InMarket | Real-Time Marketing and Measurement

Nature Made Beats the Competition &

Drives High Engagement

Campaign Goal

Nature Made sought to increase awareness of its Fish Oil Omega-3 supplements, conquest competitive brand consumers, and guide the consumer down the funnel to drive in-store purchases.



Delivered exclusive high-impact 1:1 mobile ads to shoppers in stores


InMarket identifies target audience segments based on best-in-class SDK-derived, first-party location data:

  • Frequent shoppers of Nature Made’s partner retailers, Walmart shoppers, purchasers of competitive brands, purchasers of fish oil products
  • Ages 35+
  • “Confident & Clear”: Ages 40-54
    “Blue Collar”: Ages 50+


Primed and engaged target audiences at peak times when they were most receptive to messaging


With the support of InMarket, Nature Made saw Moments performance outperform benchmarks by 6.4x. In addition, the brand was able to increase sales lift by 0.2%, in a category where sales were down by 0.5%. 

0 %

Sales Lift

0 X

Moments CTR

Unit Sales - Nature Made vs. Category

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