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UPSC Essentials | Mains answer practice — GS 2 : Question on Leader of the Opposition and geopolitical implications of power rivalry across Eurasia (Week 58)

Are you preparing for UPSC CSE 2024? Here are questions from GS paper 2 for this week with essential points as the fodder for your answers. Do not miss points to ponder and answer in the comment box below. Try them out!

UPSC Mains answer practice — GS 2 (Week 58)A view of the new Parliament building on the eve of its inauguration by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in New Delhi. Attempt a question on the leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in today's answer writing practice. (PTI Photo/Shahbaz Khan)

UPSC Essentials brings to you its initiative for the practice of Mains answer writing. It covers essential topics of static and dynamic parts of the UPSC Civil Services syllabus covered under various GS papers. This answer-writing practice is designed to help you as a value addition to your UPSC CSE Mains. Attempt today’s answer writing on questions related to topics of GS-2 to check your progress.

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Discuss various dimensions of complex and deepening interconnections between European and Asian security. How does it offer new strategic opportunities for middle powers like India?


Who can be the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha? Discuss the functions and responsibilities of the Leader of Opposition in the House.

General points on the structure of the answers



— The introduction of the answer is essential and should be restricted to 3-5 lines. Remember, a one-liner is not a standard introduction.

— It may consist of basic information by giving some definitions from the trusted source and authentic facts.


Festive offer

— It is the central part of the answer and one should understand the demand of the question to provide rich content.

— The answer must be preferably written as a mix of points and short paragraphs rather than using long paragraphs or just points.


— Using facts from authentic government sources makes your answer more comprehensive. Analysis is important based on the demand of the question, but do not over analyse.

— Underlining keywords gives you an edge over other candidates and enhances presentation of the answer.

— Using flowcharts/tree-diagram in the answers saves much time and boosts your score. However, it should be used logically and only where it is required.

Way forward/ conclusion

— The ending of the answer should be on a positive note and it should have a forward-looking approach. However, if you feel that an important problem must be highlighted, you may add it in your conclusion. Try not to repeat any point from body or introduction.


— You may use the findings of reports or surveys conducted at national and international levels, quotes etc. in your answers.

Self Evaluation

— It is the most important part of our Mains answer writing practice. UPSC Essentials will provide some guiding points or ideas as a thought process that will help you to evaluate your answers.


You may enrich your answers by some of the following points

QUESTION 1: Discuss various dimensions of complex and deepening interconnections between European and Asian security. How does it offer new strategic opportunities for middle powers like India?

Note: This is not a model answer. It only provides you with thought process which you may incorporate into the answers.



— Recently seen in the news–Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea and Vietnam last week and this week’s presidential debate in the US between incumbent Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump highlight the complex and deepening interconnections between European and Asian security.

— This current affairs development is important as it leads to the examination of some new dimensions of the new “Eurasian” geopolitics. Also, it is accompanied by the rise of middle powers whose influence is growing across Eurasia.


You may incorporate some of the following points in the body of your answer:

— There are four dimensions of the new “Eurasian” geopolitics, which can be summarised as


(i) Asia is no longer a passive participant in European theatre; rather, it actively contributes to Europe’s geopolitics.

— During the colonial era, Asian resources played an important role in influencing the economic and geopolitical fates of European imperial countries.

— The Indian armed forces contributed significantly to Britain’s and its Western allies’ military victories in World Wars I and II.

(ii) The Asian agency in dealing with great powers has grown in the current conflict.


— Russia is now eager to reestablish relations with North Korea. Putin recently visited North Korea for the first time in 24 years, signing a contract on mutual security assistance as well as a number of other accords.

— In recent years, the Biden administration has concentrated on expanding the bilateral relationship with South Korea and developing a new trilateral agreement with Seoul and Tokyo. Meanwhile, China has resumed its own trilateral collaboration with Japan and South Korea.

— Vietnam is the only country that has welcomed Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin for bilateral visits. Vietnam is already engaged in a high-wire geopolitical act, expanding its economic connections with China and the United States while also exploring security collaboration with Washington.

(iii) As Asian manoeuvrability increases, Western dilemmas are sharpening

— A substantial segment of the Republican foreign policy elite believes that the United States should focus its military force in Asia rather than wasting resources on the Ukraine conflict.


