Member Marketplace

Thank you to everyone who supports us with a Sponsored Listing!

ISPCAN Sponsored Listings

All Sponsored listings are paid for by their respective organizations. Please keep the following in mind while reviewing the listings. 

  • All listings are reviewed by ISPCAN to ensure they contain content for a program or organization within the scope of the ISPCAN mission.
  • ISPCAN does NOT verify or guarantee the accuracy or quality of the programs or organizations listed below.
  • These sponsored listings help support ISPCAN further its mission.

Mini (Free products)

Quarter size 

Half size






All ads will display for 12 months:

  • Half Size listings will display up to 500 characters of text.
  • Quarter size listings will display up to 300 characters of text.
  • Micro Size listings will display up to 300 characters of text for FREE services

You will receive an email requesting more information once you place an order.

 Only ISPCAN members can purchase sponsored listings.