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Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024

Role of Social Quotient (SQ) in MBA education and beyond

MBA students with a high SQ have the tendency to become well-rounded leaders who can make a positive impact on both their organisations and society.

Social Quotient (SQ) Importances for MBA students.SQ helps students to establish a connection with grassroots and is essential for standing out and excelling in leadership roles. (Credits: MET Institute of Management)

– Yogesh U Gaikwad, Nilesh R Berad

In today’s fast-paced business world, MBA students need more than just good grades and smarts. They also need to be able to connect with others and work well in teams. MBA programmes usually focus on teaching students how to solve problems and analyse data, but nowadays, businesses want leaders who can communicate clearly, manage teams, and understand different people’s feelings.

As MBA students move into leadership roles, they have to do important things like managing teams and making big decisions. That is why having a high Social Quotient (SQ), which means understanding and relating to others well, is so important for shaping good leaders. It helps MBA students become well-rounded leaders who can make a positive impact on both their organisations and society as a whole.


In today’s globalised business world, it is also really important to be aware of different cultures. MBA students with a high SQ can understand and respect cultural differences, and they can work well in teams with people from different backgrounds. Overall, having a high SQ goes beyond just being friendly or outgoing, it is a crucial part of being successful in business. When leaders have a high SQ, it makes their organizations better places to work, and it helps make the world a better place for everyone.

As per my opinion, SQ extends beyond mere soft skills or people skills. It encompasses a comprehensive set of abilities, including empathy, teamwork, collaboration, and inclusivity.

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In today’s competitive job market, possessing a strong SQ is essential for standing out and excelling in leadership roles. SQ goes beyond just knowing how to talk to people and understanding emotions. It is about having a bunch of different skills that help you be a good leader and work well with others. SQ means being able to understand how others feel, making sure everyone feels included, and being able to adapt to different situations and points of view. It is also about being humble, honest, strong, and being able to motivate and inspire others.

Plus, having SQ means caring about the world around you and making choices that are good for everyone, not just yourself. Basically, SQ is about being a really good leader who cares about people and makes the world a better place.


Furthermore, the development of SQ among MBA students establishes a vital connection with grassroots, the ground level, and the bottom of the pyramid within societies. By understanding and engaging with these segments of the population, MBA students gain insights into real-world challenges and opportunities. This connection facilitates the formulation of informed and ethical business decisions that not only benefit the company but also contribute positively to society. By integrating the perspectives of marginalized communities and considering their needs in business strategies, MBA graduates can drive inclusive growth and sustainable development. Thus, nurturing the SQ of MBA students is not just about individual success but also about fostering a collective approach towards creating a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

Moreover, the cultivation of SQ among MBA students fosters a habit of giving back to society, which is instrumental in their personal development and contributes to making the world a better place to live. As MBA students engage with communities and understand their needs through social initiatives, they develop a sense of empathy, social responsibility, and altruism. These qualities not only enrich their character but also shape them into compassionate leaders who prioritize the welfare of others alongside business success. By actively participating in initiatives such as community service projects, volunteering, or socially responsible business practices, MBA students not only enhance their SQ but also contribute positively to societal well-being. Ultimately, instilling the habit of giving back to society equips MBA students with a broader perspective, enriches their understanding of the world, and empowers them to make meaningful contributions towards creating a more just and equitable society for everyone.

In a notable display of social responsibility and community engagement, the MBA students of MET’s Institute of Management, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik, have garnered praise from the Governor of Maharashtra, Ramesh Bais, for their impactful social initiatives. Under the banner of “MET CARE – Together We Rise” campaigns, these students have demonstrated exemplary commitment to effecting positive change within Nashik.

Governor Bais lauded the students’ efforts, particularly highlighting two standout projects: “Empowering Nashik: Our Journey of Social Change” and “Traffic Transform: Empowering Nashik for AmritKaal Mission.” These initiatives engaged a significant number of students in addressing pressing social and traffic-related issues, reflecting the students’ dedication to community welfare.


Key figures such as Dr Yogesh Gaikwad, Dr Pooja Varma, and Dr Nilesh R Berad played instrumental roles in guiding the students through the process of problem identification, solution exploration, and implementation. Their visionary leadership emphasized practical solutions and community involvement, fostering a sense of responsibility and empowerment among the students.

MET Institute of Management Nashik stands out not only for its academic rigor but also for its commitment to nurturing the SQ of its students. Recognizing the importance of holistic development, MET facilitates initiatives like these campaigns, ensuring that MBA students are equipped not only with intellectual prowess but also with a strong sense of social responsibility.

Esteemed dignitaries and stakeholders in Nashik, including Shri Radhakrishna Game and Shri Jalaj Sharma, have commended the students’ endeavors and the faculty’s guidance in driving social change. The projects undertaken by the students offer valuable insights for urban development and governance, contributing significantly to the betterment of society.

In his commendation, Governor Bais extended heartfelt congratulations to the MBA students and faculty, urging them to persevere in their efforts to effect lasting change within the community. The appreciation from MET’s Trustee, Shri Samir Bhujbal, and Director Dr Nilesh R. Berad underscores the institution’s commitment to cultivating social responsibility among its students.


MET’s Institute of Management, Nashik, exemplifies the pivotal role of SQ in MBA education and beyond. Through their proactive engagement in social initiatives, students not only enhance their academic learning but also develop essential skills and values necessary for driving positive change in society. With dedicated mentorship and a supportive environment, MET continues to inspire a new generation of socially conscious leaders poised to make a meaningful impact on the world.

In conclusion, focusing on Social Quotient helps MBA students become caring leaders who care about others as much as they care about doing well in business. By embracing SQ, students can reach their highest potential and make a big difference in creating a world where working together, understanding others, and including everyone are the most important things. Ultimately, it’s when socially aware leaders work together that we can hope to make the world fairer and better for everyone.

(Yogesh U Gaikwad is the professor and research centre head and Dr Nilesh R Berad is the Director at MET’s, Institute of Management, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Nashik)

First uploaded on: 23-04-2024 at 13:58 IST
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