International Budget Partnership works globally to make budgets work for all people.

Madam Mary Afan leads a regular community meeting of women farmers to discuss issues they face and next steps in their advocacy for budget allocation in Nigeria.

About International Budget Partnership

We partner with budget analysts, community organizers, and advocates in 120 countries to advance public budget systems that work for people.

Together, we generate data, advocate for reform, and build the skills and knowledge of people so that everyone can have a voice in budget decisions that impact their lives.

Open Budget Dialogue with 6 communites in Gambia on the importance of budget participation. / Gambia Participates
Local fisherwoman Nilawati runs a training on diversifying income for other women in her community due to budget credibility issues facing fisherfolk in Indonesia.
countries assessed on transparency, oversight and public participation in public spending
million people accessing new or improved services thanks to strategic budget advocacy
million US dollars increased budget allocations across 7 countries
people across 23 countries participated in budget advocacy training
Featured Network Members

Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ)

Partnership Initiative
+54 11 4381-2371

Development Action Group (DAG)

Partnership Initiative
+27 21 448 7886

Freedom Forum

Partnership Initiative
+977 1 410 2030


Open Budget Initiative, Partnership Initiative, Training and Technical Assistance
+5255 5554 3001

Gambia Participates

Partnership Initiative
+220 438 0725

Indonesian Traditional Fishers Association (KNTI)

Partnership Initiative

Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Fiscales (ICEFI)

Training and Technical Assistance
(+502) 2505-6363

UrbaSEN/Senegalese Federation of Inhabitants (FSH)

Partnership Initiative
+221 33 855 80 03

Open Budget
Survey 2023

The Open Budget Survey is the world’s only comparative, independent and regular assessment of participation, oversight, and transparency in national budgets in more than 125 countries. See how your country compares to others.

Featured Resources
Strengthening Budget Credibility through External Audits: A Handbook for Auditors
Connecting Budget Credibility to the Sustainable Development Goals
Mexico, South Africa, Private: Nigeria, Indonesia, Romania, Gambia, Argentina, Zambia, Cote d’Ivoire, Nepal, Private: Senegal, Mongolia, Private: Ghana, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Regional reports: Open Budget Survey 2021
French, English, Spanish
Learning Briefs: Building the capabilities of grassroots groups to collectively engage with fiscal governance systems

Key Topics

New to budget work? Gain access to resources on how budget advocacy can help you advance social justice issues.

View all

Latest Insights
Budget Trailblazer

Budget Trailblazer: Blendi Hasaj

Jan 26, 2024
Budget Trailblazer

Budget Trailblazer: Ibrahim Ali

Dec 14, 2023
Sanitation and Maintenance activist Zukiswa Quezo, of the Development Action Group, works on the Asivikelane initiative in her home township of Khayelitsha, Cape Town.
Budget Trailblazer

Budget Trailblazer: Zukiswa Quezo

Nov 27, 2023
Latest Event

Headwinds and Tailwinds: Navigating Budgets in Turbulent Times

May 29, 2024
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm GMT