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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

Scientists find a way to attach living skin to robot faces, making them look alive

Scientists at the University of Tokyo have found a new way to attach living human skin to robots without damaging or tearing it.

Robot Smiling FaceThe research might also help with plastic surgery and ageing. (Image Source: Cell Reports Physics Science)

Scientists at Tokyo University have found a way to attach living skin cells to robot faces. The breakthrough might allow robots to smile more realistically and mimic other human expressions.

The research team, led by Professor Shoji Takeuchi from the Institute of Industrial Science took inspiration from the structure of human skin ligaments to create what it calls ‘anchors’, which were created by applying collagen gel to small V-shaped holes on the robot’s exterior surface.

He went on to say that the new method offers “a more seamless and durable attachment”. The flexibility of human skin combined with the strong adhesion method allows it to mechanically move the skin without tearing it up or causing any damage.


Takeuchi has also developed a living robot skin using collagen, a protein present in human skin and human dermal fibroblasts, which happens to be the main cell type in the connective tissue, allowing a robotic finger to bend without breaking.

Compared to previous approaches that often damaged the skin, researchers say the new method allows robots to heal the skin themselves, meaning future robots will theoretically repair their own skin tissue just like humans do. However, the technology still has a long way to go before hitting the market.

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For quite some time, one of the major issues when trying to attach human skin to mechanical beings was manipulating the soft and wet biological tissue during the development process. But with this new method, the team suggests the research might also help with things like skin ageing, plastic surgery and cosmetics.


First uploaded on: 28-06-2024 at 13:59 IST
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