Global Reports

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Global Report
Child Helpline International - Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Global Report
Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA) An escalating problem that is alarmingly underreported
Region: Global
Public Resource
Global Report
UNICEF - Levels & Trends in Child Mortality Report 2023
The analysis in the report demonstrates that even in resource-constrained settings, progress to save children's lives is possible.
Region: Global
Public Resource
GBI Image
Global Report
ECPAT Global Boys Summit Report
English & Spanish Language Versions
Region: Global
Public Resource
Global Report
Family for Every Child Kinship Care Guideline - Lessons Learnt from Around the World
Kinship care has multiple benefits for children and kinship care is often in the best interests of children outside of parental care
Region: Global
Public Resource
checklist image
Global Report
UNICEF - Checklist for ensuring the quality of violence against women surveys
Region: Global
Public Resource
Childlight Flagship Report Image
Global Report
Searchlight 2023 Childlight Annual Flagship Report
Nine Essential Studies in the Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation & Abuse (CSEA).
Region: Global
Public Resource
Global Report
Transparency Reporting on Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Online
Region: Global
Public Resource

Many resources are available to members only. Join today to take advantage of all member resources.

Global Report
Disrupting Harm Conversations with Young Survivors About Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Region: Global
Public Resource
Unicef annual report
Global Report
UNICEF 2022 Annual Report
Region: Global
Public Resource
Global Report
Child ‘self-generated’ sexual material online: children and young people’s perspectives
WeProtect Global Alliance Report
Region: Global
Public Resource
Corporal Punishment Report
Global Report
Ending corporal punishment in schools to transform education for all children
Region: Global
Public Resource
Global Report
Voices of Children & Young People Around the World - Global Child Helpline Data from 2021
The Importance of Child Helpline Data
Region: Global
Public Resource

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