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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

We were today years old when we learnt the correct way to use an aloe vera leaf

Aloe vera can do wonders for your skin as it helps to manage acne, heal rashes, and improve overall skin appearance. But do you know how to use it correctly?

aloe veraHow do you use an aloe vera leaf? (Source: Pixabay)

Aloe vera is immensely beneficial for the skin and hair, making it a common ingredient in many moisturisers, serums, and lotions known to help get rid of itchiness, inflammation, dryness, and dullness. But do you know the correct way to use a fresh aloe vera leaf?

Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E which help strengthen the hair strands and promote healthy hair growth. However, not many people know about the correct way to use a fresh aloe vera leaf. Yes, that’s true. Even we were today years old when we came to know that the leaf needs be soaked in water before use. But we still wanted to verify it with an expert.

What does the hack require?

*Cut the aloe vera leaf from the plant.
*Once it is opened, let the yellow latex ooze out of the plant.


“Latex is known to cause skin irritation or allergic reactions due to the presence of compounds called anthraquinones that may not be suitable for one’s skin. So, soak the aloe vera leaf in a bowl of water and let the latex (yellow substance) get separated from the leaf. Once the colour of the water has changed and become yellow, you are good to go,” said Dr Shareefa Chause, dermatologist and cosmetologist, Shareefa’s Skin Care Clinic.

skincare Don’t use aloe vera directly on your skin (Source: Freepik)

Dr Chause also suggested washing the leaf thoroughly before extracting the gel. “This helps remove any dirt or impurities that may be present on the surface. Then, scoop the gel from the leaf and store it properly in a container that can be kept in the refrigerator for over 7-10 days,” said Dr Chause.


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Aloe vera can do wonders for your skin as it helps to manage acne, heal rashes, and improve overall skin appearance. Similarly, it is also a boon for your hair so ensure to extract the gel and use it the correct way for maximum benefits.

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First uploaded on: 09-07-2024 at 12:28 IST
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