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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

July 8, 1984, Forty Years Ago: Martina Navratilova wins her fifth Wimbledon

July 8, 1984, Forty Years Ago: Martina Navratilova won her fifth Wimbledon women’s singles crown and her third in a row, defeating Chris Evert-Lloyd.

This is the front page of The Indian Express published on July 8, 1984, Forty Years Ago.This is the front page of The Indian Express published on July 8, 1984, Forty Years Ago.

IA hijacking mystery

The motives of the nine men, who hijacked the Indian Airlines Airbus to Lahore, remain unclear. Prolonged questioning of the crew failed to shed much light. Captain C S P Singh said the hijackers demanded that the plane be refuelled. He believed they wanted to fly to another destination.

Airport-IA blame game

While the big question about how the hijackers of the IA Airbus managed to smuggle arms onto the flight at Srinagar remains unanswered, the security personnel at Srinagar and Indian Airlines have started blaming each other. IA thinks it was lax security checking at the airport. The Srinagar security staff says that the arms were probably already aboard.

Srinagar curfew


Indefinite curfew was imposed in Srinagar as “a precautionary measure” after rumours that the present government led by Chief Minister G M Shah had been “reduced to a minority.” The rumours were, however, scotched by Farooq Abdullah himself at Mujahid Manzil, where he had shifted to start a “full-fledged” agitation against the new government headed by G M Shah.

AFSPA in Punjab

Punjab and Chandigarh were declared disturbed areas for another three months under the Armed Forces (Punjab and Chandigarh) Special Powers Act, 1983 in the wake of increasing terrorist activity. Under this Act, the security forces are vested with powers to search premises and arrest people without warrant.

Navratilova’s win

Festive offer

Martina Navratilova won her fifth Wimbledon women’s singles crown and her third in a row, defeating Chris Evert-Lloyd.

First uploaded on: 08-07-2024 at 07:00 IST
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