfa insieme. Così facendo: 1️⃣ si incrementa la motivazione 2️⃣ si crea un clima favorevole alla collaborazione e al rispetto 3️⃣ si generano armonia e cooperazione nelle relazioni interpersonali 4️⃣ si valorizzano i singoli talenti 5️⃣ si velocizzano i processi decisionali 6️⃣ si sviluppano importanti soft skills 7️⃣ si stimolano idee creative (la coppa gialla in cartone è una meraviglia!) #group #tobeconnected #cooperation #support #purpose www.ohb-italia.it

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    OHB Italia S.p.A. is thrilled to announce our new #onboarding: GIULIA SPINATO - is joining the #ProjectManagement team in the Satellites & Missions Business Unit ANGELO FOGLIETTA - is joining the #GroundSegment team in the Satellites & Missions Business Unit ANDREA POLETTI – is joining the #GroundSegment team in the Satellites & Missions Business Unit FRANCESCA PEDONE - is joining the #Reception team in the HR Business Unit   "There are no passengers on the Earth space-ship. We are all part of the crew" (Marshall McLuhan) … Welcome on Board! #recruiting #jobopportunities #space #future #hr #technology #hiring www.ohb-italia.it

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    OHB Italia S.p.A. is very glad to #welcome on board: DANIELE GATTI - is joining the #Electronics team in the Equipment Business Unit PIETRO BRIANO - is joining the #Procurement team in the Telescopes Business Unit Telescopes DAVIDE DI PASQUALE – is joining the #Electronics team in the Equipment Business Unit STEFANO CORBETTA - is joining the #Procurement team in the Payloads Business Unit   Have a nice (space) #journey with us! #recruiting #jobopportunities #space #future #hr www.ohb-italia.it

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