The results of iFood’s actions for the environment

Company has been investing since 2021 to reduce plastic pollution and increase the number of clean vehicles in delivery

iFood is committed to feeding the future of the world in a sustainable way. Therefore, since 2021 the company has carried out several actions in the area of the environment.

To mitigate impacts in relation to the worsening of the greenhouse effect, iFood has neutralized, since 2021, all CO emissions2 of your deliveries. Furthermore, the company invests in clean modes, which are vehicles such as bicycles (traditional and electric) and electric motorcycles – and has been expanding iFood Pedal, the first program in the world dedicated to renting bikes by delivery people. In the month of May 2024 alone, more than 6,000 couriers used the program. 


To raise awareness among Brazilians about reducing plastic pollution, iFood has initiatives such as partnerships with other companies to develop and offer sustainable packaging, made from cellulose, paper – and even corn straw. 

What are iFood’s sustainable packaging?

In partnership with other Brazilian companies, such as Tuicial, Klabin and GrowPack, iFood encourages the use of biodegradable packaging, such as:

Paper packaging

Fcellulose strips, from certified paper, with a layer of biodegradable resin that protects against grease and moisture. Cellulose is extracted from trees grown sustainably, preserving the environment.

Corn straw packaging

FMade from corn straw, in just 12 weeks they completely decompose (under appropriate humidity and temperature conditions). Another difference is that no chemicals are used in its production. Furthermore, this packaging can be recycled along with paper.

Preserving for the future

Furthermore, the Friends of Nature program – which encourages establishments to reduce the sending of single-use plastics to customers and through which customers can request not to receive them – has already prevented the use of 1,500 tons of plastic in deliveries. Result: 82% of customers prefer not to receive this type of plastic in their order.

iFood also participates in the Together for Recycling movement. Created in 2023, this is an initiative by companies willing to engage people in separating and disposing of waste correctly, contributing to an increase in recycling rates in Brazil. 

But it's not just in delivery that iFood invests in sustainability. At its headquarters, which is in Osasco (SP), more than 18 tons of recyclable waste have already been identified. And more than three tons of organic fertilizer were generated in its urban garden.

Thinking about the long term, iFood invests in forest regeneration and restoration actions in partnership with Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica. Therefore, it receives donations for SOS Mata Atlântica on its app, which are intended for planting seedlings to conserve this biome. As a result, more than 80 thousand trees have already been planted, the equivalent of 32 hectares are being restored.

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