Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola

Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola

Fabbricazione di vetro, ceramica e calcestruzzo

We tile the future.

Chi siamo

Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola è dal 1874 un punto di riferimento nella produzione di pavimenti e rivestimenti in ceramica, grazie al connubio esclusivo di tradizione ed innovazione che oggi le permette di distinguersi sul mercato globale. Rappresenta un esempio di storiografia industriale unico nel suo genere che, pur conservando la tradizione, ha saputo trarre dal connubio tra passato e modernità, contaminazione di saperi e di nuovi percorsi di ricerca. Il complesso industriale, dinamico e all’avanguardia, presidia il territorio con 3 stabilimenti, situati nel raggio di 20 km dall’ Headquarter aziendale, che permettono una capacità produttiva di oltre 20 milioni di metri quadri prodotti all’anno. L’azienda, solida eccellenza del Made in Italy, esporta l’85% della produzione dei tre marchi proprietari Imola, LaFaenza, Leonardo, che ne rappresentano stile e qualità nel mondo.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di vetro, ceramica e calcestruzzo
Dimensioni dell’azienda
501 - 1000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Imola (BO)
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
manufacturing, ceramic tiles, floor tiles, color body porcelain tile, porcelain stoneware slabs, wall tiles, indoor&outdoor surfaces, architectural solutions, retail projects, high traffic areas e interior design projects


Dipendenti presso Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola


  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola, immagine

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    On July 5th and 6th, employees, were invited to celebrate the 150th anniversary of CCImola, in the recently renovated premises of via Vittorio Veneto.  “When it is someone’s birthday, you give them a gift” explains President Stefano Bolognesi. “The recent restoration of our historical head quarter is a gift to the company. A gesture of love and gratitude towards an organization that has given so much to the territory and to those who have worked here for many years".  It is our responsibility to pass on this legacy made of work, of pride and vision to the generations to come.

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola, immagine

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    Everything is ready to celebrate July 6th, the date on which, 150 years ago, in the factory, production began with the new organization.  This date is since then the official anniversary of CCImola.  Preparations are progressing, everything will be ready for the occasion, and this is only the beginning…!  Dedicated content, sober and refined, was created under the art direction of studio FM milano and other moments will follow after the summer to properly enhance 150 years of success and innovation.  Stay tuned!! 

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola, immagine

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    Trail is a collection designed to pave urban and residential outdoor settings with natural elegance, versatility and performance excellence. This collection grants ultimate efficiency in terms of resistance and durability. Available in multiple styles inspired by stones and terracotta with powerful textures, this heterogeneous and versatile range always finds the right expressive key to any urban & outdoor design context. For easy access to all our collections, download our app: APP STORE GOOGLE PLAY

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola, immagine

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    Yesterday evening Attitude from brand Leonardo had the great honour of winning the acclaimed Compasso d’Oro Award.  We are twice as proud for hearing the reasoning behind the judges decision: “Attitude’s technology innovates the production approach of the ceramic sector, enhancing the original features of the material and at the same time seeking a new and original expressive language far from graphic emulations.” Thanks to the jury of experts for believing in this visionary, 100% Guaranteed project! ADI Design Museum

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola, immagine

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    Our partner Dinaone (Tokyo) invited local designers and architects to join his sales force during a 2-days training event focused on the peculiar characteristics and product plus of CCimola 6.5mm slabs: - Durable: excellent breaking load reliability on floors and coverings, suitable both for residential and light commercial use. - Sustainable: less energy and water consumption during production; lighter and thinner with consequent relevant savings during transport and storage, as well as easier to lay. - Versatile: On top of the normal use as tile, it can be laid on top of existing floors or used to create tables, kitchen tops, counters, reception desks, swimming pools… and much more In Japan, this option is not yet of common use and showing many examples of a variety of projects developed with the sapient use of 6.5mm slabs created such positive reactions and curiosity that Dinaone decided to continue the training for the whole month of June. Erika Zanzi Montanari

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola, immagine

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    CCI built a 150 years long path with hard work, passion and dedication and one of the most amazing discoveries during the recording of the commemorative videos is that all our partners, coworkers and friends acknowledge this. The message received from our community arrived loud and clear! “CCI keep up the good job for another 150 years, in the interest of us all!” What else can we ask for… We will not let you down! We will keep on offering highest level services, innovative products with a great design, and above all - faithful to our funding principles - people’s needs will always be focal point of all our endeavours.

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola, immagine

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    ARCHITECT@WORK is an itinerant networking event created to offer a market-specific overview of the best options to construction and decoration professionals. CCImola has been invited to show Leonardo and its range of 100% Guaranteed products at the Rome edition. "A@W Roma is an important window for visibility and an environment that enables networking with b2b clients. Historically our distribution in Italy has mainly been represented by the traditional retail network, ideal for b2c visibility. With Leonardo, thanks to the technical characteristics of its range of products, we feel we can cater the commercial market and we think that A@W could play an important role in this transition." Richard Missiroli - Sales Director Italy brand Leonardo

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di Cooperativa Ceramica d'Imola, immagine

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    As evidence of its attachment to the region and the community, during the weekend of F.1 Grand Prix, CCImola’s Head Quarter hosted the main Gala Event. Representatives of the many excellences of the territory, sponsors, institutions and racings sports associations were invited to enjoy an amazing evening under the renewed roof of Cooperativa Ceramica d’Imola Hub. The idea behind its renovation project was to bring back the original purpose of the premises, which were meant as communal workspace for those who funded the cooperative since 1922. This is why it is for us so important to promote and use this space to host not only our professional network, trainings, guests that can and want to enjoy our work, but also our beloved city.

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