Sviluppo di software

Rome, Latium 588 follower

Unlocking nuclear potential for humanity's sake

Chi siamo

Our mission at CAELUS is clear: we're here to enable the nuclear industry to thrive. We believe in the power of technology to streamline processes, enhance safety, and drive efficiency in nuclear operations. By leveraging the latest advancements in generative AI, we're paving the way for a brighter future in nuclear energy. Our flagship product, CAELUS Engine, is a tool designed to streamline the licensing processes of nuclear reactors. Our solution assists nuclear engineers in efficiently drafting licensing documentation while simultaneously working on reactor design. Our solution is an expert system suitable to work with multiple legal frameworks, thus allowing nuclear technologies to be licensed worldwide with ease. Join us in reshaping the nuclear industry and unlock the potential of the cleanest and most abundant energy source.

Sito Web
Sviluppo di software
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Rome, Latium
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso CAELUS


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    Nuclear Energy for Healthcare: radioisotopes production ⚛️⚕️ Nuclear energy is not only a clean and reliable source of power, it also plays a crucial role in various fields, particularly in #medicine, by producing vital #radioisotopes for medical purposes such as: 🩻Cancer Treatment 🧴Medical Sterilization 🔬Imaging and diagnosis The most important radioisotopes are: 🔹Technetium-99m is the most widely used radioisotope in medical imaging. It emits gamma rays that can be detected by imaging devices, providing detailed images of internal organs. 🔹Cobalt-60 is a high-energy gamma-ray emitter with a half-life of 5.27 years, used in cancer treatment and medical sterilization. 🔹Iodine-131 is an beta emitter used in treating thyroid cancer and hyperthyroidism, with a half-life of 8 days. 🔹Cesium-137 is a beta and gamma emitter used in cancer treatment and industrial radiography, with a half-life of about 30 years. 🔹Strontium-89 is a beta emitter used for pain relief in bone cancer patients, with a half-life of 50 days. 🔹Lutetium-177 is a beta emitter used in targeted radionuclide therapy for certain cancers, such as neuroendocrine tumors, with a half-life of about 6.7 days. 🔹Actinium-225 is an alpha emitter used in targeted alpha therapy (TAT) for cancer treatment, offering high precision in destroying cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue, with a half-life of about 10 days. CAELUS understands the importance of nuclear for medical purposes, our committment to making nuclear technologies more accessible and widely deployed is growing stronger each day. 📣 Share to raise awareness about nuclear energy for healthcare. Follow us to know more about our mission to make nuclear technologies #faster and #easier to deploy. Spoiler: it has to do with #GenerativeAI. 💻 #NuclearEnergy #Healthcare #Radioisotopes

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    Nuclear capacity worldwide is set to triple in the next decades and a significant part of this growth is represented by Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), entering the market in few years from today. As of today, NuScale is the only SMR designer to have completed the licensing process of their model. From the case study conducted by NuScale’s Chief Engineer of Testing and Analysis Welter Kent analyzing the VOYGR™ plant, it turns out that the whole Design Certification Application process took over 5️⃣ years to be reviewed and approved by the United States regulatory body (the NRC). 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ million dollars in expenditures. The final licensing document took 2 million labor hours to prepare, generating 12000 pages of design information and 2 million pages of Supporting Material. 📚📚📚 For a technology that is orders of magnitude cheaper and faster to build than traditional large reactors, this is a clear overview of how much a hurdle nuclear licensing is. 💻 Artificial Intelligence is revolutionazing entire professions, CAELUS is bringing this revolution inside the nuclear industry. From intelligent document drafting to Knowledge Management System, a new paradigm shift is around the corner that will radically change how nuclear is made other than just how reactors are made. 👍🔄 Like and share this post to raise awareness about the challenges of nuclear licensing. #nuclearenergy #startups

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    La scorsa settimana il Business Innovation Hub ci ha conferito il premio #Impact4Energy! ⚡⚛️ La nostra proposta di sviluppare una soluzione software integrata con strumenti di intelligenza artificiale per automatizzare le attività a basso valore aggiunto nel settore nucleare, riducendo tempi, costi e rischi finanziari, è stata riconosciuta come un progetto d’eccellenza. Siamo lieti di aver ricevuto questo riconoscimento, che per noi rappresenta una significativa conferma del nostro impegno e della nostra dedizione nel portare #innovazione in un settore cruciale per la #TransizioneEnergetica, come quello #nucleare. Un grazie speciale va a tutto il team, i nostri consulenti esperti e tutte le persone che stanno supportando il progetto! 🙏

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    🇪🇪⚛️ We are pleased to acknowledge that earlier this month the Estonian Parliament passed a resolution considering the adoption of nuclear in their energy mix. Since, as of today, Estonian energy mix relies mostly on coal, this decision will play a significant role in reshaping the country’s emission profile toward a cleaner one while guaranteeing energy security and grid stability to the country. Whatever their path to nuclear energy adoption will be, CAELUS is here to provide support to make the country’s shift toward sustainable nuclear energy faster and easier. How? Send us a message to discover more! 💻 📢🚀 Follow us to know more about it. #Estonia #NuclearEnergy #ArtificialIntelligence

