14,000 Disney Cast Members Threaten To Permanently Shut Down Disneyland - Inside the Magic

Comments for 14,000 Disney Cast Members Threaten To Permanently Shut Down Disneyland

The image shows an empty pathway leading to a castle at a Disneyland park. An inset photo displays two protesters, one with a yellow scarf blowing into a whistle and another shouting into a megaphone, set against a street protest scene.

Credit: Inside the Magic


  1. Rachel

    So if it does it does cost of living is high people need to be paid above starvation wages. Elites won’t like it that want to experience a magical Disney day while cast mementos sleep in their cars It could be better- this is this first step in breaking down an unfair feudal system

    1. To all cast members, please walk out on strike and don’t settle for anything less then $65.00 an hour and no part time employees allowed. $65.00 an hour is barely making rent in a safe part of Ca. and with all the super high taxes and gasoline prices the local government imposes and tax hikes the residents of California vote on themselves you should be paid nothing less. The union should be paying your bills for you while your on strike, after all your group pays them hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in dues. So shut them down for another year and a half, just like covid. You show them who runs that company.

  2. Paddie O'Furniture

    Fire them all.

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