Jul 04, 2024

Understanding lip balm addiction

Siddhartha Jana

Overuse of lip balm can lead to "lip balm addiction," where lips become dependent on external hydration sources, reducing natural moisture production.

Source: Canva

Ingredients like phenol and menthol in lip balms can irritate lips and contribute to dryness with prolonged use.

Source: Canva

Fragrances and flavours in lip balms may cause allergic reactions or irritation, particularly for sensitive skin.

Source: Canva

Natural alternatives such as coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax are recommended to avoid potential dependencies and skin irritation.

Source: Canva

Skin boosters, like injectable moisturizers, are suggested for enhancing lip hydration in clinical settings.

Source: Canva

Lip balm addiction is less severe than perceived, as lips absorb chemicals differently compared to other skin areas.

Source: Canva

Strategies to avoid dry lips include staying hydrated, gentle exfoliation with a soft brush or sugar scrub, and using natural lip masks like beeswax.

Source: Canva

A balanced diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E supports overall skin health, helping to prevent dryness and chapping.

Source: Canva

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