— The Biden administration acknowledges that China is the primary challenge, but it is unable to distance itself from its backing for Ukraine.

(iv) The real answer to the question lies in Europe taking a larger responsibility for its own defence — a principle that both Biden and Trump agree on. In other words, Washington wants the Eurasian nations to do more to balance Russia and China and relieve some of America’s burdens.

— Europe is deeply concerned about Russia, but divided on how to deal with China. Europe and the United States disagree on the optimal strategic answers to China’s challenge.

— Deep economic ties between Europe and China’s industrial heartland on the eastern fringe of Eurasia have grown over the previous four decades, making its politicians hesitant to face Beijing.

Opportunities for India

Elaborate on the following points and add more:


(i) India’s defence industrial base requires urgent upgrading, as does the rapid increase of domestic arms manufacture. After all, the essence of the much-vaunted “strategic autonomy” is self-sufficiency in weapons manufacture.

(ii) The United States is seeking to form strong security alliances with middle powers in order to balance China and Russia. The current American emphasis on “integrated deterrence” provides an unparalleled opportunity for middle powers such as India to strengthen their whole national power, including military capabilities.


— The immense churn caused by the rising interconnectedness of the European and Asian theatres is complemented by the growth of intermediate powers, whose influence is spreading throughout Eurasia.

— This strategic window is unlikely to last forever. The question is whether the Indian bureaucracy can move fast enough to seize the current international possibilities.

(Source: In great power rivalry across Eurasia, an opening for India by C. Raja Mohan)

Points to Ponder

Eurasian countries

India and Eurasia developmental ties

Related Previous Year Questions

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QUESTION 2: Who can be the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha? Discuss the functions and responsibilities of the Leader of Opposition in the House.

Note: This is not a model answer. It only provides you with thought process which you may incorporate into the answers.


— The office of Leader of Opposition is a statutory office provided for in the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in the Parliament Act, 1977.

— The two things which were made clear by the act —

(i) The leader of the party in opposition to the government which has the greatest number becomes the Leader of Opposition.

(ii) The Speaker needs to recognise him/her as the Leader of Opposition.

— The Act describes the Leader of Opposition as a “member of the Council of States or the House of the People, as the case may be, who is, for the time being, the Leader in that House of the party in opposition to the Government having the greatest numerical strength and recognised as such by the Chairman of the Council of States or the Speaker of the House of the People”.


You may incorporate some of the following points in the body of your answer:

Functions and responsibilities of the Leader of Opposition in the House

— The Leader of Opposition sits in the front row to the left of the Chair, and enjoys certain privileges on ceremonial occasions like escorting the Speaker-elect to the rostrum. The Leader of Opposition is also entitled to a seat in the front row during the Address by the President to both Houses of Parliament.

— The Leader of Opposition is the opposition’s representative in the high-powered committees headed by the Prime Minister for appointment to key posts such as the Director of CBI, the Central Vigilance Commissioner and Chief Information Commissioner, the Chairperson and Members of the National Human Rights Commission, and the Lokpal.

— The main duty of the Leader of Opposition is to serve as the voice of the opposition in the House.

— An official booklet on Parliament published in 2012 says the Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha “is considered as a shadow Prime Minister with a shadow Cabinet, ready to take over the administration if the Government resigns or is defeated on the floor of the House”.

— The Leader of Opposition lets the Prime Minister govern and is, in turn, permitted to oppose. “His/ her proactive role in facilitating smooth functioning of the business of the House is as important as that of the Government.

— In order of precedence, the Leaders of Opposition in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha come at No. 7, along with Union Cabinet Ministers, the National Security Advisor, the Principal Secretary to the PM, the Vice-Chairperson of the NITI Aayog, former PMs, and Chief Ministers.

(Source: What is the role of the Lok Sabha Leader of Opposition? by Asad Rehman)

Points to Ponder

What is the minimum requirement to recognise someone as the Leader of the Opposition?

Read about Speaker and deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Difference between Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Related Previous Year Questions

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Discuss the role of the Election Commission of India in the light of the evolution of the Model Code of Conduct. (2022)

Previous Mains Answer Practice

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UPSC Essentials: Mains answer practice — GS 1 (Week 56)

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First uploaded on: 03-07-2024 at 13:47 IST
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