New Poll: Majority Of Australians Support Australia Day On 26 January

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17 January 2022
New Poll: Majority Of Australians Support Australia Day On 26 January - Featured image

65% of Australians support Australia Day being celebrated on January 26 according to a new poll of over 1,000 Australians commissioned by the Institute of Public Affairs.

The polling data collected by Dynata reveals that only 15% of Australians think the date of Australia Day should be changed.

“While only 15% support changing the date, worryingly that minority view continues to occupy a majority in Australia’s institutions like the media, corporate Australia, universities, and schools,” said Dr Bella d’Abrera, Director of the Foundations of Western Civilisation Program at the IPA.

84% of Australians surveyed said they were ‘proud to be an Australian’ – only 5% disagree.

“Mainstream Australians are fundamentally optimistic and positive about Australia and its values,” said Dr d’Abrera.

“Every year the usual suspects talk down our great history, yet IPA polling reveals that 69% of Australians believe ‘Australia has a history to be proud of’, with only 14% disagreeing with that proposition.”

“The bad news is that strongest anti-Australian sentiment is among young people, who through no fault of their own, have been subjected to years of indoctrination at school and at university. In this poll, we are seeing the fruits of bad ideologies like identity politics and critical race theory.”

In the 18–24-year-old age bracket, 54% believe that Australia has a history to be proud of while a significant 22% disagree with the statement. This compares to 82% for the cohort of over 65’s, with only 9% of that age group disagreeing.

Similarly, 25% of 18–24-year old’s want to change the date, while 47% want to celebrate Australia Day on 26 January. This compares starkly to the older age group, in which 78% of over 65’s support for Australia Day on 26 January, while only 9% of that age group want to change the date.

“These results should send a signal to the state and federal governments to reject the radical new national curriculum, which will entrench even further propagate a negative view of Australia, both past and present,” said Dr d’Abrera.

“Schools and universities should teach Australians to be proud of their country, rather than to disparage it, which is what is happening across the board in 2022.”

“26 January marks the foundation of modern Australia, and the freedoms that go with it.  Modern Australia is defined by freedoms which are enjoyed equally by all Australians. This is something that should be celebrated, not denigrated,” said Dr d’Abrera.

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