EL-SY s.r.l.

EL-SY s.r.l.

Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione

Settimo T.se, Provincia di Torino 715 follower

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Chi siamo

Durante i suoi 35 anni di attività la EL-SY si è sempre presa in carico i suoi cliente accompagnandoli in ogni passo dei loro progetti grazie alla struttura aziendale che vanta un personale altamente specializzato in grado di guidare, soddisfare e spesso anticipare le esigenze richieste. La EL-SY è in grado di seguire direttamente ogni passo dei progetti grazie alla struttura aziendale composta da: officina meccanica, reparto di progettazione meccanica, progettazione elettrica, progettazione software e officina assemblaggio-cablaggio. Tutti i reparti sono coordinati e supervisionati dalle figure di riferimento che seguono anche personalmente la messa in servizio, collaudo e assistenza post vendita dei progetti.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Settimo T.se, Provincia di Torino
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso EL-SY s.r.l.


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    715 follower

    Visualizza il profilo di Vincenzo BISCONTI, immagine

    Business Development Manager presso EL-SY s.r.l.

    EL-SY Srl, company based in Settimo Torinese (TO) since 1987, specialized in Industrial Automation Turnkey, in the design and manufacture of plants, production lines, stations for automation and processes control in industrial, mechanical and electronic sectors, is proud to announce that in 2023, the RECORD Production Values were reached: 13.213.027 € ( + 30 % compared to 2022 ), Total Sales Revenues : 11.588.921 € ( + 20%) and Secured Orders: 14.896.400 € ( + 18 % ) with an export share of 53%. This growth has been achieved both in the historical Automotive core business, at the major Tiers 1 in their worldwide plants, and in new application sectors, among which we would give particular mention to: Food & Beverage, Electronics, Mechanical, Special Machineries. At the same time, organizational and improvement interventions were planned and launched in different business areas: - Quality and Sustainability: with further certifications in addition to ISO 9001 and 45001, working on ISO 14001 and Sustainability ESG - Innovation: new patents achievement - Scheduling: with the implementation of Project system and thanks to the support of a Leading Consulting - Service and After sales: in order to improve response times, staff training and worldwide logistics centers EL-SY mission will be to increase the Customer satisfaction and the achievement of new challenging goals, in accordance with the important awards obtained in 2023, such as Innovation Award received by German ZF LIFETEC, and the strategic partnership signed with Osai in Italy. Many thanks to all our Historical Customers, to all the New Customers and thanks in advance to future customers. We bought the Third Plant always in Settimo Torinese (TO), we're always ready to take on new challenges. Contact us, visiting our three plants, will be the best way to evaluate our organization, our knowledge and know-how and our flexibility and ability to adapt to various automation processes. #Innovation #Industrial #Automation

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    Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Business24 La TV del Lavoro, immagine

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    Se stavate aspettando un nuovo appuntamento di "Leader", potrete finalmente vederlo stasera! I protagonisti di oggi saranno: - Gianni Lettieri, Presidente di Atitech S.p.A. - Vincenzo BISCONTI, Business Manager di EL-SY s.r.l. Marco Columbro vi invita a non perdere la puntata alle 22:05 sul canale 410 del digitale terrestre, 824 di Sky, 422 di tivùsat e sul nostro canale YouTube!

    Leader: Atitech | El-Sy


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    Felicità a tutti, cerchiamo di esser buoni ed essere vicini a chi è solo, tutto l’anno e non solo a Natale, questo è l’augurio che diamo a tutti voi e le vostre famiglie. Un grazie a tutti i nostri Clienti e partner che collaborano con noi, il gioco di squadra è sempre vincente, questi gli auguri del Team EL-SY

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    715 follower

    Grazie al nostro lavoro di squadra abbiamo reso possibile altra realizzazione chiavi in mano. Siamo partiti dal layout generale, condiviso con Design Review i vari processi dalle stazioni alla linea completa, scesi nel dettaglio della progettazione meccanica, elettrica e SW fino al processo completamente testato in EL-SY … domani i nostri tecnici andranno ad installare e mettere in funzione l’intera linea in Polonia. Buon lavoro ragazzi #innovation #automation #teamwork

    Visualizza il profilo di Vincenzo BISCONTI, immagine

    Business Development Manager presso EL-SY s.r.l.

    Buongiorno a tutti, altro goal della EL-SY, spedita e consegnata in Polonia linea di assemblaggio per proiettore L21 della nuova Lancia Y elettrica dagli alti contenuti tecnologici ed innovazione grazie al nostro know-how. Mondo dell’automazione industriale del Lighting ci dà sempre grandi soddisfazioni. Grande lavoro del Team EL-SY che si è coadiuvato col nostro Cliente e col Cliente finale. Lavoro di squadra premia sempre ed è la garanzia di arrivare al risultato desiderato. Un grazie ai nostri Clienti che continuano a darci fiducia. Sempre pronti a nuove sfide. #automotive #lighting #automation #innovation #goniophotometer #photometer #handling #flaming #sealing #screwing

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    715 follower

    EL-SY Srl - OSAI AS SpA nella foto: Marco Carniato, Fabio Benetti, Corrado Druetta, Stefano Salvoni, Vincenzo BISCONTI, @Aldo Peretti

    Visualizza il profilo di Vincenzo BISCONTI, immagine

    Business Development Manager presso EL-SY s.r.l.

    EXCERPT FROM PRESS RELEASE OF OSAI AUTOMATION SYSTEM S.P.A SOCIETÀ BENEFIT :   OSAI PROMOTES COLLABORATION PROJECT BETWEEN HISTORIC ITALIAN COMPANIES IN THE INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS SECTOR Torino (TO), October 31st, 2023 – OSAI Automation System S.p.A. Società Benefit (Ticker OSA), a company active in the design and production of machines and complete lines for automation and testing on semiconductors, announces that it has launched a project of systemic collaboration in the field of industrial automation with a group of solid companies active for over 30 years, specialised in specific market niches and complementary to Osai. ……………………………………. Through this project, which is unique in the national panorama as regards the industrial automation sector, Osai intends to develop important synergies with Italian companies of great tradition, experience and technological expertise, family-run and historically rooted in their territory, to share industrial automation projects and orders of significant size in various fields, including e-mobility, with which to implement lasting relationships that guarantee an effective commercial response to the constantly evolving Italian and international market and with which to better face global competition. "We share with all the partners who have decided to follow us on this path a deep reputation in the automation industry for many years - announces Osai A.S. S.p.A. SB CEO Fabio Benetti - the know-how we have is rooted in consolidated skills in mechanics and electronics, and in particular in the assembly and testing of components in many fields of application. Through this project, we want to create synergies to obtain common benefits and propose ourselves to the market through a joint action, the result of our individual backgrounds and the teamwork that we will develop over the next few months, maximising the opportunities offered by a market in great evolution but managing the risks that an increasingly competitive context calls us to take on for projects with high technological and dimensional content”. ………………………………………………. Aldo Peretti, President of EL.SY S.r.l.: “This strategic collaboration on an industrial, commercial, technological and product and process innovation level entails strong advantages in terms of potential and synergies for the companies involved. Among these, I would also point to the possibility for these typical Italian medium-sized companies of excellence to be able to compete together, dimensionally, economically and financially, against more structured international groups in the sector. This is a very important objective for the survival, growth and further affirmation of Made in Italy in all global market scenarios”. EL.SY S.r.l., founded in 1987 with 48 employees and a turnover for the year 2022 of € 9.623.217, website www.el-sy.it

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