PAULA BOLYARD: Democrat NBC Neurologist Lands a Death Blow on Biden Narrative: ‘He Definitely Has It.’

[Dr. Tom Pitts, who works with Parkinson’s patients in a clinical setting in Dayton, Ohio]  conceded, “We’re finding [word] retrieval doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t know what you want to say. What I cannot comment on is his ability to make good decisions. His motor symptoms are degenerating. He has Parkinsosisms. That is a fact. You know, he has the generation of the brain.”

“Show me the MRI,” he challenged Biden’s doctors. “Show me he doesn’t” have Parkinson’s. “You know, put you put your money where your mouth is. He definitely has it.”

He thinks both Biden and Donald Trump should complete the standard four-hour neuropsychological testing—the hallmark test for cognitive performance (as opposed to the shorter Montreal Cognitive Assessment Trump claims to have passed).

“So, for example, they may have you say, like, say as many words you can in a minute that start with ‘F.'” Patients also do block-building, and a trail-drawing test and complete retrieval exercises. “I may, I may say ‘cup’ and have you recall it three minutes later.”

These are done with a professional PhD in neuropsychology,” he said. “It’s a full day. We tell people, ‘Bring a snack.'”

NBC host Lester Holt asked, “You’re a Democrat, you’re a doctor. You sound like you’re frustrated with what the White House is saying.”

“Well, because, you know, I’m an American before everything. And I look at it and say, when I used to see Russia, the Soviet Union, North Korea, when they just make up outrageous things, you know, like when North Korea can’t keep the lights on, and they say, ‘Oh, you know, it was some faulty power thing.’ I kind of hate that kind of stuff.”

Then he landed a death blow on the Democrat Party: “They had four years. My own party had four years to find—you know, this was a wreck in slow motion. And they had four years to find—out of 350 million Americans—one person that could take [Biden’s] place. And here we are, the day before school, trying to do the homework and replace a guy who’s got a neurodegenerative disease.”

At the beginning of the first Obama term in early 2009, the Washington Post through its then sister-publication Newsweek insisted, “We Are All Socialists Now.” Nearing the end of the third Obama term, is it anyone surprised that our socialist Capitol Hill resembles the Soviet Union of the early 1980s?