Leadership for Transformative Futures

New and Ancient Wisdom for Shared Leadership: Lessons to (Re)Learn and Unlearn

Upcoming Training

Fundamentals of Facilitation for Racial Justice Work

Join us for our next workshop beginning on October 1st.

Doing What We Can, With What We Have, Where We Are

Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of getting to know... Read More

Quotable IISC

At IISC we’re working hard to stay true to our values and practices by approaching our organizational structure and practices with intention. We’re moving away from traditional management to transformational leadership that is based in shared leadership and the facilitative leadership and equity practices we bring to others

Kelly Frances Bates


Reaching Toward One Another

In these times of splitting and splintering, I keep in mind a powerful experience from a few years ago when a team of us were working with a climate resilience planning initiative in the South Bronx in New York City.... Read More