
In 2019 Infra created ASF-Pelican as a structure and template for projects to use to build their websites, and for the ASF's own website.

In 2024, Infra moved from ASF-Pelican to the ASF Infrastructure Pelican Action GitHub Action to perform the same functions without being closely tied to BuildBot. The repository for this GHA is

Review the following information to simplify your work with, and get your best results from, the Pelican GHA:

Getting started

See the Pelican getting-started guide.

For site designers

For site developers

  • Data modeling provides what developers need to know to maintain and expand on the data they want to use and display on their site.
  • Build process describes the full end-to-end build from the developer's perspective.
  • Review the plugins that are included in the template repository, and the plugin architecture.

For site committers

  • The template uses GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) to structure content. It also supports most HTML elements.
  • How to develop your site using local builds on a local Linux or macOS system.

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