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Krea University, TiE, The Chennai Angels jointly hold Confluence 2024 for entrepreneurial excellence

The conclave brought together thought leaders, innovators and change-makers from various sectors to foster a culture of innovation, exploration and collaboration.

The Krea University conclave featured programmes including panel discussions and interactive sessionsThe conclave featured programmes including panel discussions and interactive sessions (Image credit: Krea University)

Krea University’s IFMR Graduate School of Business (GSB), TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) Chennai and The Chennai Angels jointly organised Confluence 2024: Catalyzing Entrepreneurship.

The inaugural event by the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Krea University brought together thought leaders, innovators and change-makers from various sectors to foster a culture of innovation, exploration and collaboration.

The conclave, according to a Krea University statement, was a vibrant assembly of minds and ideas aimed at catalysing the entrepreneurial spirit among attendees. It featured a meticulously curated programme of keynote addresses, panel discussions, and interactive sessions that delved deep into the nuances of entrepreneurship in the modern era.


Among the distinguished guests, Lakshmi Narayanan, Chancellor, Krea University, and Gopal Srinivasan, Chairman and Managing Director, TVS Capital Funds Limited, set the tone for the day with their insights into the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship. The presence of Srini Raju, Chairman, Sri City Foundation, further highlighted the conclave’s significance in bridging the gap between academic inquiry and industrial application.

The conclave, the statement added, was enriched by an array of panel discussions that spanned the spectrum of entrepreneurial endeavour.  

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Whil the first panel “Breaking Boundaries: The Power of Disruptive Innovators” showcased the journeys of pioneers like Mahesh Ramachandran, Founder and Chief Mentor, Tech Innovations, CIGS, Natasha Jethanandani, CTO, Kaleidofin, and Senthil Kumar, Co-founder and Board Member, Qube Cinema, the second panel “Green Ideas to Green Profits: Stories of Eco-Entrepreneurs,” highlighted sustainable business practices with speakers including Deepak Baghel, Co-Founder and CEO, Mielo India,  Deepanshu Khandelwal, CEO, Catalyst AIC, LEAD at Krea University, Karthic Rathinam, Founder, Out of the Box, Madhumitha Udaykumar and Jagadeesh Kumar, Co-founders, The Indus Valley.

The dialogue extended into the realm of “Connected Efficient Inclusive: The Landscape of Smart Services,” in the third panel where Akhila Rajeshwar, Executive Director, TiE Chennai, Professor Anil Srinivasan, Co-Founder, Kruu Inc, Visiting Professor of Practice, Krea University, Nirmalya Pal, Founder, Campusutra, J Salim Vali, Partner, Capital Development, IIMA Ventures and Vamshi Vasudevan, Founder and CEO, Anyo App  explored how innovative services are creating more inclusive economies.

First uploaded on: 27-03-2024 at 16:32 IST
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