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ISCCP at 30

Several dates from August 2012 through July 2013, 2013, will mark the 30th Anniversary of the events that began the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), from the first formal international meeting to the beginning of data collection. A 3.5 day conference titled "ISCCP at 30" is being organized on 22-25 April 2013 at the City College of New York to mark this occasion, to review and assess what we have learned about the role of cloud processes in weather and climate, and to discuss where cloud research should go next. The conference is sponsored by the World Climate Research Program's Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) project and by participating satellite agencies, NASA, NOAA, EUMETSAT, JMA and INPE. The conference will feature several invited presentations and is open to contributed papers.

Meeting Dates: 22-25 April 2013

Venue: City College of New York, NY, NY

Topical Agenda:

Session 1A: Welcome, ISCCP Overview [Robert Schiffer, William Rossow]

Session 1B: Clouds-Radiation [Claudia Stubenrauch]

Session 1C: Clouds-Radiation [Lazaros Oreopoulos]

Session 1D: Clouds-Precipitation [Chris Kummerow]

Session 2A: Clouds-Precipitation [Robert Houze]

Session 2B: Liquid Cloud Microphysics [Bjorn Stevens]

Session 2C: Ice Cloud Microphysics [Ulrike Lohmann]

Session 2D: Clouds-Aerosols [TBD]

Session 3A: Cloud Dynamics [Anthony Del Genio]

Session 3B: Cloud Dynamics [Christian Jakob]

Session 3C: Cloud Feedbacks [Graeme Stephens]

Session 3D: Cloud feedbacks [George Tselioudis]

Session 4A: Future Satellite Missions [Maring, Schmetz, Bates, Turino]

Session 4B: Next Research Directions and/or Technology [TBD]

Session Organization: Depending on attendance, contributed papers will be given either as short (10-12 minute) presentations or organized into poster sessions followed by a panel discussion for each topic.

Submittal to

Paper Title Due Date: 17 August 2012

Abstract Due Date: 8 February 2013

Organizing Committee: John J Bates, Steve Klein, Chris Kummerow, Toshi Kurino, Luiz Machado, Martha Maiden, Jon Petch, William Rossow, Robert Schiffer, Johannes Schmetz, Joerg Schulz, B.J. Sohn