Your order fuels a more sustainable future

By 2025, iFood is committed to eliminating all plastic pollution from its deliveries, reducing 50% the plastic in its packaging and recycling everything else

Plastic packages

in delivery

Plastic pollution is a huge challenge faced across the world. Each year, around 8 million tons of plastic are discarded into the oceans. Every minute, a truck of garbage is dumped into the sea. A delivery order takes, on average, an hour, between ordering, delivery and eating. So why are we still using plastic packaging that will take over 400 years to decompose?

Among society and consumers, this is already a trend: “75% of customers say they are more satisfied when consuming sustainable products*. 

*2022 ESG and Sustainability Report, Opinion Box

If single-use plastic is bad for the environment, why is it still used? Because there are still no cheaper sustainable solutions.

And that is why we are seeking to change this reality.

iFood invests in cheaper and more sustainable solutions and uses technology to create affordable packaging for restaurants that is much better for the environment.

We won't rest until we find sustainable packaging that's as cheap as plastic.

Our sustainable packaging

Paper packaging

These packages are made of cellulose and receive a layer of biodegradable resin, which protects against grease and moisture.

Cellulose is extracted from trees grown sustainably, preserving the environment.

First the cellulose is transformed into a fibrous pulp to form high quality paper sheets.

This paper is printed with personalized colors and designs. 

Then the paper packaging is cut, glued and goes through finishing to make it resistant and durable.

Firstly because they are made from cellulose, a raw material from a renewable source.

They are also biodegradable and recyclable. After use, they can decompose naturally in the environment. 

There's more: for every tree cut down, three new trees are planted.

  • They are environmentally friendly
  • Versatile, can be made in different colors and shapes
  • They are safe for contact with food and prevent leaks
  • Have an effective moisture and grease barrier to keep food fresh and protected
  • Can be placed in the freezer

growPack biodegradable packaging

The packaging is made from corn straw and receives natural additives. No plastic!

Corn straw collected as residue from plantations is mixed with water and turns into a dough, ready to take shape. 

Next, it is pressed to shape the dough and remove excess water.

Finally, each package goes through a high-precision cutter to receive the final finish.

Produced with renewable raw materials, they are biodegradable and 100% compostable (completely degraded in 12 weeks).

Another difference is that no chemicals are used in its production. Furthermore, this packaging can be recycled along with paper.

  • Versatility: can be used to create different types of packaging
  • It is light but also rigid to protect food
  • Prevents leaks due to innovative design
  • It is safe for direct contact with food
  • Has grease protection for up to 36 hours
  • Can be placed in the freezer, microwave and oven

Biodegradable bags

The biodegradable bag is made from sugar cane and other compostable materials.

It is produced from PLA (a polylactic acid biopolymer). Therefore, at the end of its cycle, it can transform into a plant again, closing its life cycle in a sustainable way.

  • Sugar cane production
  • Biodegradable resin manufacturing
  • Converter that produces bags uses biodegradable resin in its production

The material in the biodegradable bag becomes fertilizer when it is intended for composting and when it is used to dispose of organic waste. 

This facilitates the biodegradation of this waste in landfills, preventing soil sealing and the production of microplastics. Therefore, they are a sustainable and effective alternative to conventional plastics.

  • Made from renewable source
  • Biodegradable and compostable
  • Does not generate microplastic

What else are we doing

Since 2021, we have contributed to recycling around 8 thousand tons of waste, including 1,400 plastics.

PEVs - Voluntary Waste Delivery Points

Voluntary Waste Delivery Points not only help with recycling but can also generate money for those who collaborate

Recycling Model City Guide

Fortaleza will be the first to adopt the solid waste management model, with restaurants and waterfront establishments joining

Support for Fortaleza City Hall

Project supported by iFood innovates by carrying out free selective collection using electric tricycles so as not to pollute the environment

Reverte - Styrofoam recycling incentive program

Widely used in delivery packaging, the material is 100%, recyclable, but not always processed by cooperatives; partnership with Trashin seeks to change this scenario

I've Been Bag

Já Fui Bag transforms backpacks into new products and income. Find out how this iFood project recovered 193 tons of bags instead of sending them to landfills

iFood offers Recicla Bot, an environmental education tool that answers questions about sustainability via WhatsApp.

Are you a partner restaurant and want to purchase our packaging?


Every order that arrives with less plastic in your house feeds the future we need