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    🚀 Siamo entusiasti di annunciare che CAELUS parteciperà al Premio Innovazione ImpreSapiens, che si terrà oggi presso la Sala Lauree della Facoltà di Economia di Sapienza Università di Roma! L'iniziativa, promossa dal Business Innovation Hub di ImpreSapiens - Centro di Ricerca, mira a individuare e premiare i migliori progetti e soluzioni innovative sviluppati da enti pubblici e privati. L'obiettivo è incoraggiare lo sviluppo di soluzioni avanzate in grado di esercitare un impatto tangibile e significativo sulla società. Siamo fieri di far parte di questa iniziativa e non vediamo l'ora di presentare il nostro progetto innovativo. Seguiteci per rimanere aggiornati sugli sviluppi! #Innovazione #ImpreSapiens #PremioInnovazione #SapienzaUniversitàdiRoma

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    🌍World Desertification and Drought Day: How Nuclear Energy Can Help 🪝 Ever thought nuclear energy could combat desertification and drought? When it comes to solving these environmental issues, nuclear power probably isn’t the first thing you think of. But this innovative technology has incredible potential to help. Desertification and drought impact nearly 40% of the world's land area, threatening millions of livelihoods. These crises are driven by unsustainable land use and climate change, affecting food security and causing forced migration. 💡 Here’s the key: Nuclear energy, especially Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), offers a clean, reliable, and sustainable power source that can tackle these problems. By providing consistent, carbon-free power, nuclear energy supports advanced irrigation, desalination plants, and sustainable farming practices, directly addressing land degradation and water scarcity. Picture a world where clean energy powers tech to reclaim degraded land, improve water management, and ensure food security. This isn't just a vision — it's possible thanks to advances in nuclear technology. At CAELUS Nuclear, we're leading the way with our AI-powered software to streamline the licensing of new nuclear technologies. Our software helps engineers create accurate, compliant licensing documents, reducing costly errors and speeding up the deployment of SMRs. 🚀 Discover the future of sustainable energy solutions. Follow us and learn more about how CAELUS Nuclear is transforming the industry and paving the way for a greener, more resilient world. #DesertificationAndDroughtDay #SustainableEnergy #GreenTech #SMR #EnvironmentalSolutions

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    Added to the bureaucratic problems involging #nuclearlicensing - mentioned in previous issues of #nuclearhardships - is the fact that engineers might need to change the reactor’s design after it got already approved by the regulatory body. Even a minor change can result in drastic documentation rewriting, leading to costs increases and delays. 📈💸 Usually, the design approval applications get rejected multiple times by the regulatory body because of human mistakes, further worsening the already complicated and slow process. 💻 To streamline licensing processes, engineers need an integrated platform with the necessary tools and a system capable of checking for errors and regulatory compliances. For this reason, CAELUS is working to bring to the market an #ecosystem of tools, a software solution the whole workflow can be managed in a single user-friendly platform. 👍🔄 Like and share this post to raise awareness about the challenges of nuclear licensing. 📢 Stay tuned for upcoming posts to learn what it actually means licensing a nuclear reactor with numbers and data. #nuclearenergy #startups 

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    Today, we celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay, a global initiative led by the United Nations to encourage awareness and action for the protection of our environment. 🌍 🏞️ Each year, this day highlights a specific theme and calls for transformative actions to combat pressing environmental issues. This year's theme is #LandDegradation and #LandDesertification. 🌿 Being #sustainability and #innovation among our company’s core values, we are working to #speedup nuclear reactor’s deployment through a software solution that implements #GenerativeAI to help humans in the task of designing, licensing and managing nuclear reactors and power plants worldwide. What are the main assets of #nuclearenergy for the fight against land degradation and desertification? ⚛️ ⚡ High energy density. Given the same amount of energy produced, nuclear power occupies less land compared to any other sustainable and low-emission source over the entire lifecycle. 💧 Water Desalination. Waste heat in nuclear power plants can be used to desalinate vast amounts of water to sustain agriculture and the local population while still providing electricity to the grid for other purposes. Let's use this World Environment Day as a catalyst for action and innovation. Together, we can protect our planet for future generations. ✨  #SustainableEnergy #NuclearEnergy

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    Last week our team member, Susanna Baldo, took part at the First General Assembly of the EU Insustrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors. She represented CAELUS at this important meeting with fellow european stakeholders, we are pleased to share her insights in the event. It is encouraging to see such commitment and enthusiasm from our team members. Together, we will continue to strive for excellence and achieve remarkable outcomes. 💪

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    CAELUS will be participating in the 1st General Assembly of the European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors (SMR) in #Brussels this week, May 29-30 🇪🇺 This event is a fantastic opportunity to engage with industry leaders, share insights, and explore collaborations that will drive the future of energy. We look forward to discussing innovative solutions and forging valuable connections in the SMR sector. 🤝 Let's connect to discuss how generative AI can expedite #SMR deployment, starting with streamlining the licensing process. Together, we can shape a sustainable energy future. #EnergyInnovation #SustainableFuture #NuclearEnergy

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