ISPCAN Congresses

ISPCAN Congresses are a great way for members and other multidisciplinary professionals working to end violence and neglect of children to come together and learn from one another. Our international congresses attract multidisciplinary professionals from over 50 countries.

We rotate regions and often partner with large international NGO’s, as well as many regional country partners to address child protection issues. Authors have the opportunity to share their latest research, treatments, prevention tools, raise challenges, and share best practices in the form of oral presentations, workshops, symposia, multimedia presentations, and ignite/poster presentations.

You can join hands with us in several ways:  Co-host an international congress with us, Request ISPCAN to be a scientific sponsor for member or partner events, Host a side meeting at our flagship ISPCAN international congress in the fall of each year, or be a sponsor for our events.

Upcoming ISPCAN International Congress



SPARK Innovation. Improve regional systems of child protection. Create a legacy of support for local children and professionals. Build a world free of all violence against children. Collaborate with professionals across the globe.

Global Experts

GATHER World-Renowned Experts. Share global perspectives. Link local efforts to global initiatives. Teach best practices. Inspire political will and commitment to change.

50% International

HOST 450-1,500 Delegates. Over 50 Countries represented. Generate $1.6M in tourism revenue. Build a safety net for child abuse prevention in your community. Improve your entire system of child protection.


Local Child Abuse and Neglect Organization: 

The local organization may be an association, NGO, hospital, non-profit, business, ministry, institute, agency, university, university department of medicine, psychology, psychiatry, social work, law, or criminal justice or another organization dedicated to protecting children from abuse and neglect.  Must be an ISPCAN member before applying to host a congress.

Convention Bureau:

The Bureau assist with all business aspects of the congress such as sponsorship, business and community engagement, marketing, budgeting, PCO selection, logistical matters, and assisting with the preparation of the expression of interest and bid proposal.  CVB supports site visit and provides both direct and indirect support to ensure a successful congress.

Professional Conference Organizers:

PCOs can be the third partner in this local partnership.  Sometimes they assume liability and profit in the financial model, or they may also be hired as a destination management service to manage onsite logistics, find sponsorship, negotiate contracts, source local vendors, tours and related events for the congress.  Task lists and RFP to hire PCO provided below.








Past Congresses

Bid Process

1. Review the RFP

Understand the request for proposal requirements for hosting an international ISPCAN Congress Sept-Oct each year

2. Submit EOI

Use the online form to submit an expression of interest 18-24 months ahead of proposed fall date to outline your ideas, the dates, financial and local partner

3. Complete the Budget

Download the budget template or submit your own with full bid. Must account for VAT rules, sponsorship to have a low risk breakeven budget

4. Final Bid

After EOI is approved, use our checklist in the RFP and submit the full bid in template of your choice to capture all required elements. Any incomplete information or questions need to be addressed prior to vote.

5. Bid is awarded

The bid is reviewed by the CEO and awarded for a year and date voted on by our Board. We work with you to create a successful bid for the year requested or a subsequent year. Contracts are issued and we announce the winner at the prior congress.

6. Site Visit Planned

Sponsored by the CVB for 3 people to vet PCOs, meet local partners and begin planning all aspects of the event. We visit after the bid has been awarded to a destination for kick off.

Supplemental Documents (download)

Sample program template given 5 parallel sessions and 6 keynoters.  Programs can be customized and parallel sessions can increase based on attendance and abstract numbers.

Local partners mainly take on the task of working on the scientific program and helping with sponsors.  Hired local PCO’s manage the logistics

ISPCAN sponsorship prospectus with overview on our impact.

Sample congress specific prospectus needs to be developed by the PCO with various packages

Site visit overview and sample agenda to be organized and sponsored by the convention bureau

Need help or have questions? Please reach out to us.