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Ishan Kishan says he experienced travel fatigue; know about its symptoms, and what can be done

Travel fatigue could lead to poor motivation and can adversely affect performance, said consultant neurologist Dr Sudhir Kumar, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad. 

Ishan KishanIshan Kishan on taking a break (Source: AP)

Ishan Kishan recently opened up about taking a break owing to travel fatigue. In an exclusive interview with, the wicketkeeper shared, “I was scoring runs and then I found myself on the bench. These things do happen in a team sport. However, I experienced travel fatigue. It meant there was something wrong, I was not feeling well or right and so I decided to take a break. However, sadly, barring my family and a few close people no one understood that.”

What is travel fatigue and how does it manifest?

Travelling can be tiring, and doing so frequently can take a heavy toll on the mind and body. “Travelling often requires waking up early to travel to the airport to catch early morning flights, or staying awake to catch a late-night one. This leads to missing out on sleep; and if travels are frequent, it could mean missing out on sleep for several nights. Sleep deprivation results in mental and physical fatigue,” explained consultant neurologist Dr Sudhir Kumar, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad.

This can affect the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which regulate mood, sleep, and energy levels. “This imbalance can contribute to fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. It can also lead to sleep deprivation, stress, and physical strain,” said Dr Hema Krishna P, consultant, neurology and movement disorders, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore.


Travel fatigue itself is a “short-term medical condition with no serious complications”. “However, it can be serious if one has associated medical conditions and it can trigger other symptoms,” said Dr Hema.

Add to this, in Ishan Kishan’s case, the disappointment of being benched and not getting opportunities to play in cricket matches took its toll, noted Dr Kumar. “This adds to the mental fatigue, as there is a sense of failure. Despite making sacrifices (frequent travels, spending time away from family and friends, and making adjustments with meals, weather, and time zones), if one is unable to do what he is travelling for (playing matches for India in Ishan’s case), it can be very disappointing,” shared Dr Kumar.

Festive offer mental health It can be exhausting to travel (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

The symptoms of travel fatigue can be compared to burnout and mild depression. “There is no sense of enjoyment in doing daily activities as well as in performing the job. This could lead to poor motivation and can adversely affect performance,” said Dr Kumar.

However, this is not the end of the road. Counselling sessions with a psychologist could help. “A break from the hectic travel schedule can also help. Spending more time with family and friends is another bonus. A relaxing trip/vacation would also be helpful in faster recovery from mental fatigue,” said Dr Kumar.


In some cases, travel fatigue may be more pronounced in people with pre-existing neurological conditions like migraine, epilepsy, sleep disorders, or Meniere’s disease (inner ear disorder affecting balance), cautioned Dr Hema.

It is recommended to consider evidence-based strategies such as:

*Early morning sunlight: Aids in regulating circadian rhythm, promoting daytime alertness and nighttime sleepiness.
*Sleep pattern: Gradually adjust your sleep timing towards the new time zone. “Focus on being asleep and awake at the same time consistently and avoid daytime napping, especially during late evenings,” said Dr Hema.
*Water intake: Sipping water frequently throughout your flight and after arrival is crucial. Dehydration can worsen jet lag’s fatigue and headaches, so stay well-hydrated for a smoother transition.
*Physical activity: Engage in light physical activity during the day at your destination. Avoid strenuous exercise close to bedtime, shared Dr Hema.
*Balanced meal: Maintain a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid heavy meals and excessive caffeine or alcohol, which can disrupt sleep.

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First uploaded on: 09-07-2024 at 10:30 IST
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