GDS Communication | Part of the Group The European House - Ambrosetti

GDS Communication | Part of the Group The European House - Ambrosetti

Servizi pubblicitari

Como, Como 2.899 follower

Chi siamo

We are explorers. We never ask ourselves “Why?” but rather “Why not?” We help you realise your ideas since 1974 and we share your same goals. Together, we create the experiences of the future with the help of our technologies We work hard to find solutions that are more and more innovative, and we constantly aim to an higher level! Technology is indeed transforming our lives. This is why we are so passionate about it and we continue to keep ourselves up to date, when it comes to the latest trends. We love our place, but we also love travelling! Although based on Italy's Lake of Como, we are fond of discovering new places through our work. With our projects we can get anywhere! Our services Our projects main ingredients - Innovative technologies - Video production - Events management - Communication strategy - Convention services - Strategic advice - Online education - Live surgery

Sito Web
Servizi pubblicitari
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Como, Como
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Audio-video production, Conference Services, Telecommunication, Events management e Communication strategy


Dipendenti presso GDS Communication | Part of the Group The European House - Ambrosetti


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