Jul 09, 2024

Why you shouldn't mix hot and cold water

Siddhartha Jana

Mixing hot and cold water can cause indigestion as hot water is light to digest while cold water is heavy.

Source: Canva

Cold water may harbour bacterial contamination, contrasting with the purity of hot water, potentially causing health issues when mixed.

Source: Canva

Combining hot and cold water disrupts the balance of vata and kapha doshas while producing ama, hindering digestive health.

Source: Canva

This mixture weakens digestion, leading to bloating and hindering nutrient absorption due to temperature inconsistencies.

Source: Canva

Hot water dilates blood vessels, aiding circulation, while cold water constricts them, potentially causing blockages when mixed.

Source: Canva

The benefits of heating hot water are lost when mixed with cold water, reducing its ability to stimulate digestion and cleanse the system.

Source: Canva

Mixing temperatures can confuse the digestive system accustomed to uniform temperatures, leading to suboptimal digestion.

Source: Canva

Using an earthen pot is recommended for maintaining a consistent, moderate water temperature aligned with Ayurvedic principles, preserving health benefits and aiding digestion.

Source: Canva

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